Looking for a friendly and active bossing guild! DeliciousBao / Paladin / 145 GMT+1 Discord - tehspark.
Hi! I would like to join the guild.. IGN / Job / Level (Zyrakiel/Priest/108) Name, nickname and/or alias (Zyra) Time zone (GMT + 7) Do you have discord? ( Yes ) Previous guilds, if any and reason for departure. (None, new to this game and mapleroyals) Thank YOU!
Small update: Excited to announce that │MENTAL and │BibleBlack have joined the alliance. Furthermore we are currently at maximum guild capacity meaning recruitment will pause for the time being.
Update: Starlight is once again recruiting new members. Please follow the above application and we will get back to you.
IGN / Job / Level KetamnSponge/Bishop/160 Name, nickname and/or alias max Time zone est Do you have discord? ( Yes ) Previous guilds, if any and reason for departure. I honestly am active on 3 chars two of which in other guilds. Im on daily and a no lifer lmao. So if you can use a bishop ill deff be active its my main. Want to join to be #1 event farmer f3
Thank you for your interest. Unfortunately I've been informed of some questionable comments made in both guild and voice chat. I regret to inform you that we won't be accepting your application.
any chance can pm these questionable comments? dont like ppl slandering my name just want to confirm not lies
I understand that you don't want to have your name tarnished but I unfortunately cannot share these messages in order to protect the individuals from potential harassment.
ok lol seems like individuals harassing me by potentially spreading fake rumors but ok if u choose to believe one side no problem
Kromato/ Drk / 107 Oswald, but my preferred nickname is Krom. EST I do have Disc, I use it quite a lot. Guild name Toxic, joined because I didnt have a guild. Nothing bad to say about them honestly, but they dont use Disc, so I want to join a guild that does.
IGN / Job / Level - Cygnia Name, nickname and/or alias Wynn Time zone CST Do you have discord? ( Yes / No ) yupyup Previous guilds, if any and reason for departure. Doppelganger (5 years ago) Tenacity (2 years ago, inactivity)