IGN (Name): Levai Job/Level: Priest/104 Country: Malaysia Time Zone: GMT+8 Why you want to join Exile: well, started this game alone. need friends for bossing, talking....
Hello, thanks for your interest in joining Exile. However, I am so sorry to tell you that we are not inviting any clerics/priests/bishops at the moment. But we will keep you in mind, if there are any slots for healers, we will let you know Happy Mapling
IGN (Name): No idea yet (Ben) Job/Level: DK/hero to be (any advice?)/0 Country: Singapore Time Zone: GMT+8 Why you want to join Exile: Cause I heard Stella very nice. Ok, I admit that I'm just bored at work. So having random thoughts about how expensive washing my thief is getting. Hahahaha.
LOL! Who tell you that I am nice Well we need attackers, either jobs are fine. Anyways, we have lots of heros. Can try DK
IGN: SnortCocaine Name: Eugene Level/Job: 144 Hero w/ 5.9k clean range (no MW, no attack pots) Country: Australia Time Zone: GMT + 11 Why Join Us?: I am an attacker looking for lots of boss runs- I will join as much as I can. Arcady alliance helps too.
Ok, since Stella say so. I train DK. Hahaha. But till can become attacker, don't now need how long sia.
Take your time. Don't need to be chiongster. Go out and breathe fresh air more than breathing in Maple.
IGN : Zarooolaaaa Name: Zar Level/Job: Beginner Level 1 Country: Singapore Timezone: GMT+8 Why join us : Because I love Exile
IGN: keaneisscwew Name: keane Level/job: Spearman Level 48 Country: SG Timezone: GMT+8 Why join us: I WANT TO MEET MORE SG/MY ppl (same time zone marh). im also new to mapleroyals so i need help ))
Recruitment resume and updated guild forum! We are now looking for more attackers in our guild! Sorry that we may not accept Mages for now. Drop us a complete form here. Our JRs will invite you after approval! IGN : Name : Job & Level : Timezone : About yourself :
IGN : TalkToMyAss Name : OP Gene Job & Level : NightLord 186 Timezone : I dont sleep About yourself : I am handsome af