IGN: Kakar0tt (the o = the #0) Level: 126 Class: Pally Nationality: Korean american Country of Residence: USA Can you join the guild open chat on KakaoTalk? yes Can you join the guild Discord server? yes Have you read and understood the guild rules? yes Are you aware that you may be expelled from the guild if you violate the guild rules? yes Please briefly explain why you would like to join our guild. I'm looking to join a Korean community and expand my in game connections, and it seems NewPlanet is the most well known Korean guild!
닉네임 : kimchizzim 레벨 : 65 직업 : pirate 국적 : south korea 거주 국가 : canada 주로 접속하는 시간 (캐릭터 길드 추가를 위해) : afterwork 카카오톡 길드 오픈채팅에 참여 할 수 있습니까? yes 길드 디스코드에 참여 할 수 있습니까? yes 길드 룰을 이해하고 숙지 하셨습니까? yes 길드 룰 위반시에 퇴출 될 수 있음을 이해하셨습니까? yes 길드 가입 신청하신 이유를 간단히 적어주세요. Hello. I was bored while doing it alone, so I applied to join the guild because I wanted to find a friend to do it with.
IGN: UpUranus Level: 43 Class: Assassin Nationality: Korean Country of Residence: United States Can you join the guild open chat on KakaoTalk? Yes Can you join the guild Discord server? Yes Have you read and understood the guild rules? Yes Are you aware that you may be expelled from the guild if you violate the guild rules? 네 재밌는거는 같이해요 여러분<3
IGN: KyoungSeo Level: 33 (recently coming back into the game), my main character is a level 187 corsair but I gave all my items and mesos to my friends so I'm not playing my corsair anymore. I also used to have a buccaneer level 125 but not playing anymore too. Though my old characters can be used to get buffs (mw20, SI, TL) Class: Page Nationality: French Country of Residence: France but plan to spend next year in South Korea Can you join the guild open chat on KakaoTalk? Yes I can Can you join the guild Discord server? Yes of course Have you read and understood the guild rules? Yes, I understand Are you aware that you may be expelled from the guild if you violate the guild rules? Yes, I'm aware Please briefly explain why you would like to join our guild. I want to play together with people, doing pqs and leveling up together. I also want to talk with korean people to improve my korean which is currently at basic level. Outside of the game, I love Kpop, korean food, playing badminton and more. Fighting!
IGN: Successor Level: 151 Class: Night Lord + SE/SI/HS mules Nationality: Korean American 교포 Country of Residence: South Korea Can you join the guild open chat on KakaoTalk? 네 Can you join the guild Discord server? 네 Have you read and understood the guild rules? 네 Are you aware that you may be expelled from the guild if you violate the guild rules? 알겠습니다 Please briefly explain why you would like to join our guild. 한국말 요즘에는 잘안 쓰고있어서 대충만 대요... 좀 봐주세요~ 이게임 오랫동안 안해서 친구들 다 없어졌어요 ㅠㅠ 같은 시간에 놀수있는 사람들을 찾고싶습니다. 한국말 도 더 자주 쓰고 배울수있으면 좋겠어요!