Our 4th job adventure with our lovely slowpoke Nancy. Thank you Aaron and Akira for joining us! And congrats Nancy on 4th! 13/03/2016
The tragic story of our Nancy dying twice in Zak. Meanwhile Zak didn't even move or attack the last minute... She still died... R.I.P Nancy 16/03/2016 SS credits to @Raiyan Dying the first time... The second time...
Finally a Night Lord ... 80 more levels to go! Thank you @KaiStark and @virex for helping me level. 16/03/2016
Pandora Guild event! Hide & Seek in Omega Sector and Korean folk town. After that we did a Zak jump quest race. It was a nice way to celebrate my birthday on here. thank you guys for joining! 19/03/2016 Omega Sector Winners William, Mumu, Alex. Korean Folktown winners Alyss, Shin, Joanna Zak JQ race winners Lionel, Alex, Pat Spoiler: Korean Folktown hiding spot Korean Folktown hiding spot Spoiler: Omega Sector Omega Sector hiding spot Spoiler: Where is Iris? Trying to find me... Where is Iris? Spoiler: Zak JQ race! Also... Rip Ryan. You'll be missed.
Back at it again. GPQ HYPE Can I blame me dying on the lag again? ... NO EXCUSES FOR RAN THOUGH! 24/03/2016
Thank you so much for your drawing Zac /@Kentavious. I think it's hilarious, and it definitely deserves a place in the memory thread. 07/04/2016
Family reunion with our long lost player Malene! We missed you SummerEdge/Malene, it has been half a year since we last saw you. It feels so great to have you back. 12/04/2016
Thank you Zac/@Kentavious for such a beautiful drawing! I love every single detail in this drawing! All credit goes to him!