Merry Christmas to all you lovely people in Ohana & to all Royallers! May everyone have an enjoyable & blessed day filled with love & laughter & sparkles!
IGN poka Level/Class:79 priest Name/Age:jun and im 15 Country:singapore Activeness:6hrs a day maybe Why do you want to join?cause im lonely and sad and have no guild Have any friends in the guild? If yes, who? no More about yourself: i like to eat chicken rice
IGN: Succubus Level/Class: 106 Priest Name/Age: Andy/21 Country: USA Activeness: Depends on my school schedule, but at least a few times a week. Why do you want to join? I can say that Ohana definitely stands out among other guilds. Even for a fairly new guild, it looks like you've already established a lot. I wouldn't want to miss out on the fun things you have planned! Have any friends in the guild? If yes, who? I'm not sure, but I'd like to find out. Btw, HI RAINE! More about yourself: We'll save that for later.
Please pm one of the Jrs to be added into guild. Welcome to ohana <3 Is your character a girl? I'll teach you one special Chinese word later. Edited: I'll teach you now. When you see me, just say zuo mo ni bi wo mei *& you f4 all the way"
Andy!! Hello! I'm so surprised (in a happy way of course) that you'd actually choose Ohana! I can't wait for you to be our guildie Welcome in advance <3
IGN: Strings Level/Class: 121 Bowmaster Name/Age: Stacy (but Moose is preferred) Country: United States (New Jersey) Activeness: Fairly active on several characters unless life gets in the way. (Always available on skype). Why do you want to join? Ohana seems like a fairly open-minded, friendly, and active guild... I'd like to make some friends without the pressure of needing to be a higher level. Have any friends in the guild? If yes, who? None that I know of. More about yourself: I've been a Royaler since August of 2013, and have been around for a while in the community. Many of the guilds I've been in have either gone inactive or disbanded due to their leaders leaving the game. While I may tend to be a bit of a dork, what I really would like to achieve is acceptance for being myself. I may not have the best equips, way of training, or highest level, I have the love and passion for Maple and wanting to see people succeed.
IGN: aFriend Level/Class: 60 / Hunter Name/Age: JuSong / 18 Country: Mexico Activeness: 1-2 hours almost every day (winter break at the moment!), but that will change when I come back at school Why do you want to join? I've seen several members in this server in Ohana, and seemed to be quite chatty and friendly. I've been in a really close knitted guild in the real server in 2009/10, but everyone there eventually stopped playing (it may emerge again who knows). Being in a guild makes the game so much better, and reminds me why I play this game in the first place. It would be nice to have that experience in this nostalgic server! My main also my highest levelled pre-bb character too, so I would like to share my experiences with others and have my first, third job (and even forth job? ooo) character! Have any friends in the guild? If yes, who? No, unfortunately. More about yourself: I like to watch videos on YouTube (anything from sketch comedy, tech videos, some covers, travel and talk-y vlogs, even cooking videos, lol), watch some anime and shows, read some manga, sketch and draw, play my violin (not that good), but mostly browse on random sites and other social media to keep me entertained and updated on what's going on in the tech/culture world. I plan to study computer science and designing when I graduate high school
IGN: Kyrien Level/Class: 59/Assasin Name/Age: Justin/20 Country: Hong Kong Activeness: Depends, usually at least 2 hours a day Why do you want to join? I like bossing and its great to be in a guild with people in your time zone Have any friends in the guild? If yes, who? Nope, not yet More about yourself: Have been playing maplestory since grade 5, night lord was my favorite class, until those stupid update ruined it haha. Been in Royals for a while, had a dk before, but I feel like doing damage more so i quit it Looking forward to continue my love with nl here haha
IGN: Chank Level/Class: level 137/Dark Knight Name/Age: Andyrew/22 Country: Unite States Activeness: 1-2 hours ish a day? Why do you want to join? Was looking for a friendly new active guild with a nice warming atmosphere. Have any friends in the guild? If yes, who? Nah. More about yourself: Name's really Andrew, but everyone kept calling me Andy or Andrew, so I combined the two and became Andyrew . I like to chill in the fm alot, but my main goal is to get strong enough to boss and stuff (I'll get there eventually). I guess that's all I can think of right now.
BOWMASTER? y raine y dont u know me enough i am marksman im sed, veri sed jk im touched im mentioned yo woohoo