"3 DEX 118 WA 0 Slots White Nisrock" sold for 100M in shop. Reduced price of "2 DEX 120 WA 0 Slots White Nisrocks (x2)" to 200M each.
"2 DEX 120 WA 0 Slots White Nisrocks (x2)" sold in shop for A/W 200M each. Added "3 DEX 123 WA 0 Slots White Nisrock (0 Slots)".
"3 DEX 126 WA 0 Slot White Nisrock" sold for 1.52B to anonymous buyer. "3 DEX 123 WA 0 Slot White Nisrock" sold for A/W 600M in shop. Added 11 Speed 10 Jump Clean Violet Snowshoes (VSS)
Removed "11 Speed 10 Jump Clean Violet Snowshoes" from shop because I scrolled it myself to max speed & jump shoe. Added "4 DEX 125 WA 0 Slot White Nisrock".
"4 DEX 125 WA 0 Slot White Nisrock" sold for A/W 1.1B in shop. Added "29 STR 10 DEX 0 Slot Dark Ades"
"29 STR 10 DEX 0 Slot Dark Ades" was given for free to a bowman friend since nobody offered a price that I cared about. "13 STR 100 WA 0 Slot White Fangz" still remains.
Yes, I am open to accepting a craven of lower WA as part of the payment. Feel free to start a conversation with me, and give me the stats of the downgrade RC, your expected value of the downgrade, and your top-up. If I agree with the valuation, I will post the offer here.