Oh wow. Didn't notice this before. Really convenient to not have to ask for price checks on scrolls all the time anymore.
I can't find 30% scrolls (such as cape str, overall dex, etc) Also will the prices be re-adjusted for inflation c:
Hello, Nice little tool you got there! if you're interested in keeping the Kaizoku price list up to date please visit tinyurl.com/mapleroyalsscrolls every now and then, the date of the latest update is always on top now.
This is pretty great, but it still has the problem of a fluctuating market. This could be solved by some automation. Now, I don't know whether or not the devs would allow this, but this could possibly be linked to the game server. There is already some price searching functionality within the game(e.g. owls of minerva). So, it would require some coordination with the devs, but that link to the server could be used to update the list every hour or so based on actual market prices.
Hi friends, I've updated the site with the latest prices from Plenty's price guide. Check it out: RoyalsPrices