Discussion in 'Selling' started by sunny1989, Jul 15, 2016.
noted add new 24tmatt earrings 2 slots
700m for 9 int 15 matt 2 slots single earrings
I can buy 10/6 3 slot earrings 190m
noted selling in 24 hr
A/w (800m) 9 int 15 matt 2 slots single earrings. Ign: CaptainYoo
830 mil for 26 tma shield
sold earings 24tmatt
add new stuff bump
if 10/6 3 slot earrings not sold i'm offering 200m
Ohh dear i want the 29 tma 1slot
A/w on 29 tma shield
add 32tmatt shield b
new shields
Shield 29 tma(10/19) + 1 red sock for your 32 tma Add me in game Ign:Leeeech
@yumyumkim I can accept red sock as 510m but only with ws chaos and mesos for the rest sorry!
32tmatt shield sold 1.7B in game
add new 32tmatt shield
Separate names with a comma.