any1 can help with max skill ordser you recomend . im lvl 152 with canon/ship/rapid/bullseye max . what should i max next . im not into got run bears or golem in lhc , i would go to rg when i will be 175. thanks for help
1 point in elemental boost, only for freeze time mw9 is a good idea. even if you have mw20 on another char, you can't bring them into RG so it's a good idea to be able to buff yourself max octopi next probably aerial strike after that, then torpedo
you can use torpedo in RG if you want, but your ship will be ripped to pieces if you try to aggro a bunch of mobs at once
Hi guys 1. How do we get more speed/jump for corsair? Is having multiple pets the only way? 2. Is speed or jump more important for corsair? 3. Is it better to keep dismounting every shot from bosses or just tank the small damages (one or a few thousand per hit) and let the ship break?
1. I'm pretty sure you only get the stats from the first pet equip, not the 3 of them. You get speed/jump from pots or late game equips. 2. Not really. 3. Depends, on a big fight yeah, try to dismount. If it's a small boss you farm just tank the hits.
1. You do get the boost from all three pets. Having max speed and jump is fairly easy with three pets/mon/Xmas nose. 2. It makes you a bit more mobile and your wings and recoil macro floats further since your initial jump/bounce is higher. Thats up to you and your play style. 3. Yeah, depends on the boss and your ship’s HP. You can be lazy and just avoid 1/1s and stun attacks as you learn the bosses mechanics.
different strategies for different bosses chao: you don't have to get hit at all, just wait for him to follow you left, then jump over all his attacks ephenia: preserving ship HP is a fool's errand papulatus: dismounting 1/1 is easy. dismounting ice/fire/lightning is fairly easy/very difficult/literally impossible, respectively. unless you're super sweaty, just dismount 1/1 zakum arms: don't bother zakum body: it's possible to dismount everything. if you want, you can tank lightning if you have ship health to spare. don't get stunned on ship krexel: dismounting is possible but he doesn't hit hard enough to break your ship more than once so don't bother, just keep octopus up and cannon away horntail: ideally you should dismount this, but it is chaotic with so many parts. at least it's easy on preheads
I've heard rule of thumb is usually you dismount for attacks that hit >4k, would you generally agree with that? Other bosses: Von Leon: just stand out of range, right? I think that's possible for almost all attacks if you position just right. Auf: IDK, cry? Bring smoke mules?
My ship isn't maxed yet so I draw the line at ~3k. I'm sure that it's more lenient for higher-level sairs. But early on, I recommend dismounting literally everything possible so you can build up that muscle memory
First of all, dismounting means you arent firing your cannon so you lose dps for each dismount even if you keep your boat for a longer period of time. If you dismount constantly it defeats the purpose since you lose more dps than the extra ship uptime is even worth. So there is a balance. Personally I dont bother dismounting for hits less than 8k (at lv200). At lv200 you can get away with only dismounting for 1/1s and never even break your boat for a lot of bosses, this is really boss specific. For instance there was someone (from Rogue if I recall correctly) testing dismounting at Castellan toad years ago versus just tanking everything and it turns out the times without any dismounting were faster since dismounting every hit loses you too much dps (toad hits hard every hit). Three pets is an easy way to get passive haste stats, but you can get very close to it with just one scrolled for speed if you have all the relevant untradeables. And end game with a scrolled Auf helmet you have passive haste stats regardless even without any pet equipment.
Interesting. How big was the difference? 30min run turned into 20min run? (numbers are arbitrary, I have neither fought toad nor have any knowledge about its clear speed)
He was soloing for around an hour with apples and the difference wasnt drastic, just a couple minutes. The point is, dismounting doesnt make your runs faster by default, it's always case specific. Sometimes you want to intentionally take ship damage too, like timing your 1st shipbreak at HT when the 2nd prehead dies (I just stop dismounting towards the end of prehead 2) so that you can use the time before main body is summoned for ship cooldown. Try to learn all 1/1 animations and dismount against those. You can also dismount while stunned by right clicking the ship icon at top right, though this is risky, I have accidentally cancelled my apples countless times doing that when the boss just so happens to dispell you right before you click. Still it's usually worth it since your boat gets pounded while stunned otherwise. Usually it's a good idea to dismount against animations you are already comfortable with (meaning you get the hit timing exactly right, minimising time not shooting) instead of wildly trying to dismount against everything. There is also a way to move around while shooting by directional hopping and firing in air, which the guide doesnt talk about. By doing this you can reposition without losing dps, especially helpful against knockback heavy bosses (like cwk pirate) or bosses that barely do ranged damage and just push you back (like scarlion). Im still advocating for a manual way to force the boat cooldown when you want to, like before you start bossruns so that you wouldnt need to relog for that or when there is a brief pause in the action (there are many pauses during Auf expeditions) or making sure you have full ship health when Auf clones spawn to kill them asap (you cant rapid fire them, they have damage reflect).
The next time my friends poke at me about my ship breaking, I'll tell them I'm increasing my dps This would be nice for bossing or during pauses/moving around maps when hunting mobs devs halp