I see your point and I partially agree with it, most people will never get the same nostalgic maplestory, because most people did not achieve endgame and did not play ranged characters where they are not designed to be played. but the players have evolved, the knowledge that we have now gives us tools powerful enough to make the game easier then it was back then, and that is why royals is so focused around end game because everything before that is just "easy" for players who played this game long enough, which is a very large percentage of the community, it leads me to a simple conclusion: It is not the game that changed, it's the player that did. you feel like the game is different because the player base made it that way, back then only a small percentage had the knowledge or the tools to hp wash and achieve killing a boss that was not designed to be killed by the character they were playing, so saying that you want everyone to enjoy end game bosses on a ranged class for basically free is kind of against how the game was designed which makes it understandable that it will require hard work to achieve. maplestory at its core was designed to be hard, it was designed to be a hard long tiring challenge, that's what I remember from gms and that's what I am experiencing now. back then the game was hard early, and was insanely hard late, now its just hard even with hp washing it is not even remotely close to being as hard as old gms, I remember saving 2m for months to buy a steely, now i am saving for months to wash my character, look it at how you want, but if you do not like a challenge then you wouldn't like old gms either.
Nostalgia essentially is individual because we are sentimental to our own experiences, What I or any other player find nostalgic might not be nostalgic for you. Your post represents a point of view of a mid-game player rather than the people you claim to argue for, The new players who just joined and seek the nostalgic experience. Most of the people I encountered at first just want to explore and revisit their own memories, and usually, they don't really think about the late game until they get there. If they get there. When someone whos fairly new asks me about HP washing its most likely because I or someone else was to mention it first. Not too long ago I have finished washing my hero. While being very opinionated about how flawed HP washing as a game design was on GMS, I enjoyed the struggle and the hardships that came with washing here on royals. It's kind of like working out I guess? Starting is a pain in the ass, and you feel uncomfortable while you are doing it. But once you are done you feel accomplished. As for the original topic of this thread: NO. And its nonrelated to the fact I have washed and that would be unfair to me. That hardship I faced while in HT on a 2.5k unwashed & new BS made me a better player. Deaths, Dispells, Lost splits, and not to mention all the L's I took learning. Progress and growth isn't meant to be easy, and looking back I'm fond of these memories the most ❤️
OK, hear me out. What if the temporary HB effect was added to a limited item like Pumpkin Pie, which can only be obtained a few times per year? This would ensure that the effect on Drk/washing meta remains minimal, but it will definitely be appreciated by unwashed characters, who can use them for a few boss runs every year.