So I decided to go Shao today while I was waiting for the valentines event bosses to spawn and I stumbled across a very interesting idea. Spinel exists in Amoria, what would happen if I went to Lushan town through the Spinel in Amoria, but then went into the FM in Lushan and went back to Amoria and continued this same loop. Interestingly from my experience, it keeps taking me back in circles if I exit the loop over and over again, but at the end of the number of times I've looped the cycle, I end up in Henesys when talking to Thomas swift, instead of back in the NLC Free Market where I originally started. WEIRD. I asked guildies to see if they could recreate, but most were too lazy or couldn't be bothered lol.. so wanted to throw this interesting "bug"? on forums to see if anyone else thought of doing this time consuming thought experiment.
Discovered this during last year valentine event. The loop is the actual count of you doing this (FM>amoria>lushan>FM). During the second time it happened to me, I just use VIP Tele to somewhere outside
The warp to henesys prevents you from getting stuck. If you ask me it would've been a bug only if we could stay in an infinite loop. Because the game breaks that loop, id say it works as intended
O that explains how I suddenly was in henesys when I started to go to Amoria via ludi fm and then did event/shao only for couple of days. LF vip TP rock refund