I joined mapleroyals and one thing for sure is that I NEVER THOUGHT IT'LL BE SO ADDICTIVE. is it okay if i have a few? face access for acc 30/70 one handed sword & axe (both att and acc) Would definitely love to scroll some stuff with it
I joined because my little brother msged me at 4 am saying to download this. I played ms back 2003-2007, downloaded it a couple years ago and was freaked out on how different everything was and also how difficult it was to retrieve my old account. This took me back and brought some memories that I never thought I would re live again. I don't need or want any scroll since I started playing less than 24 hours ago and don't really see how I would need any of them. Was looking through the forum and saw this thread and felt like sharing my welcome.
Hello there! Joined mapleroyal to continue the goals I have not achieved in the olden days maplestory. Would love to have whatever HP scrolls (not face please, face equip is ex for me) you giving away!
IGN: StarLordEz I joined mapleroyals after being told by a friend that it was a popular server with the pre big bang conditions and old jobs which I really missed. After having played for a few weeks, I really enjoyed myself despite minor issues such as lags and dc's but overall I'm definitely here to stay on royals! I would like to have eye accessory acc and face accessory hp
Oh, almost forgot. I joined mapleroyals because I disliked all post BBB maplestory happenings. I felt like it became a huge cluster of too much going on at once. I found out about mapleroyals from 4chan.
I joined MapleRoyals because it is the most original maple private server I had play before. I need Claw for ATT 30% if they are available IGN: Hawkxhermitx
i joined mapleroyals because of the nostalgia. i absolutely loved the old mapelstory and how the community was talkative and just the layout in general was awesome. i want the LUK for shield scrolls. either the 70% or 30%% please. im a bandit and using it on my maple shield would be cool IGN: inayuki
well if its still relevent, I have join Royal because I wanted to play in a server as close as i could possibly find to V0.30 - 0.31 old maple, as i used to play as a 14 y.o, this is the best i have found, and its cool.
Umm do you still have any shield scrolls? I would likd some plz I love this server because it is active, ALL THE PQS R working, i just. Love it.
I joined maple royals cause.. my gf made me heh can i get the two hand for attack scrolls and mebbe the shield for luk for my gf (shes having problems equipping stuff as a bishop lol) IGN : Growiithe