General Ban appeals are a meme and need a clear rework.

Discussion in 'Accepted' started by Solsticio, Jun 3, 2023.


Does the way ban appeals are handled need to change?

  1. Yes

    81 vote(s)
  2. No

    23 vote(s)
  3. The staff needs to change.

    6 vote(s)
  4. Ban appeals and the staff needs to change.

    27 vote(s)
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  1. frozenrain

    frozenrain Donator

    Aug 22, 2022
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    Should I have a formal defense for every petty lie someone utters on the internet?

    Though I suppose this is at least tangentially relevant in the sense of people making up random stuff with the hope of hurting someone over mushroom games.
  2. Solsticio

    Solsticio Donator

    Aug 13, 2019
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    Ain't a major state secret but that doesn't means that is not supposed to be secret even if said knowledge is available to those truly interested in the facts.

    You should remember the shitshow that was a certain thread a while ago, posts deleted, names being thrown left and right and the eventual lock.

    - There's no way to contact him unless you know him, randoms like me aren't able to connect with him unless you relay messages through a third person.
    - I can't believe that the server owner does not have any knowledge of how things are being carried so i must assume that this does have some sort of approval from his part.

    Exactly people bragging/not being able to keep their secrets in order to inflate their egos and general backstabbing is how things gets leaked as for Tim being manipulated, i can't tell anymore but maybe its simple as having a "trustable" 3rd party do proactive "due diligence" that saves time and efforts, maybe its not that simple and maybe we'll never know.
    Wavelength and Equinoccio like this.
  3. Dave Deviluke

    Dave Deviluke Forum Moderator

    Oct 5, 2017
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    Hence why I suggested [Community Blacklist]

    I can only recommend you guys to post the facts with relevant info such as screenshots and refrain from personal insults that would derail the actual purpose of the post

    Have you guys submitted a report about the said "private reports" or the situation about weaponizing reports?

    If no, have you guys spoken with any Staff about your concerns about the situation?
    Did the Staff just simply reject and not take the claims seriously?

    If nothing was done to reach out to the Staff, I don't think it's fair for us (players) to simply throw out allegations against Tim
    degerman123 and Becca like this.
  4. lxlx

    lxlx Donator

    Jul 18, 2017
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    Isn't that the point of this thread?
    Dominican likes this.
  5. Dave Deviluke

    Dave Deviluke Forum Moderator

    Oct 5, 2017
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    This thread did not provide any supporting screenshots of the said allegations though

    How are you guys reaching out to the Staff about the gravity of the situation while excluding the details?

    Anyway, do submit a report with the relevant info
  6. Solsticio

    Solsticio Donator

    Aug 13, 2019
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    But what if the intention is not to get anyone blacklisted but exposed.
    Frankly nothing would happen if one does get community blacklisted asides some gibberish, it works for bad community actors like random guy that steals apples, random guy that scams leech buyers and aprs in bulk so people can be aware but it doesn't work for people that moves within their own circles.

    Submit a report reporting staff here at forum?
    You know that does feels like going against the government in a 3rd world country where they can simply ignore, silence and disappear you?

    To whom?
    I don't have anyone that i can reach.
    That's one of my original complaints as a banned player i don't have any sort of support here neither anyone to go with.

    Why do you think that i am making this thread after being banned for a few months with a non existent response-ratio/month and seeing how bad it has been for players that have been unbanned already? (and even for players that had to wait months before their appeals were fully closed and the ban confirmed permanent)

    At least i got a reply from Matt, the first one of any sorts i've legitimately gotten to some of my concerns but that doesn't mean i should drop this thread entirely.

    Because the main point of this thread was to address the horrible response time on the average appeal and the general treatment given by the staff towards players that have been banned.
    As arguments started being thrown logically more things started surfacing but then we'll be back to square one so i quote myself.

    Maybe the actual "private" reporting topic can be discussed and addressed properly but that's not going to happen without any good faith from the higher ups, posting screenshots will be done only to expose "bad actors" but i am not naive enough to expect any changes or real consequences to that.
    benkrong, Wavelength and Equinoccio like this.
  7. Dave Deviluke

    Dave Deviluke Forum Moderator

    Oct 5, 2017
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    I honestly don't get this reply, you guys are claiming Tim is making bad judgments but did not report it to other Staff
    It feels like you guys are just painting a picture of the entire Staff being corrupted

    This really confuses me cause, supposed if Tim or any other GMs have the right to silence/disappear you, they can just permanently forum ban you the moment you made this thread (along with anyone else that supports your case)

    As an ex-Staff, I am sure the rest of the active Staff feels disappointed that you just simply lump them as "government in a 3rd world country" when they are doing their best to help out the server
    xDarkomantis, degerman123 and Becca like this.
  8. Solsticio

    Solsticio Donator

    Aug 13, 2019
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    Other staff who lol?
    You can report a GM to the Admin.
    You can report an admin to whom?
    The server owner that you cannot reach?
    Are you delusional?

    This thread getting me banned and deleted would be bad optics, a private report nobody is seeing can be ignored, closed, delayed and addressed in bad faith.
    Btw you know?
    If they want me gone as a player all they have to do is to simply ignore my ban appeal till no end, there i spelled it for you.
    Wavelength, kakamayka and Equinoccio like this.
  9. Dave Deviluke

    Dave Deviluke Forum Moderator

    Oct 5, 2017
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    It's really up to you if you feel acting this way would be able to reach Matt or any other Staff

    End of the day, Matt and the rest of the Staff still won't know the details of the situation you are trying to report and you guys can only keep claiming Tim is not doing his job (constant loop)

    It's fine, you can treat me as delusional
  10. Solsticio

    Solsticio Donator

    Aug 13, 2019
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    At least this thread got a reply and that's far more than anything else.
  11. Heidi

    Heidi GM Intern

    Feb 8, 2014
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    no idea
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    I have now seen some of the evidence with regard to Refine. I can understand why the evidence is not being publicly shared - it's not 'certain'. But it doesn't take much to connect dots here. I am not posting this to start drama. I am concerned that the events that have happened here are rather unfair, and it's just really disturbing that this kind of stuff even happens in our community. I completely agree with Ixix. And I apologize for misunderstanding before.
    1. "Mr. J" (more like Mr. f***w**, but I'll go with the existing naming convention) is/was a wannabe GM whose application was rejected. He takes it upon himself to be some kind of 'community RWT investigator'. From what he has said on the forum, it is clear that he has made a lot of detailed RWT abuse reports. He got angry at the staff in a royals 'drama' thread for not dealing with the reports promptly. As far as he was concerned, his reports were detailed, and GMs could just issue a ban based on it. His posts in that thread (and others about the same/ similar topics) are very ranty and difficult to read, and his rudeness and hate toward the staff is beyond disgusting. So just keep all of that in mind while reading the rest of this.

    2. So anyway, late last year, Mr. J. messaged a player, who I will call Player A (because I have not sought permission to use her name). I do not know how much they communicated previously, but the bit I've seen started with Mr. J telling Player A that he was 'back into the rwt hunting grounds'. Mr. J asks Player A questions about Refine.

    3. About a month after that, Mr. J asks Player A about another player, who I will call Player B. Player A informs Mr. J that Player B is a good friend of hers. Player A engages in discussion with Mr. J about Player B. It seems Mr. J is trying to convince Player A that Player B is guilty of RWT and/or 'gather evidence'. Player A is skeptical, but she is willing to listen and discuss it, to see if it has merit, basically. It did not. Player B has not been banned, either.

    4. Mr. J then goes back to 'questioning' Player A about Refine. It does seem Player A did not really want to engage in that, but Mr. J is a bit pushy.

    5. Three weeks later, Refine is permanently banned for historic vote abuse.
    Regardless of whether Mr. J made the report directly, or convinced somebody else to make it for him, or does indeed have a 'direct line' to Tim, it doesn't take a genius to see the connection here. Mr. J, the great RWT investigator, was doing one of his 'investigations' not long before that. And a few weeks is probably about how long it takes for an abuse report to be processed. So indeed, it seems a report was probably made against Refine as an 'outcome' of Mr. J's investigation. And then while investigating that, it seems the staff noticed Refine's historic vote abuse. This is only speculation, but it most certainly seems logical, does it not?

    Had it not been for Mr. J's 'investigation' and report, it is probably unlikely that Refine ever would have been banned. Therefore, Mr. J actually was able to indirectly get Refine banned. Refine of course did break the rules, a long time ago. But is this actually 'ethically' acceptable, also taking into account that as lxlx said, another player was not permanently banned for historic vote abuse? (I acknowledge that the staff have not 'confirmed' that the vote abuse was indeed historic). I think there should be a limit on how long after-the-fact that a player can be banned for vote abuse. I did not think it through fully when I said I felt a ban was deserved for it. I am sorry to those who I upset with those comments.

    And finally, it is rather uncomfortable that players are 'investigating' each other for RWT, including doing 'questioning' of their friends. Unfortunately, as a side effect, the new rule about suspicious trades somewhat encourages this too. Is encouraging players to 'RWT-investigate' one another not just spreading mistrust, etc? Please please please can we not be encouraging vile people like Mr. J to do this.

    I'm not wanting to hate on the staff. I just feel this kind of stuff could be handled better.
    Yakamoz, Solsticio, NekoYen and 7 others like this.
  12. Becca

    Becca GM

    Jun 4, 2014
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    I have been viewing this thread off and on for a while and I had wanted to write something up for a while so I apologize if it seems a bit scattered, or if some points were already addressed before I could get around to posting.

    This had been a work in progress for the past few days and I tried to touch it up as much as I could and remove some repeating topics. [​IMG]


    I understand everyone’s frustrations, truly. I don’t even know what I can say here that would make it sound less scripted and robotic at this point because honestly, I’m a bit tired of it too. I don’t like seeing ban appeals taking a very long time to finish up, and I don’t believe it’s right to make players wait a month or two for a response and there shouldn’t be any excuse for it; but in the same vein we only have 2 Admins trying to cover everything that they can with their tools on their own because we (the rest of Staff who aren’t Admins) don’t have the same tools they do to handle certain situations. Which is perfectly fine, I wouldn’t want every single Staff member to have access to the database and I’m sure you wouldn’t want that either because that means anyone on Staff could edit it and do nefarious things with access like that if they desired to.

    You need somebody who is 100% trustworthy and figuring that out unfortunately takes years on this Server because of our vast history of Staff abuse over the last 10 years alone so I understand why we only have 2 Admins and I don’t have any hard feelings about it either. It’s impossible to figure out a person’s true motive especially if your only interactions with these people are online. Big companies have NDAs, or strict/monitored access dealing with sensitive materials to ensure nothing is getting leaked and even then companies like Nintendo still have issues with people leaking new Pokemon stuff days before games release.
    The only difference is Nintendo can afford big scary lawyers to chase those people down, we're just a private Server of an 18 year old game lol

    We have had our tools upgraded in the past and it’s moderately much better than what they used to be when I first joined back in 2020, but we’re still unable to assist with RWT cases. We still need to request an Admin’s help to look into certain cases that we can’t see for ourselves and with our main Dev busy with IRL duties, we've been stuck waiting for these newer upgrades to help us assist with RWT cases and some Admin backlog.

    Everybody knows by now that our bottleneck is unfortunately with the Admin role. They are both extremely busy but they are trying to do their Admin duties whenever they can find some extra time to do so. I don’t know what else I can say about it; there’s too much that needs to be done and only 2 people who can do it.

    I know it’s tiring hearing the same speech over and over again, but that’s unfortunately where we are at this point in time, and have been for quite a while.
    It's just as frustrating to us, as it is to you guys. ~f18

    All we can realistically do (all of us on Staff at one point or another had done/still does this) is bump appeals, bump requests, and ping their role every once in a while requesting for a follow-up on whatever it is we are bumping at the current time.

    It’s a 'stuck between a rock and a hard place' kind of situation. On one hand we know the backlog is huge but we can’t really do much to help until we get a slightly better tool upgrade to help us tackle the RWT appeals, on the other hand we’re all watching some appeals take weeks/months to get resolved and it just sucks being stuck in the middle and being unable to help besides bumping the report in Staff chat because we can't verify anything. There’s just so much work that also needs to be done besides ban appeals as well, and it’s not really fair to everyone involved; especially to the players that are forced to wait absurd times just to get a response whether it be ban appeals, rp issues, name changes, character issues, etc.


    There seems to be a miscommunication between the community and Staff in regards to the 'you’ve been banned for suspicious activity' responses. We are not picking someone at random and slapping them with a suspicious activity ban contrary to popular belief, there are checks happening behind the scenes and sometimes those checks can unearth an entirely different situation, or multiple rules being broken at once, hence the 'suspicious activity'.

    Unfortunately that’s all I can really say on that matter without revealing too much to those lurking in this thread, but please understand that we are not simply reaching into a hat and throwing lawn darts at random IGNs written down on a piece of paper to determine who gets banned next for suspicious activity. There are checks being done, if you are playing the game the correct way don’t worry we will know because the logs will reflect that.

    Your report doesn't determine if someone gets banned, if you provide evidence that doesn't mean we're gonna go ahead and issue the ban without checking it out first lol-- we need to gather evidence too, via Admins searching through logs, a GM/Intern online tracking people down to record them, etc.

    There's a lot more to it than just writing up a report and having us take your word for it and issuing the ban without looking into it. We always look into everything first and foremost before we issue a ban. We never take anybody's word for it and issue the ban anyways, all of the claims get verified before anything happens.

    When someone gets reported and they provide substantial evidence the Admins check every nook and cranny. They also do routine checks when they have enough time to, so it’s not just because someone got reported– they could’ve done a routine check and found someone that way as well, but everybody automatically assumes they must’ve gotten reported when in reality the Admin could’ve found them via routine checks as well.

    Keep in mind you guys would never know that because we don’t reveal who got banned via report, or who got banned by an Admin doing their routine checks.

    We do pass every report over to the Admins if we are unable to see the full picture with our tools ourselves, but if there’s just a report made with zero evidence attached obviously that's going to be difficult to deal with because on one hand we can’t really refuse a report or else that person could just never report again because 'why bother they denied my last one' and that’s not something we want either. We have asked players before who made reports without evidence (RWT ones especially) to provide any evidence to their claims before looking into it.

    We don't necessarily require evidence for a suspected vote abuser, (some of them are very obvious and our tools can get them, some of them are not. The ones that are not obvious will require an Admin to doublecheck/verify) hacker/botter, etc. just give us the IGN and we will look into it, but for claims like RWT, Scamming, and Objectionable Behavior we do need something to prove it's not just a random, shot in the dark blind ban the reporter could be trying to achieve.

    If the reporter doesn't provide any evidence to back up the claims, it doesn't get looked into until they do.


    I’m sorry this might be a hot take, but there shouldn’t be any kind of 'deadline' for serious abuse, unless it’s one of the lenient rules via our current Terms and Conditions IE: the Moderate and Minor Infractions section. All abuse affects the Server, the economy, and the community. We shouldn't put a limit on when someone's abuse is considered invalid because it happened 'a long time ago' especially if it is detrimental to the Server and the players.

    It might seem unfair to others looking in (viewing public ban appeals) but we have to handle each ban appeal on a case by case basis. I can’t speak for why one case got a different outcome over another if it requires an Admin for a further investigation because most of the time it’s the Admin’s decision(s) and not ours, so we are not a part of that decision process. Sometimes we will be asked for a second opinion by one of them in some cases if they need one.

    I would say in my opinion the top three detrimental types of abuse to the game are RWT, Major vote abuse, and hacking/botting.

    hacking/botting and RWT are 100% out of the question of ever seeing a leniency clause, so I will shift my focus over to vote abuse because it already has a leniency clause– two of them, actually. There’s a Minor version, and depending on the severity of your vote abuse if you admit to it via Report Abuse we will consider leniency. It’s not 100% guaranteed though because it depends on how long you’ve done it for, how many accounts you’ve used, etc. but I have seen firsthand some players get a leniency in Report Abuse after admitting to what they have done.

    Major vote abuse in my opinion is just as damaging as RWT. How do you think they get the items to sell in the first place?

    You can play the game and earn more NX than voting daily right around when Ellin Forest was initially added to the game and the addition of the 1k nx card, so I can’t really speak about any cases that happened before then, or before my time on Staff.

    This is just an example of some NX gains I’ve earned since this Event started: I make about roughly ~50k every couple/few days on one attacker just from doing Zak, Chao, Ephenia, Pap, Rose Garden, and Shao sometimes more or sometimes less but that doesn’t even include voting NX, or my other attackers that I have. We have numerous ways to earn NX besides voting now, and we have definitely come a long way in that regard.

    If you are going to be a legit player you don’t need to vote abuse to 'catch up' just play the game and do the daily bosses and you will get there at your own pace, because it's not a matter of if you get caught-- it's when you get caught.

    It could be days, weeks, months, years from now, but the longer you get away with it the harder it'll hit you because you would've lost so much progress whether it was legit or not, all because you were damaging the Server's economy by pumping it with unfair gains that helped you advance further into your end-game goals.

    If someone vote abused enough for it to be deemed Major a couple of years ago and they claim they are clean now, they still had an unfair advantage gained back then which helped them get to where they are now and that’s where the issue is.

    They used those gains to fund themselves and to propel themselves forward into progression and how exactly can we take that away, or be more lenient in that regard? Not only is it written everywhere to not vote abuse, and we have so many rules and popups stating this-- but we have two leniency clauses for vote abuse already and if you did it enough to get deemed as Major then you've already blown past the leniency clauses at that point-- what's adding more going to do? We'd just be moving the goal post further and further back for vote abuse in general.

    I understand people can change, and I fully believe that myself but we already trusted them to not break the rules in the first place. That's why we have Minor and Major vote abuse clauses, and that’s also why we have a leniency policy if they admit what they did to us. Obviously there are limits for the leniency admission, but if it’s not something outrageous it most likely can/will be forgiven.

    There shouldn’t be any kind of time duration on serious abuse offenses, aside from the already in place leniency clauses we have.


    A few times on accident is a mistake, but if you have a ton of accounts doing it everyday for a long time obviously it’s not a mistake anymore; it’s intentional.

    We know how to differentiate between a mistake and something that is intentional that is why we have Minor and Major vote abuse. We do issue a lot of Minor vote abuse bans too– you guys just don’t see them because they don’t end up making ban appeals because it’s not a permanent ban.

    I’m not going to get into the specifics, but I will say there is extreme leniency already between Minor and Major vote abuse. I will not be giving out an arbitrary number for the sake of an example because I don’t want others to go 'LoOk ThE Gm sAiD iT wAs X aMoUnT Of DaYs So I CaN AbUsE iT JuSt EnOuGh To GeT AwAy wiTh iT' so I apologize in advance if this is a bit vague, but it has to be.

    Just keep in mind there is a difference between Minor and Major vote abuse and just know some people will lie about it to garner sympathy from the community.


    It was mentioned in here before but I’ll say it again as well: I’d like to reiterate that I am not accusing anyone here of pretending to be innocent when I say this, but we do unfortunately have some users who know they were caught but they still feign innocence anyways, and demand an Admin to doublecheck, triplecheck, howevermanytimes check the evidence gathered and purposely create problems by wasting the Admin’s time.

    Time that would’ve been spent addressing the numerous other things they have on their never-ending laundry list of things to check and do, mind you.
    Time that would’ve been spent on actually assisting those who could be falsely banned and are waiting for answers.
    Time being taken away by people who are purposely submitting ban appeals either for the sake of drama, attention, or for whatever reason they want.

    Everybody wants to believe their friends, or people in the ban appeals and give them the benefit of the doubt and I get that, but if we were allowed to reveal the evidence and you guys were able to see what we see– I think some of you would understand where we are coming from a bit better.

    I do have sympathy for those who get caught up in false bans and the time it takes to untangle the mess, but what I don’t have sympathy for is people who lie about it.
    I wish we could be more transparent about everything, but the reality of it is that we can’t because the risk of us doing that outweighs a lot of things, unfortunately.

    I do hope some of you will understand why we have to do things the way we do right now until some change(s) can happen higher up the chain.

    If you read this entire 6 page essay holy shit I’m so sorry lol it’s been on my mind for a while, but I could never find the right words to use so I just chipped away at it over the last few days and it ended up being ~6 pages long in Google Docs. I tried to avoid repeating topics and things that were already answered, but every time I kept coming back to try to post this more posts were being made and then I’d have to go back and re-word stuff to try to cover what was brought up and it was just never-ending at that point so I apologize if there is a bit of repetitiveness, or topics that got left out.

    Thank you for taking the time to read all of it.

    DaggerEyes, LLew, eVolve and 4 others like this.
  13. DayHime

    DayHime Donator

    Jul 12, 2014
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    I think banning people for joking about RWT is extreme. I've seen it happened before even when it was obviously a joke.
    Also the staff can be very lenient to their close friends who break the rules (iykyk...) but those are my only complaints.
    It's easy to criticize the staff (I've done it before) but you have to keep in mind it is a very hard job and quite frankly most players lie.
    No offense but it's easy to play this game and not get banned so it's hard to feel bad. Take screenshots of your achievements or something. If you're a 2021-2023 player and somehow have godly gear that some old players don't even have then you better have proof you somehow crafted it or bought it or else it's shady especially with how common RTW is.
    My solution would be having more admins tbh...we had another one back in the day and people were receiving replies much faster.
    Last edited: Jun 21, 2023
    Wavelength likes this.
  14. Cynn

    Cynn Donator

    Dec 23, 2017
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    As becca and probably others have stated, need a lot of time to trust a staff member with admin powers. Look at all the ex-staff we have recently due to power abuse.

    Also, have to be trustworthy staff that even want the admin position. More responsibility and time commitment, let’s say for argument Bacon was offered to step up. Maybe Bacon has a kid and knows he just can’t offer more time and doesn’t want to be flamed by us for despite being an admin, not doing more work now that he has the tools.

    I would like to also hear a staff’s opinion on how our community has shifted in the recent years due to this new witch hunt meta. I took a 3 year break to finish some irl responsibilities and players nowadays are scared to reveal to people what their gears are. There’s too many people out there who think reporting is either the cool thing to do or a a badge of honour to wear, how many end-game players they’ve banned while burning every single bridge out there with the community and then playing the victim card and how everyone’s out to dogpile on them.

    If you’re really going to just shoot into the dark until it hits something, that’s pretty toxic and now there’s a huge looming fear nowdays in our community of being wrongly banned and trapped in ban appeal purgatory. Even if they are banned for legitimate reasons, the ends don’t justify the means.

    Each player thats been player at least 2 years+ probably know a player or two that they’ve been told to be wary of, as they often befriend people to learn more details to get you or someone else banned. Very great community we’ve built in the late/end game scene.
    LLew likes this.
  15. lxlx

    lxlx Donator

    Jul 18, 2017
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    There are other ways to penalize someone for the unfair advantage they gained other than bans, depending on the severity of their vote abuse, you could slap a fine on them, have their voting privileges revoked for a duration based off staffs discretion, etc. I really can't see the point of outright perma banning someone over vote abuse they did years ago especially when said person has already changed. Of course what i'm suggesting shouldn't be applied to actively abusing players, and you mentioned you do believe that people can change, so why not give them an alternative punishment? Why so insistent that they aren't welcomed anymore in royals just because of something they did when they weren't committed to the server?

    This is a long shot by me, and i know what i'm asking for is unprecedented by royals standards and culture, but everyone is a human being that is capable of making mistakes, some learn and change, some don't, not everyone is gonna have a perfectly clean history, and just because someone has a perfectly clean history, that don't mean he/she is a good respectful player, just understand the rules well enough to skit along the grey areas of it.

    If the leaders of this server can't find it in their heart to be lenient for such cases, then it's sad to say that players are mainly governed through fear, instead of nurturing them to be better players.
    Last edited: Jun 21, 2023
    Dominican, aiiko, Donn1e and 3 others like this.
  16. orangelist

    orangelist Donator

    May 22, 2020
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    To be honest as a past owner of server in different game, my friends and I came in some creative solutions to solve problems like "Staff could edit it and do nefarious things with access like that if they desired to."
    And I can asure you that server as big as this one could make something to help nonadmin staff to help and assist more in some appeals.
  17. bloodsicle

    bloodsicle Well-Known Member

    May 14, 2019
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    Just throwing it out there
    If someone vote abuses, could just remove access to nx items (such as apr, pet, teleport rock etc) from all his accs, either permanently, or for a tine duration to the discretion of staff
    Might seem harsh, but it beats the current system.
    You guys are the staff, you can be creative with it.
    The current system needs to change, the cliques needs to be broken, no more witch hunting, make royals great again
    Wavelength likes this.
  18. Sylafia

    Sylafia Donator

    Jan 2, 2022
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    Note that the leniency if they admit what they did isn't at all in the T&C of the game. I'd highly recommend coming up with more rigid policies for this (e.x they need to pay back all the NX they abused for + X% extra as interest since mesos today > mesos tomorrow), and then putting that in the T&C, which can reduce claims of favoritism and allow people who previously vote abused to come clean, in a way that hopefully doesn't encourage vote abuse and helps the economy. RWT and hacking though, I don't see any chance for leniency as it's much harder to undo that damage.

    This isn't really the thread for it, but there's potentially some wording changes that could help cut down on people claiming they misunderstood voting rules, like clarifying that no matter how many IPs/devices someone has, they only get 1 vote on the voting page directly, not buried in rules that few people read. And putting the rules summary ABOVE the vote button on the page, with maybe also highlighting in red the "once" or something.
    SummonShade and Heidi like this.
  19. Sen

    Sen Donator

    Jul 14, 2016
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    If players want to provide meaningful feedback regarding potential revisions to the punishment scheme for major infractions, I would suggest creating a new thread to do so. Not only has this thread been officially moved out of the main feedback section, it has long since been derailed from its original point to begin with. Speaking from experience as an ex-janny, it is incredibly difficult for staff members to maintain an organized account of all ideas and criticisms that are shared by players in the feedback section. I imagine it's particularly difficult right now given the lean active staff count and the lack of Forum Moderators or Community Managers. As such, it is strongly recommended that players keep each feedback thread as specific and narrow as possible to a particular issue. Note that the original point of this thread was to criticize the extremely lengthy process of ban appeals. Within just five posts the conversation already started to stray from the original point, and within just twenty posts it honestly spiraled out of control. That makes it increasingly challenging for staff members to address the relevant and important issues of a feedback thread, and oftentimes only leaves players unsatisfied and even frustrated with any response by staff.

    And lastly, to put it as vaguely and broadly as possible so as not to pointedly call out anyone... But now that I'm an ex-janny that is no longer burdened by an illusory expectation of professionalism, I'll just say this: Just because you have an opinion doesn't mean it's worth sharing. Seriously. Sometimes it's okay to just step back and realize that your post probably won't contribute to the conversation.
    Shnang, NasiLemak, Becca and 5 others like this.
  20. Heidi

    Heidi GM Intern

    Feb 8, 2014
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    no idea
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    The purpose of rules is to prevent people from ruining the space for others.

    The rules are strict against vote abuse, RWT, and hacking because of the damage they do to the economy + unfairness in the great grind to 200. Fair enough, although I do agree that vote abuse could probably be handled differently to RWT and hacking.

    However, witch-hunting fuckwits like Mr. J are not technically breaking rules (and if anything, the rules are encouraging their behaviour). That behaviour is incredibly damaging to the community too.

    In this case, surely the witch-hunting behaviour is far worse to the server as a whole than the historic vote abuse is. Just saying.
    lxlx, Maras and NekoYen like this.
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