Just started out my first time in Maple Royals and obviously, I have insufficient fundings for godly scrolled equipments and weapons currently. Is it still recommendable I start out lukless, since it doesn't really matter my eq/weapons are til 4th job ? Or should I go for normal?
Lukless all the way. In the end you should save time finding normal mage equips (or scrolling your own) and have optimal damage.
This guide saved mi lyf. Loving the layout and all the info I could need is right there and easy to find. Great work and thanks!~
Because it's one point, and I find him the most useful for his one point. It doesn't really matter - no matter where you put it, the point is pretty mediocre. Level 1 of anything aside from Genesis and Res does little good hahaha. Glad it was helpful
For any priests looking to grind their way from level 95 onwards, The Evil Dead is a decent alternative to Himes . The EXP is not as spectacular but it provides a nice change of pace. Soiled rags also sell for 1.2-1.5 mil each—letting you net around 25 mil per hour. Also, this map is much more viable after a server reset since people tend to hunt bigfoot before black crow.
Depends on your Magic level, but you should be able to one shot them very early. The only issue is being able to dispatch of the houses.
I put 10 into Magic Armor because I read the wrong guide. Is it worth spending to get SP Resets to max out Improved MP Recovery?
Dungeon, Southern Forest I ))))(((( hello bella i was wondering where is place i am in rainbow street in a small forest .
I somehow screwed up my 1st job by adding 11 SP into Magic Armor, and only left with 5 SP added into Improved MP Recovey. Now that I have maxed all critical skills for Priest, is it okay if I add the remaining SP into Improved MP Recovery instead of adding them into Doom and Summon Dragon which I will NOT use ever in my life?
You could get summon dragon to 15 (for Bahamut pre-requisite) and max Improved MP Recovery (11 points) and still have 6 extra points by 120!
Ah crap there's a pre-req for Bahamut? Thank goodness for bringing it up, I totally forgot about it. Alright I guess I'll focus on distributing among Max Improved MP and Dragon all the way then.
Would it be better to go lukless bishop and go with elemental wands or low luk bishop (enough to go with elemental staffs)? I noted on the hidden wiki that elemental staffs have a 23 base magic attack over elemental wands Wands: http://bbb.hidden-street.net/search_finder/elemental wand Staffs: http://bbb.hidden-street.net/search_finder/elemental staff
Lukless Lukless Lukless Lukless Lukless Lukless Lukless Lukless Lukless Lukless Lukless Lukless Lukless Lukless Lukless Lukless Lukless Lukless Lukless Lukless Lukless Lukless Lukless Lukless Lukless Lukless Lukless Lukless Lukless Lukless Lukless Lukless Lukless Lukless Lukless Lukless Lukless Lukless Lukless Lukless Lukless Lukless Lukless Lukless Lukless