I'm new, but it would be nice to join a guild and have some people to chat with. Grinding without chat accompaniment is slightly boring haha. App below! Ign/Class/Lvl: Suburbs / Assassin / 30 Previous guilds, if any: None; just joined Royals on Saturday. I played GMS on Bera pre-Big Bang, and on Windia/Khaini as well, until 2010. Why would you like to join: Pretty much the same as above. I would like to meet some new people and have some cool guild members to chat with while playing. Most guilds on this forum seem to be focused on people being level 100+, whereas BloodRose sounds a lot more inclusive... like it has members who won't ring me out to dry if I ask a question about the game haha. Do you know anyone in the guild: Nope, but hope to meet everyone. Have you been banned before, if so why and how long was it? Never, including my 5 years on GMS.
Online now, but have to log off pretty soon. Have some freelance work to finish before I head to bed.