Right, what you're saying isn't far off. When a lot of players change channel at the same time the server has to process a lot of things and this is known to cause lag, you're right about that. But there were more things causing server lag at the time than just that. From my personal experience I was able to always survive the entire king slime event (except for the first day where skills weren't disabled and players spammed mist and ultimates). The very day the kill counter went live a lot of players started lagging, disconnecting and even freezing several seconds after the slime had died. This was caused by the amount of processes the server had to go through when everyone that participated and was still there at the end of the fight was awarded 1 kill to their kill counter. For every player that was there, and there were a lot of players there including mules, the server tried to process all the kill counters at once and got stuck nearly every time. How this would transfer onto this suggestion is that with the old source that is not able to handle many processes at once very well, the server would end up having to process numbers for every player that had bossed that day and for every boss they have killed. This is likely to result in a similar lag spike as we have when a lot of players cc, or similar to what we've experienced at the valentine's event. I'm not here to throw the suggestion out of the window at all, but I am saying that it's likely not possible for the current source to survive this processing every day. I don't think the playerbase would like it very much either to have another potential lag spike generator.
ok thanks for explaining. I am still not sure that this would affect the game in the same way even though it seems quite likely that it might. But it will not become a fact untill it has actually been tested and again what about having the timers reset during daily server backup this might sound stupid but since we are likely to dc during that time anyways might aswell? what im implying is it wouldnt hurt to try, it would probably not be that difficult to revert the changes if it were to "KILL THE SERVER"
From my personal experience. I lagged a couple minutes after the slime had died. That was due to people ccing. What you are saying is 100% a theory. There could have been many causes for the lag, hundreds of people ccing all at once, hundreds of people talking to the same npc all at once, hundreds of people moving in the exact same direction,etc. I understand that the addition of the kill counter could be one of the many causes of the lag. Doesn't mean it was the actual cause. I honestly expected a member of the staff to at least be polite.
I mean it can go both ways, but i think this situation is opposite, without the universal reset timer if people have cleared at midnight yesterday they would stay up till midnight for reset so they can do the run again to keep up with that 24 hr timer. On the other hand if there was a timer reset at server time 0:00 people can find some other time to do it instead of waiting at midnight everyday. This also allow more flexibility with runs as everyone gets their reset at w/e server time instead of facing cool down limits.
Shameless plug. I wanted to respond with a couple of my own thoughts about things being argued over in this thread since I'm a bit confused myself, so here goes: Not sure why the Valentines Slime event was really brought up, but I thought it was a foregone conclusion that it was the mass cc'ing and the mass server database save when everyone started to click the NPC that caused the server lag; that many changes so soon is a lot of a flood and was definitely a lot worse than the lag that I got while fighting the slime (as I recall, it was only the people on MACs who could not handle the boss fight itself, which leans towards other problems). At the moment, I'm probably one of the more common Horntail runners on the server at the moment, so I'd like to point out that there are some things that haven't really been considered in this thread yet: Not everyone is online at midnight servertime. On this server, we're grown to the point where we have large communities of people from around the world and that means that midnight servertime is going to be incredibly bad of a time zone for some people. These people won't be able to run at midnight four times. Running four Horntail fights in a row is actually fairly taxing to do. Four Horntail fights for me was the point where I probably wanted to stop and go do something else for a bit, or needed a break at the very least. For people in Europe, I can't see it being easy to fight Horntail for 2-4hrs before midnight then suddenly say "okay here we go again." Because I know that I have trouble with that myself, even with the atrocious sleep schedule that I have. Running four Horntail fights means that you're using all your cooldowns for TWO days, not for just ONE day, which means that in order to run again four times like that, you'd need to wait 40-odd hours after your fourth to do it again; that means that theoretically, people could alternate their timers and that would further disperse the runs. Not everyone wants to run four times in a row, plainly put. Horntail isn't an easy boss for most people to just decide to go and fight like Krexel is; people stick to their Krexel timers because it's dead easy, but it's a hell of a lot harder to stick to a constant Horntail schedule. tl;dr: I really don't think that the suggestion of making them reset at midnight servertime would cause any sort of lag at all, being honest. The average Horntail squad is 7-8 people. Even if they all drop into the same channel and frantically cc around to find an open map and all 10 maps get filled, I think we have bigger issues to sort out if 70-80 people can significantly lag the server just by changing channels, because the events that were causing that before were significantly more people, at least in my memory. Further, I don't think that it would really ever even be that many people, either. That's just my two cents as a common Horntail host and runner, and someone who's been here for a long time.
EU friendly timezones pls. q-q I'm probaly wrong but. Since the server lags once it runs its backup, wouldnt that mean that the ht timer reset would cause the server to lag aswell? Also to solve this problem like other people suggested is to have the backup run & ht timer reset working at the same interval to prevent the server to having two laggy sessions at seperate times.
Not sure what the problem is with 4 back to back runs. You can either do 2 runs each day, or 4 runs every second day. At the end of the day it makes NO difference, because the result is the same. You get the same amount of loot/experience across a 48 hour period. The 24 hour timer is forcing users who want to do daily runs to make sure they do them at the same time each day. Life happens, sometimes you can't get on at 7pm for your regular run but you were available at 5pm instead that day. TOUGH LUCK NO RUN FOR YOU TODAY BUDDY. I really like this suggestion. Not to mention that GMS was a midnight reset, not a 24 hour restriction.
Was it really? Can anyone else confirm this? Glad somebody finally answered my question though - even though you probably didn't see it being asked.
It's funny you bring that up Bella, as Matt said and really the point of my reply was to say, "hey guys, wasn't GMS reset every 24 hours? And if so, why was it fine there but a big issue here?" I'm not saying we should have everything as it was in GMS (I already know what the flood of replies would be to that point), but I am wondering what the purpose was of GMS having it reset every 24 hours as opposed to midnight server time (if that was indeed the case). Certainly would like to find some verifiable proof how GMS did it either way.
Hahaha, I will admit I did not see it being asked. Yes - I am 99% sure that it was a midnight reset, however if someone could confirm that would be great. I'm pretty sure Krexel was the only exception and had a 24 hour timer. Someone please correct me if I'm wrong Edit: Pap & that grandpa boss were 24 hours too now that I think about it. (Do we even have grandpa?, not sure if that bit's relevant lol).
may i ask why? they're rather handy. And a ~bossCD command of sorts would solve this whole damn discussion.
Because those custom player commands are not necessary. In fact all of those commands (apart from ~donator), we already in the source when we started, I didn't code them into the game myself. ~bosshp and ~shiphp are both a bit of a cheat command imo, in the new source all bosses will have a HP bar. And as for ~int/str/dex/luk, well that's pure laziness. Heck, we might not even have a ~gm command if the new source works as well as we hope, and players would need to use the alert GM functions to report abuse.
I've dug through multiple old zakum guides on mapletip, sleepywood etc dating back to 2006 to try and figure out if I am correct with my memory of zakum / ht being reset at 12AM rather than 24 hour timers - unfortunately no one really mentions anything. I still stand by my certainty that it was a 12AM reset, as I was running back to back runs when No Delay was prevalent which I believe was prior to v62.
I found this from 2012 http://www.basilmarket.com/Zakum-Reset-timer-Thread-b0Slp-1, gonna keep looking for an older one. EDIT: this one is from 2011 http://www.basilmarket.com/zakum-reset-time-Thread-by4Xv-1, says the same as the other one, but it adds that pap timer works like it does in royals now. Still trying to find an older one. EDIT2: found this blog entry of a player from windia gms 2007 https://darkning.wordpress.com/2007/12/30/idarkning-ap-resets/ sadly I can't tell how timers worked by what he said (he talks about 'reset' his timer which makes me thing that it works like it does in royals, but he ran 3 times in one night which makes me think that it resets at 12am) if someone can salvage how timers used to work from that small piece of text then be my guest. Trying to find something more clear EDIT3: Ok I give up for now If someone wanna use the web archives and try to get to the patch notes for when zakum or HT was released perhaps we can find an answer (It keeps asking me to use internet explorer and even when I use it it doesn't work) https://web.archive.org/web/20060615000000*/http://www.mapleglobal.com, from my research it seems that zakum was released in May, 2006. HT was released Jan, 2008. Bottom line; All I could find in the end was that the way boss timers works at least since ~2010 (since I couldn't find any information prior to that year) some bosses reset at midnight while others reset 24hrs after you enter.
I don't care if people wanna do "technically 4" boss runs all at once, its still 2 in each 24 hour period. It's none of my business how they wanna do it, not everyone has the same amount of time to play and might like to make that time efficient. The only people I see getting mad about this are the more hardcore players with a lot of time on their hands and will definitely use their 2 boss runs EVERYDAY and think of people doing 4 in a row, then not playing for a day, repeat, as unfair. But I say get over it, find something else to feel gratification from than a children's online game. And even so, this really shouldn't diminish your sense of accomplishment. What is a problem though, is everyone clamoring to boss right at the timer reset , this would I assume cause a huge spike in players online, lots of lag (in and outside the boss?) and not to mention impossible to find an empty channel to boss in.
Like @Michael said, I don't think that implementing a midnight reset automatically means that everyone is going to suddenly start running Horntail at midnight. Rather, I think it'll just allow people to continue running at their current times, just with more flexibility. For example, my squad (due to IRL constraints and conflicting time zones) has found that running at 9/9:30 pm est and roughly 12:30-1 am est are the perfect times to run our 2 runs. That's nowhere near midnight server time. The current rule has us missing a lot of our runs because if we start too late on day 1, we have reset our cool down on day 2, so we can only run once. A midnight reset would give us more flexibility around being able to start on time on day 2 without having to miss a run. We wouldn't just start running two hours earlier, since half our squad would be unavailable. Granted, this is just our example, but I really don't think it makes sense to assume everyone is going to Horntail right when the reset happens — this isn't like shop resets. There's no advantage to being the "first" to run after midnight.
Mm, maybe for HT, but I'd bet that people would be lining up to zak at midnight. Just cause theres a larger amount of players who can zak. But hey if you're right then awesome I'm all for it.
All the update states is the following: Spoiler: v23 Hello, Maplers! MapleStory Client ver. 0.23 is now released! The following is a list of updates and changes made for this patch: < Game > - Deep below the surface of Ossyria rests the ancient spirit of Zakum. Damned to eternal burning in his prison of fire, Zakum feeds his insatiable rage on the dreams of the innocent. Beware the Call of Zakum. Hope will fall to pride, and pride will kneel before the mighty Zakum. Unless it was original a 24 hour wait at the very beginning and they changed it - it's definitely 12am reset now and has been for quite a few years.
Either way, it's not as if there are unlimited places to zak. And you can't all zak at the same time anyway. Say for example you have an avg of 5 atkers, + 1 bish, and 2 buyers. That's only 8 people per channel. I don't think this will cause any significant lag to be honest. And for a lot of people, server time midnight is at a really inconvenient time, so it would mostly ensure that it's available for groups who usually run together, but weren't able to for some reason. Instead of having to worry about cds of runs that were run here and there, they could check what the server time is and know that they were off cd. Unless there was an accurate way to gauge the cooldowns, like some kind of command or timer we could see, I think it would be a pretty good idea to go with a 12 am reset. This way, it just makes it fair(er) and much easier for everyone to get a chance to go on a run and not having to be confused as to whether they're on cd or not.
Just adding my opinion on this. I think setting boss timer reset to 00:00 is a good idea. I know the server lags quite frequently, and so doing boss runs when the server lags is obviously not a good idea. But the lags are not consistent. They occur at different timings. Say yesterday you bossed at 4pm server time, and you thought you would like to boss again at around the same time but the next day, the server lags like crazy at 4pm (and the lag might last a few hours), so what do you do? You'd either go boss, lag, dc, wait till rewarp (and the cycle repeats) or you postpone your bossing time, which then affects the other days consecutively because you keep pushing back your boss timing. But either way, it's gonna push back your bossing time, because when the server lags like crazy, it won't be easy to find a party for it even if you are daring enough to go for it and it takes time to organise one and people have other commitments in real life. Some people are not as free as the others who can boss anytime, and those are the ones who stick to their fixed 24hr reset, go on maple, maybe check store/gacha/do a few quick runs and then log off. Resetting the timer at 00:00 helps these people. So, my point is, okay yes, making this 00:00 boos reset, it might cause serious lag at that hour. Can it not be the case where a notice is made in-game like "please do not go for boss runs at this hour due to the lag spike it might cause from boss timer reset, and it is your responsibility if you want to go for it" or is this not practical at all?? (If it is not practical, please let me know the reason(s) as I'd like to know more about how the system works) A 00:00 reset gives the players a lot more flexibility in terms of when can we go for runs, and will not be affect that much by the current server lags that we have. Sorry if I said anything wrong or inaccurate, I'm not a veteran in this server and have just recently started going for boss runs on zak and krexel. So, do correct if I'm wrong but am not here to offend anyone.