Boss Cooldown

Discussion in 'Closed' started by stg, Oct 16, 2015.

  1. Hwaiting

    Hwaiting Donator

    Oct 10, 2015
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    This is a good idea. I feel that you could take this "concept" and even apply it to the voting cooldown.
    Hampa likes this.
  2. bluemoon

    bluemoon Well-Known Member

    May 7, 2014
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    would like to see that timer reset on voting as well, but im pretty sure gtop or w/e the voting site controls that, as all other private server maple has the same cd on voting.
    Hampa likes this.
  3. StaticShock

    StaticShock Donator

    Jun 7, 2014
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    Vermont, USA
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    So, i'm moderately confused on why running 4 boss runs in a row at midnight is such a large problem. I can see quite a few people doing 4 zaks/paps in a row which would be something along the lines of 2 hours avg. for 4 zaks and 20-40 minutes for 4 paps. But I see a lot of people are talking about HT. I personally havn't done HT more then 5 times and i've played very actively since before it even came out. From what ive heard runs are normally about 1.5 hrs.... are we really that worried people are going to spend 6 consecuative hours of their lives killing the same thing? I mean I know people do it already but come on.... Thats also only either the first time, or you wait 48 hours to do it again. Also if I remember correctly the new source is making the elixir quest only give 1 elixir, correct me if I am wrong. The last time I got a Manon's cry for the quest it took me 2 weeks to get because of my IRL and because every time I went their someone else was looking for it.

    Zak and Krex are the only bosses I feel should have the 2/24hr runs like they are currently. I see these as being the bosses that are feasible to run 4 in a row at midnight server time, which like ive said, I dont understand the problem with that. The current system for them works great, already implemented, and i've never heard any complaints.

    Pap I feel should have stayed as is with unlimited runs/day. Reasoning being, exp sucks, drops suck, hp required very high for beginner non-warriors or buccs. The pre-quest is irritating enough without the fact that you'll only be able to fight it twice a day

    HT to be honest I havn't done HT enough to have a personal opinion besides the fact that it should be limited due to massive exp and great drops. I feel that the theory of a midnight timer reset would work the best due to the length of time it takes to kill it, and like previously stated human error in timing and their IRL.

    Perhaps we maybe TRY the midnight timers before the new source at some point just to see how it works. If it turns out to be a terrible idea I cant imagine that a week or so of testing it will destroy the game. Perhaps start a community vote on the subject allowing only 1 vote per IP. I just feel as though being worried about something like bosses respawning more conveniently for peoples personal lives is something that wouldnt be the end of the server if it was just actually tested.

    So thats just my quick opinion on this subject. Its very late and I feel as though I contradicted myself in there somewhere please dont bit my head off if I did... I also realize I may have started just rambling on at some points. Idk take it how you may.
    Go0dafuda likes this.
  4. Michael

    Michael Donator

    Jan 16, 2014
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    Only thing that could be considered incorrect in this post on my read through is about Papulatus; it's a lot better exp than one would think, especially for higher leveled ranged DPS classes such as Night Lords, Bowmasters and Corsairs, who can save up Pieces of Cracked Dimension (or purchase them from others) and go on large grind runs. While I think that 2/day makes Papulatus a -lot- less desirable, I don't think unlimited Papulatuses was that balanced either, especially with the NX and Energizers that it dropped.
    Bella likes this.

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