Boss Reward Spliting Question

Discussion in 'Help & Advice' started by Rinn, Dec 6, 2019.

  1. Rinn

    Rinn Donator

    Oct 12, 2019
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    Hi, would like to know some info about boss spliting question.

    1. Did the leader decide whoever to take before, or after the run?
    2. Is there different split option for different bosses? If yes, what are those?
    3. How about those random equip & etc?

    Skill Books
    1. How do people split SB? Did people split mesos after merchant them?
    2. If people merchant them, how do we deal with tax deduct? Or we just let it be?
    3. Did SB were split with random party member?

    1. In Zakum, what I know is EOF dropper get the 5k NX card. Is that possible chance to drop more then 1 5k NX? Did the EOF dropper take them all?
    2. For more then 1 5k NX run(like HT), how do people split?
    3. How about the random 100 and 250 NX?
  2. Myoni

    Myoni Donator

    Jan 28, 2018
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    1. Did the leader decide whoever to take before, or after the run?
    --- The leader should decide before hand, but the standard is that all contributing members get equal split.

    2. Is there different split option for different bosses? If yes, what are those?
    --- Not really. Equal payout to each contributing member.

    3. How about those random equip & etc?
    --- The leader should be the one to pick up equips and split profit with the party if they are worth selling. However I notice this rule isn't followed very often and it's usually a free-for-all for the equips after a boss dies. It is more strict in HT since dragon weapons have a lot more potential to be worth money; the leader should always be the one to loot these (or someone trusted by the party/leader).

    Skill Books
    1. How do people split SB? Did people split mesos after merchant them?
    --- A trusted member will take the book and sell it, then they should contact the rest of the party to pay splits.

    2. If people merchant them, how do we deal with tax deduct? Or we just let it be?
    --- Depends on the person. The fair thing to do is to deduct the tax from the split, otherwise the person who did all the work to sell the book ends up with less money than everyone else. So if you and I are meant to split a 1B item book and I was in charge of selling it, I would have received 970m after the sale. 970m/2 = 485m so I would trade 485m to you (which would be taxed again) and you would actually receive ~470.5m.

    3. Did SB were split with random party member?
    --- I'm not sure I understand. Splits should go to every contributing party member, but members should only be counted once. i.e if I bring an NL but use my own BS and BM for buff mules, I should still only receive split for 1 person. Party leaders *may* decide to give extra split to people who bring mules, but that's pretty rare and up to the leader.

    1. In Zakum, what I know is EOF dropper get the 5k NX card. Is that possible chance to drop more then 1 5k NX? Did the EOF dropper take them all?
    --- In hundreds of Zaks, I have never seen 2 5k's drop. However, the EoF dropper should get both if that happened. A non EoF dropper taking a 5k would not be fair for the rest of the party. Why are they entitled to it more than anyone else? So, EoF dropped should get all the NX.

    2. For more then 1 5k NX run(like HT), how do people split?
    --- Usually (if there is no HTP buyer), there is a 'pick order' (you can pick HTP or 5k). The normal pick order I've seen is: Bishops --> anyone who brings mules --> highest level to lowest level but not repeating anyone who already picked.

    3. How about the random 100 and 250 NX?
    --- In ZAK, EoF dropper gets priority on these too. In other bosses, it should be discussed beforehand.
  3. Rinn

    Rinn Donator

    Oct 12, 2019
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    Thank you for the detail answer. :D

    However, how do we make sure that SB was sold even the member was trustable? While smegaing and merchant might need time to find buyer, we might lost track of it when the time was getting longer. And the holder would just pretend no buyer even it was really sold?

    Also for random equip/etc, Since Zakum run are sometime recruited from random people, the lack of consensus in splitting are annoying when some items are needed for people even they are not expensive (like random unwanted 4th job SB).

    I always wonder that there's no detail guide about splitting reward. While it may be pin to guide section to reach for awareness and avoid argument in community.
  4. Penny

    Penny Donator

    Apr 19, 2015
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    There’s not a guide mostly because rules can depend on the leader. The terms that @Myoni said are the usual rules I’ve seen, but it’s really up to the player that is hosting the run. Regarding trust, most people usually keep a google doc or some sort of log that’s publicly viewable to keep accountability and also reduce the number of repeated questions, but at the end of the day it is an honor system. That being said, you can ask where their shop is and click on it to make sure they’re actually selling the book if it’s something you’re worried about. Overall, even when running with randoms, I think it’s better to discuss openly before the run starts, make sure everyone is on the same page, and to get contact info (buddying the person selling the book, etc.)

    If there is lack of consensus, it’s the host’s responsibility to make the final decision.
    Rinn and Prideful like this.
  5. EZFebreezy

    EZFebreezy Well-Known Member

    Oct 30, 2017
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    blasted into the sun
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    I always try to sell the books in case someone disappears into irl/gets banned with the book ~f18
    Tect, Myoni, Becca and 4 others like this.

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