Bought a u2 leech,split with another guy. The seller leech us about 20 mins.Then hi disconnect and never relog. Just disapper suddenly.What can i do?
I suggest first give the benefit of the doubt and wait. The seller could have d/c-ed and may come back. If 10-15min passes and the seller doesn't come back, all you can do for the moment is remember the ign and contact him/her to try to get your money back later. If the seller doesn't show up after days or ignores you when you ask for your money back If you have solid evidence create a thread on the report abuse section (example). The gm's will verify the evidence and potentially refund you. If you don't have solid evidence, I'm afraid gm's can't do much for you. All you can do is get a bit of revenge by posting on the community blacklist. This way you can warn others from buying leech from this guy. Good luck! I hope he comes back to finish your leech/give you a refund.