To start i have to say again, i have a really good time playing this game, and im so thankfull for the work developers of royals are doing with this game overall. Ihaved some ideas who maybe can make this game even better and enjoyable this is the easiest one to make, so i gonna start with this one. how works apq. i have 2 ideas to make it better in the server. 1.-i totally agree with limited apq runs per day. 4 is a great number actually. the only problem i have with it is the you can only ENTER 4 times a day. on the paper some ppl may say, that "we can not make chances for YOUR tecnical issues" but those who really do apq daily knows that dc is a very constant problem for many ppl, and it really sucks if someone got dc at apq that ruins everyone run. that person feels bad and everyone got scared for that person due constant dc. My proposition is change just the word ENTER for FINISH IT. in other words u can only do 4 apq bonus a day(whats actually the only thing we want of apq.bonus) so if someone dcs during any stg u just have to start over and not waist any run. im aware that can make some problems, but for me those are easy to solve. A.-"waht if someone dcs at 3rd ,4th or boss stg, when all the party is no longer needed, we HAVE to start over? .-No. u can decide if start over for your friend, or simply end the run normally. dcer can no longer do the 4 bonus with you, but if somehow he finds another party for just 1 run he/she can do his /her 4 bonus complte, if he/she cant find another well... he just lose it(exactly how is it now) B.-and if someone has a terrible conection and dcs constantly, can u imagine how much time we can lost starting over and over and over??.- u can kindly ask to him/her to do apq with another pt in another hour when he/she has a better conection and send another smega recruitng new ppl "R-1PERSON APQ 4 RUNS" u can get a replace inmeaditly . C.- what if some troll just disconect to fvck someone elses party?.- if u noted that, just expel him/her blacklist and recruit another person. 2nd idea .-Another problem i saw at apq (not that cosntant as dc problem) is ppl fighting over hit the same boxes/take someone elses appl and (i find very anoyying personally as a warrior, who has not mobility skill) be around no boxes and theres still time left, but not enough to climb and find for more boxes. i think it can be fixed in 2 ways(although I do not know if it is possible to do any of them) A.-make the bonus room bigger.-if u still have a just a minute to hint boxes, that doesnt make u can farm apples massively. being 6 person in a party i find that room, a little bit small. b.-increase a little bit the aple drop rate but make the box stronger.- in other words make that the boxes can tank 1 or 2 more hits, but more possiblities of getting an apple. that would make every person can destroy less boxes and that would make that every person, can takes his/her own boxes without have to argue with someone else for them. I am pretty shure that the first idea is a pretty good one. but to be honest im not taht shure about the second one,altought is still think it might be good. i would love to hear your opinions about this.(except if your opinion is "please do not change anything the game is perfect as it is" or "please do not make the game easier" in that case abstain yourself. This is a progressive post about people who want better things) P.D sorry for my terrible redaction, im altin and im still learning
well if you want to count 1 run when people actually finish, might as well make other bosses like that too. Doubt that's going to happen.
yeah, thats another of my ideas, but, with bosses is waaaaay different, and rewarp to bosses has to be carefully managed, in apq case is different because it has nothing but bonus( well some exp, but lets be honest , who does apq for exp?)restart a boss run can be used for exp exploit, and its tottaly fair to lose 1 zak/toad/shao/ht for failing(i mean most atackers die). who dies at apq? just for afing and be very low lvl other wise is almost imposible to "fail" at apq except for dcing. u get me? altought i have some ideas to do rewarp to bosses viable, i think it have to be managed apart, because its not the same no. pd. if u voted no because u mixed my ideas with yours, pls reconsider it, i am talkin exclusively of apq
Alternatively make the PQ doable with 5 people while still requiring 6 for signup. (Similar to LPQ) This way 1 person dcing at stage 1 will not ruin the run for the rest. The main problem comes at the rope stage,where the leader has to stay down in order to click the npc,my suggestion is to add clickable entities up at the ropes that the leader can click while hanging on a rope to progress the stage.
i thought about taht too, but at platforms stg if the combination doesnt include "A" as part of the code th run is pretty much done too, and change it to just 4 platforms code is something i think is not posible
naah, i can get critics form ppl who has better ideas than mine, or who found mistakes in my propositions, and even better if they point them out, so i can get better, but ppl whos saying "everything is perfect as it is" are clearly blinded by nostalgia and romanticism, and didnt saw the fact that the developers have seen several badly designed things in the past in the original game, have changed them, and that has made the game much better
I'll start by saying that I respect your opinion as that of almost everyone else even if i dont share it (as in this case) and secondly I must add that at this particular point I do not think this party quest NEED changes, they are just something that to me if I would like to see, and that in my opinion would make it even better but, here are my arguments against based on what you just said Well if you do not change the essence of something, if not the functionality, you can actually continue feeling nostalgia about that something, but improve your experience. in addition I do not know if you play kms or ems, but I have clear the memory that when apq was released there was no limit of daily runs for which, you did not ruin the day a saboteur, it only made you lose a few minutes (be careful to argue that the change to limited runs was necessary, because then your opinion would no longer be congruent, because one change is good, but the other is not?) (I would love tagging here the guy who in my post about the jump quest said that the negative memories could not make you feel nostalgic) ok, I respect that, but listen to yourself, the argument to keep things the way they are is that it allows people to fuck you? seriously???? the nostalgia is purely subjective, but this sounds to me like when some people of a certain age say "fags" to the boys of these times for complaining about the bulling when they very "macho" endured to bother them day after day, I think this rather, it is an argument in favor of making a change and not against it NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Sorry to go against you, but I'm pretty tired taht me (or anyone) proposing an idea, someone else come, relate to another TOTALLY DIFFERENT, and say it is bad, for the idea that is NOT PROPOSED. in this particular case this is talking EXCLUSIVELY OF APQ. and what will come next? it is not a valid question, theres nothing next, it does not exist, then there is nothing, the omega, finite, stop talking about what is not related pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee what you say is ridiculous because in almost all other pq there can be exploits, and it is not so simple to do (btw stop the "ht rewarp when?" is not so easy, that would allow many traps, although initially the intention was a good one) in the case of apq there is only 1 benefit that is the bonus, and if we look for a way that everyone can make their 4 daily bonuses, the only thing that we are doing, is that every day is "a good day of apq" " nothing more. and cmon that has NOTHING to do with bb update, u been there? When nexon bought wizet and after 1 year new developers came in, they realized that a game with so much love dedication and so many fans in essence, was BAD DESIGNED and BAD BALANCED, so they did what most of us do when we realize that We put salt in the coffee instead of sugar, throw it in the trash and do it again, instead of trying to fix it (and in my opinion, it could be fixed without changing everything and they did it MUCH WORSE) as if they put vinegar instead of sugar. although yes, the game needed changes (as the ones that developers of royals have done it in the past) to summarize. even though I think the game NEEDS some changes, this is not one of them, it's just something, I think, that could do apq a little better
I start to believe that he represents perfectly the typical player of royals, I have been making the script for several post that I have in mind, but I start to lose the desire to do it,i would like to be wrog about this