Name: Jae Age: 26 IGN: ItsJustCynn Level/Job: 158/FM Mule What made you want to join: Jay reached out to me and told me it was a place fitting for a clown such as myself. I started in 2017 so missed most of you. I was forced to spend 1 hour to practice in some forum Archery game to join Acme. I was told I didn't have to suffer through that again. I got like a stack of heartstoppers , does that count as 60weapon attack?
thank u for your application - if you can beat me in a game of omok u may join CLOWNTOWN (you have to provide the omok table)
1) Name: kimbow (kimberley) 2) Age: 24 3) IGN: GlassFairy 4) Level & Job: 31, Cleric 5) What made you want to join CLOWNTOWN: I love irmy with my whole life and heart plz I need to be in this guild 6) Tell us about yourself: big simp 7) Your gear att stats (because your gear is our gear): I have a wand
1) Name: yan 2) Age: 29 3) IGN: Film 4) Level & Job: acme 5) What made you want to join CLOWNTOWN: the guild seems very competitive and serious which matches my current goals in game 6) Tell us about yourself: nice guy 7) Your gear att stats (because your gear is our gear): only have a poo stick and a dagger
1) Name: john 2) Age: quarter life crisis 3) IGN: lecture 4) Level & Job: lol 5) What made you want to join CLOWNTOWN: irmy said my cat can be the mascot 6) Tell us about yourself: ? 7) Your gear att stats (because your gear is our gear): > irmy , < timk
hi thanks for your application - please apply again in the future when you have more gear! hi thanks for your application - you are kind of old so i will need to reject this time (just kidding u guys can join)
1) Name: Mary 2) Age: 24 3) IGN: heyyer 4) Level & Job: I/L mage 122 5) What made you want to join CLOWNTOWN: I am a clown so this is my place 6) Tell us about yourself: I'm a hecking noob but I love this game and the community. 7) Your gear att stats (because your gear is our gear): I'm a mage so idk if this applies but my wand is 149 matt )) I swear I can be an asset over time lol