Bachelor of Information Technology in Programming & Software Development. Currently set to graduate with Distinction as long as I don't completely screw up my subjects over the next 12 months
I WAS majoring in Literature and then I decided that it was leaving me with only a few options for work afterward, with one more likely than the others; teaching. Considering that I don't like kids, I decided that this wasn't going to happen. Earlier this year I decided to earn an Advertising degree. I am currently finishing up my AA in Public Relations at a community college and then attending UT to earn my BA in Advertising (Creative). During the course of my Literature degree, I took a Pop Culture humanities class. We read a few essays about the psychological manipulation that advertising uses to coax people into changing their behavior toward the desired effect. I'm not sure what it says about me as a person that I found this so compelling that I thought, "man, I want to do that." Plus... Mad Men. 'Nuff said.
I'm in my third year of university majoring in Biology. I plan to focus on Microbiology. In the future, I'm thinking of being a lab technician.
Changed my major four times (social work --> digital and broadcast journalism --> mass media arts --> public relations) and minoring in fashion merchandising! I don't know what I really want to do after college (I'm graduating in May, eeek!) but I'm looking into maybe Teach for America to teach and help underprivileged kids, since I originally wanted to help underprivileged children when I initially came into college as a freshman Also looking into teaching abroad in South Korea, Malaysia, etc. I love PR but I'm not too sure whether I want to work for a corporate agency right after college -- asking for prayers + good vibes while I figure my life out, haha!
First year in Computer Science, yay! Went from Japanese -> Social Work ->Psychology -> Computer Science. Technology was one of the few things that kept my interest, so I finally went for it (probably should have years ago when I was taking college courses in high school.) Do what you are interested in. If you keep going back and forth, you can always do a minor in one of them.
Yea I'm old, but I got my Bachelors in Writing and Communications and then I got a Masters of Art in English Literature. SO, quite the opposite of your plans, but my advice would be to pick something that you genuinely enjoy doing instead of basing your decisions off of future financial planning, etc. My friends all came in pre-med, pre-law, and with other lofty expectations, but everyone ended up changing before they graduated to something that made them happy...and now we are all fairly successful, happy professionals! TL; DR- Do what makes you happy. If you enjoy doing it, the money will come!
^ I have seen that happen way too often (basing what to do on financials). In fact, someone I know is a lawyer and can't leave the profession without sacrificing a lot of security--I'm sure living in Manhattan isn't helping. >.< He'd have to leave all of that security and become a student again, which doesn't seem realistic at this point.
Music Performance - Cello (BM) just like me, a BM. It's great doing something you love everyday but in today's society the money just isn't there...I'm happy to be making a way financially through this near impossible journey of loving classical music but it breaks my heart to see many of my friends and colleagues struggle through it.
I went to college for a Fine Arts degree~ I actually dropped out like three weeks ago because I don't believe in going to school for art (at least in my case). I plan to go again in the future for Business or something so I can get into some better careers & possibly get my own creative works out there more easily & efficiently.