First off, no offense but why are you posting here just to tell me that I am wrong? If a gm says that they didn't change anything then that already settles it, I'll believe it. Considering that we are talking about scroll drops however, your example doesn't really hold up. The sample size in your example is 3 or 4, I got around 25 scrolls the first time I farmed there. 25 Scrolls with about the same time span in between seems like an ok sample size to me.
No offense, but why are you posting here just to tell me my analogy is wrong? If a principles of research class tells me that's how data works, then I ok, I'll believe it. Your sample size is the number of times (or number of hours, whatever) you've farmed there, your result is the number of scrolls obtained per sample. Anyway, this isn't really a discussion that matters, so I'm going to drop it here.
Like I said the first time I saw your rate, I highly doubted it from the start. 15 scrolls an hour is quite unlikely. How much was the final number? For something as big as ToT, I'd say 5 hours is a good reliable sample size. Level: 6x Class: Brawler Map/Mob: The Forest of Golem Mesos/Hour: 40M/Hour Detailed Explanation (Optional): Averaging around 20M in NPC, 3 Scroll for Gloves Atk 60%, 1 Scroll for Bow 60% and miscellaneous godly Maple Weapons. Using the Trade button to teleport right back to the top of the map and using a mule with Maple Warrior to 2 hit most of Golems often and used Mystic Door to teleport right to the Sleepywood to NPC. Level: 5x Class: Bandit Map/Mob: Forest of the Dead IV Mesos/Hour: 40M/Hour Detailed Explanation (Optional): Averaging around 20M NPC, 16 Power Crystal Ores, 2200 Zombie Teeth and adding in the chance of getting sought after clean gear can get you upwards of 40M an hour at Coolie Zombies. This is during the Christmas Event so NPCing is very quick. One of the top drops that you should look out for are the Brown Studded Top which can get very godly. Keep a look out for other blue lined equips. Level: 5x Class: Bandit Map/Mob: Dead Mines II Mesos/Hour: 60M/Hour Detailed Explanation (Optional): Averaging around 10M NPC, 10 Dex Crystal Ores, 1400 Zombie Teeth/Flyeye Wings and 25 Golden Zombie Teeth and a chance at a godly Maple Kandiva Bow an hour. I started from the top and then zig-zagged my way to the bottom. Level: 6x Class: Bandit Map/Mob: Sophia's Bedroom Mesos/Hour: 33M/Hour Detailed Explanation (Optional): Averaging around 7M NPC and 35 Heartstoppers on average per hour. I one shot most of the Voodoos and usually get 6 per spawn cycle. To my knowledge, 35 is the absolute limit someone can farm Heartstoppers per hour.
Plenty can you just edit your last post instead of constantly reposting, I keep thinking you have a new post but you're just adding onto it. lol
Sorry. I'll keep that in mind from now on. Level: 4x Class: Ice/Lightning Mage Map/Mob: Path of Time (1) Mesos/Hour: 35M/Hour Detailed Explanation (Optional): Averaging around 7M NPC, 6 Maple Shields, 1 Scroll for Glove Atk 60% and 15 Power Crystal Ores on average per hour. I two shotted all of the Platoon Chronos. I'm pricing the Maple Shields at 2.5m. Level: 5x Class: Ice/Lightning Mage Map/Mob: Ghost Ship 2 Mesos/Hour: 10M/Hour Detailed Explanation (Optional): Average 7M NPC, 2 Scroll for Wand Magic Atk 60% and chance of getting a godly Dark Pirate Top. My Ice/Lightning can dispatch all the Slimys very quickly, so I'm surprised to see such a low rate. Great for people who need to get their Dark Crystal for 3rd job advancement, however. Updates with format and numbers.
Level: 103 Class: Priest Map/Mob: Zipangu: Encounter with the Buddha / Dreamy Ghost Mesos/Hour: 11.3M / Hour Detailed Explanation (Optional): I have 760 magic with wizard elixir. I lured the monsters from side to side with heal and killed them in the corners with shining ray. I soloed. I have a pet with all the equips that are useful for picking up. In depth: +4.4m clean mesos per hour +2m from equips that I NPCed per hour +7m from scrolls in average per hour -2m from pots that I used (487 Unagis, 504 Mana Bulls and 8 Wizard Elixirs) Total mesos earned per hour: 11.3m
Level: 148 Class: Bishop Map/Mob: Memory Lane 5 Mesos/Hour: 70m/hr Detailed Explanation (Optional): Well I get about 3 60% helm int scrolls and a overall str scroll which is around 65m total and rest from NPC items so totalling to 70m
Thanks for the submission! I usually average 3.5 Helmet Int scrolls there and about 25m/NPC, but I one shot them.
Are all these methods still viable? Realized heartstoppers don't drop anymore after wasting 2x drop at voodoos & how would u fight coolie zombies at 5x?? If these are obvious I apologize I just returned from 5 years back & sitting on a hefty 700k (sarcasm of course)
Heartstoppers still drop just fine- I average about 30/hour passively farming with bahamut on a bishop. 2x drop/2x exp cards dont work at all, and should be disabled in the cash shop i believe. Coolie zombies are only level 60ish before big bang. Are you familiar with the server? We're different than GMS.
These methods are still all up to date. Heartstoppers still drop and 2x cards are disabled in MapleRoyals. I can fight Coolie Zombies mostly due to funding, but a few people can make money there pretty easily if you get to level 64 and use the Maple Weapons. Thanks for reminding me to check up on that statistic.
I averaged about 1 Scroll for Overall Int 60% in an hour and a half and 4-5 Scroll for Claw 60% an hour.
I figured I'd log my leeching gains from now on just to see what the gains are from each place, not sure if this should be here or in the leeching thread so here's a few from tonight Spoiler: ULU 2 2-Hit 1hr ULU2 2-Hit (sold 50m/hr) - 32.8M npc/meso - 51 att 7 luk Craven - 50 att 5 luk Craven - 16 Stat thief top - 9 Luk Ores 18 Dex Ores 1hr ULU2 2-Hit (sold 50m/hr) - 36.8m npc/meso - 51 att 7 luk Craven - 13 Luk Ores 14 Dex Ores 1hr ULU2 2-Hit (sold 50m/hr) -39m npc/meso - 6 Dex 5 Luk Thief Bot (m) - (2) 50 att 5/7 Luk Cravens - 11 Luk Ores 11 Dex Ores Spoiler: WS 1-Hit 1hr WS 1-Hit (sold 45m/hr) - 37.5m npc/meso - 41 att 6 Luk Blue Scarab - 7 Illbi - 1 Spear ATT 30% - 34 Wisdom Ores 1hr WS 1-Hit (sold 50m/hr) - 36.3m npc/meso - 6 Illbi - 1 Spear ATT 30% - 26 Wisdom Ores 1hr WS 1-Hit (sold 50m/hr) - 39.8m npc/meso - 2 Spear ATT 30% - 5 Claw ATT 10% - 6 Polearm ATT 70% - 8 Illbi - 29 Wisdom Ores Spoiler: Skele 2-Hit 1Hr Skele 2-Hit (solg 50m/hr) - 23m npc/meso - 9 Str 5 Dex Warrior Top - 2 10% glove att, 2 60% 2h BW att, 2 60% cape str - 4 Dragon Scales + 5 Dragon Spirits + 9 Wisdom Ores Spoiler: Deadmine 2 1-Hit 1hr Deadmine 2 1-Hit (genesis) - 14.5m npc/meso - 47 Gold Teeth - 12 Stacks of etc 1hr Deadmine 2 1-hit (genesis) - 17.5m npc/meso - 40 Gold Teeth - 11 Stacks etc
From my experience, Spear 30s are very rare so I don't know how reliable it would be to calculate a Spear 30 into the hourly rate of Wolf Spiders. If you're still planning on selling leech there keep my posted on the rates of those scrolls.
sure thing would you like me to a. post in this thread b. post in leeching thread c. make my own leeching log thread
Use your best judgment. Since this issue is about making mesos, I'd preferably ask you to post it here. My Leeching Guide is more about rates than it is about making mesos.
no problemo ill just post em here w/ spoilers. let me know if you want me to record 10% scrolls or anything else that im not already logging (usually just equips, npc/meso, scrolls and ores)