IGN for Sale : t3chno | deglazing | subtlety | duping | samgyeopsai | SEplug | coagulate | cubano | brunoise | UnzUnz | pendemonium | fondicate | deadbeatdad IGN for Buy : Natural9 | Techno
I have the following: hostile (hostiie) tarantula (tarantuia) liked (iiked) laughing (iaughing) look (iook) lntensity (Lntensity) No prices in mind, PM me if you are interested and throw out what you feel is reasonable - worst I can say is no. Willing to accept payment via Krex ring reloots (lol) if you are a reputable player and not looking to expend monetary resources on an IGN. Edit (more): dole (doie) terrible (terribie) silly (siiLy) lung (iung) yell (yeii)
S> Cartel, Negev, Majula, Tseldora, Drangleic, Orro, Pineco, Luvdisc, Linoone, Electrike, Nuzleaf, Doppler, Elytra, Burthorpe All are L's not i's. 2ws/cs/1bc ea Edit: Cartel sold 11 May 2020 for 1bc.