Guardian before stance is quite viable build now. Max guardian is the same as 25% shifter (with a few small exceptions). I did 6 points in stance (1 minute duration and 52% proc) then maxed guardian on my pally last year for fun and found it to be great even at 15%, at 25% rate, that's better shifter rate than NL. I would recommend this build if it stays at 25%. Really looking forward to 25% guardian and max threaten!
I would also note if anyone has 55+ weapon attack gear and looking into 1h+shield vs. 2h sword, Threaten is now a slight passive buff to 1h+shield. With 2H sword hitting cap all the time, threaten doesn't help DPS much. But for 1H threaten is giving you a slight boost to your dps and narrowing that gap, while also being way more defensive.
i need help with this... Where do i put the points? Skill points Final Attack worth it? or maxed Power strike
If you plan to leech till 4th Job, then it doesn't really matter which you add. Since Power Strike will be replaced by Blast, and Final Attack doesn't work with 4th Job skills. But i would recommend adding to Power Strike though. If in the future you plan to do the low-level PQs, at least you have Power Strike to use.
FA does not work with blast before. And from the patch notes, they only change the skill from a passive to an active skill. I don't think any change was made to make it work with 4th job skills.
Threaten work on boss, though there is a known bug that it doesnt decrease damage. Didn’t test for defense or acc
One question I have: Are Gobies elementally weak against lightning? I went to check hidden street and apparently it doesn't seem so. So I'm wondering if there is a difference here in Mapleroyals.
Since you admit that the low lvl grinding spots might be outdated, might I suggest some other ones? I'm not funded (first char) currently lvl 82, these spots are IMO good for lower levels: Wild boars 25-35. Teddies 30-35. Evil eyes 30-40. 35-50 I mostly did lots of quests but think good spots are more evil eyes? Don't think there's many good warrior spots here. I just like evil eyes a lot even if it gets slower. These lvls shouldn't be too slow either way, jr. Grupins/cellions etc might be viable as well. Maybe jr wraiths. Chronos are ok-ish but can drop some good scrolls. I also got a few lvls here from soloing mu lung dojo for a belt, which is slow but nice to have and you can use 3 100% int scrolls if you want to hp wash a bit. Mahatma also has some maps with good spawns but if you don't have 3 pets with good speed scrolled equips it feels slow. 50-80 Forest of Golem, MP3, Pythons depending on your accuracy. I didn't have a zhelm and was able to train here starting mid fifties. If you don't want to buy gold teeth, zakum prequest should give you a few lvls though hitting zombies was hard for me until late fifties. I also recommend captain latatica prequests and doing the boss mid 60, he has low avoid and killing a boss is fun. Also mid sixties he gives like half a lvl of xp and you can do him often. Pirates in herb town are also decent here towards the later lvls, as are sage cats. 80+ I have max fire charge and currently booper scarlions (fantasy theme park 2) are very good xp despite my bad gear. Wolf spiders are also very good even if they're not weak to fire. Gobies are not very good for me because you cannot hit the other mobs in their maps without very good accuracy and respawn is bad.
Genins in ninja castle from 20-35 is the best and it's not even close. 50-80 don't forget Saities duo with a cleric, as well as Homunculus with any other class. it's difficult but still possible. New players can easily get accuracy gear for free from mushroom shrine gach drops and try to hit mobs 10+ levels higher. if you're in a party with people -/+ 5 levels of yourself, you still et exp share. Lots of people are just dropping their amoria baskets right now during v-day events, easy +40 acc. 80-90+ Jr. Newties is supreme. can easily find Archers or thieves to share map with. The area of blue kentaurus is decent too. 90-100 Ulu2, Jonins, Dreamy ghosts 100-110 Nintos *THIS MAP IS GODLY* they're weak to lightning, give INSANE exp, and very mob dense. 110+ Ellin forest use this: Gobis is only good if you have a 4th job mage pulling all the mobs to you. Dont focus too much on elements. it helps but it's not completely necessary. Mainly focus on getting the 15% card buff for 1 hour then move to the next mobs, and always try to be in a party. 10% bonus per active party member is godly.
I have a question. I have level 1 Heaven's Hammer and it can hit mobs to 1 hp left. Is leveling HH only decrease the cool down time, or it can also increase the damage to kill the mob 1 hit?