Thank you both for your advice! @Haplopelma @Brambleshire And yeah I was referring to Mu Lung Dojo, my bad I've run dojo for a couple days now and I feel like using just holy charge is the best path up until Manon when we should just start to change to the elemental weakness of the boss. Just got the blue belt so there is still some way to go.
Haplo I got paired up with a NL tonight and tried your clone separation techniques and they worked perfectly! It felt like fileting sushi, nice and neat one at a time. I was proud of my work! OK so when I'm cwk it is most optimal to target mage. But can is it sometimes more optimal for the party overall if I attack the 3 bosses downstairs? Such as a party that has tons of ranged attackers and a shortage of melee? There's gotta be at least 2 melee attackers on the 3 bosses downstairs right? Ok about lockons. You say you're locked on until it dies? What if the mob moves out of your blast range and you attack the other one instead, wouldn't you then be locked on to that one? Up until now, that's how I thought you could change your target, by moving yourself or the mob so that their target area doesn't overlap. An example would be someone goes to the middle to reup on SE or something, and the bosses become unpinned, and the archer I was locked onto moved to the left and out of range of my blast. Would I then be locked on to the warrior or thief boss when my blast hits one of them? And about checking your damage to see who your locked onto: is there a way to do this besides asking everyone to stop attacking for a few seconds? I can never see my dmg in all the numbers from everyone else's attacks. Thanks for sharing your wisdom haplo, your the man!
Hi, I just started my paladin and have some question: How hard it is to reach 200k damage without crit? Is it possible to reach that with 1h sword and shield? (consider using apple). If possible, how much total attack from gloves cape shoes I need? Can Hero surpass paladin in dps in end game consider Blast is cap at 200k ?
@yesbita Hitting 200k without crit is possible with 2h sword and 1h bw+ shield with relatively okay equipment. 1h sword and shield has very limited upper range compared to 1h + bw but does way more stable damage. I do not know the exact numbers for hitting 200k without crits on 1h+sword @Ayane might know. That being said, I would doubt you would hit 200k without perf wep+ shield and about 45-50 atk gear. For hero and paladin. They are both very different classes. Heroes shine in specific circumstances and are pretty lackluster in others. They are great in CWKPQ, zak arms, horntail 3 body part hitting. Most people agree that right now, hero is the weakest of the three warriors. DK does too much damage for hero to be viable and paladin offer too much versatility for hero to be worthwhile. Also, people always focus on Blast damage but you also have many other skills that deal damage. ACB is extremely hard to hit 200k with (crit) and hammer does 200k dmg up to 20 targets. Furthermore, paladin is the only warrior who can hit 6 mobs with their 4th job aoe skill (no dk memers pls nobody uses that polearm spell). In terms of dps: Single target king is paladin. For aoe, up to 3 hero will beat paladin and more than 3 paladin will do very comparable and even more damage. But this is just a 2d game bro! Follow your heart. Paladin or Hero, you will, in most circumstances, fill the same role. If you care for Neo Tokyo content, I strongly suggest Paladin as it is the best class there (Maybe bucc is better, not sure after nerfs). If you have any questions feel free to post em here! Hopefully Ayane can clear up how much range you need for 200k non crits on a 1h sword. Cheers, Haplopelma
Thank Thank you for your answer, It was pointless when I asked that question since in the end I will play all melee jobs for fun XD.
It is not pointless! Sometimes enjoyment comes in various forms, always good to get as much information as possible to make an educated choice! Best of luck with your choice! Cheers,
On a holy weak boss you'd need around 16.5k range (which isn't that easy with 1h but doable) but on the regular fire/ice/lightning weak bosses you'd need 17.7k range or so which is really high. I only have 15.5k or so (around 9.8k clean) , using a level 122 flame sword, 22 atk shield and 51 atk total gear (with apple+echo, lvl 193). So to get 17.7k range you'd need some really strong items like perfect carabella (148 atk)+shield and either be lvl 200 with around 50 atk gear or lvl 190 with 60 atk+ gear. And that's with carabella, with the flame sword you'd need much stronger gear cause it only goes up to 135 atk when perfect. So yeah with 1h the cap isn't really a factor Also about the shao solo you need around 14.5k or so (without se buff)
just note that theres a bug in HT where def up would show wrong damage numbers, so lots of people think they hit 199k early on and that it's easy, but in reality it's just a visual bug.
@Haplopelma great guide! It’s helped me out a lot I’m a first time paladin and they’re so fun to lay coming from drk. When would a 2h be better than a 1 handed? I have a 19 attack shield and a 126 1handed(forgot the name) when should I move to a st?
@FreeBands Good question. I am assuming you are using a sparta/carabella which has the same speed as a stonetooth (if you are flame sword its a different story). That being said, better is very subjective. Imo, 1h is better than 2h for the content I like doing. If you care more about damage output and big numbers, I would switch to 2h asap. Having guardian proc is very useful for Auf Haven and HT. I am not sure what your gamestyle is or what you like doing so it is hard for me to tell you what could be better for the type of gameplay you do. One thing is for certain, if you wanna do more dps (assuming carabella and sparta) I would sell the sword and shield and buy whatever 2h I can afford. If you do alot of Auf/HT, guardian will boost your dps quite significantly even though you are using 1h. These are just some things to consider. If you can provide me with additionnal info on what you like doing, I can give you a better answer. Cheers,
you will hear a big hand of opinions ended with "this one is the best option" as for me i would preffer a list of pros and cons about every option to make the right choice. 2h sword.- This sword has 2 advantages: 1.- it deals more dmg(if i recall correctly 15% more dmg, wich means that to match a 130ST you would need a 150WA from both sword and shield combined) 2.-it has a more wide range action. 1h swrd+ shield.- 1.- you can use an skill called guardian wich is pretty much a little shadow shifter 2.- If its a red katana/flame saword/ pyrope sword you wont need SI to deal your max possible dmg. So, wich one is better?, its up to you, and your situation, for example, lets say youre a lvl 150 pally with 30-35 wa gears(cape+gloves+shoes) at that lvl youre pretty much focused on krex, zak and shao, for those bosses, and with those gear/lvl and equivalent ST is WAY BETTER, since dodging a few bullets its not a big deal, and dealing 15% more dmg is absolutely better. Now lets say youre lvl 170 and youre trying to trio client in HT, having a more confort playstyle its going to provide more dps in a long run, so i would choose a 1h+shield in that case, if youre single clienting and theres a bucc in the pt an ST/CLAYMORE would be better for shure. For dunas v1 an ST will hit 100% times, meanwhile flame sword misses hit once in a while. In Auf, facing it, 1h+shield is waaaay better, and guardian is amazing there, but if theres a bucc and the other(s) are heavily washed nls, a 2h will hit WAY more often from "the bucc platform" a 1h+shield user cannot use that platform. At some point you may have 60+wa gears where youre pretty much hitting close to cap every hit if youre on apple, in that case you will be barely notice a difference in terms of dmg between an st/claymore and a flamsword+ shield, so in that scenario the only advantage that a 2h sword has left its the action range(wich in a few bosses is kind of important) So, i will just share what im going to do with my pally(soontm finished) i will just have both options(i mean whats the point to play a versatile job, if you cant actually have options) and use them depending on wich boss im doing, and with who im running with, it doesnt even need to be perfect, as for me i already ahve a pretty meh sword and shield, and i will buy a decent ST or even a claymore, and main focus will be on att gears, so i can use the best choice depending on the situation
saw myself.....shorter front range if he pushes you a bit, you could miss, kb is never big enough to make claymore fail(unless youre looking somwehre else entirely, or that skill who makes you fly away) duoed with flame sword user a few times, always misses 5-10 hits in a 12 min duo, been duoing with a claymore user for a month and never saw a miss(oh btw when i say miss, im not reffering to the "miss" letters for the lack of accuracy, im actually saying you will not hit the target at all)
From what I saw, 1h bw has very similar range to 2h sword in terms of blast. Acb is a different story
@Easy Hey bro, I answer the question you had in your other thread about ACB. Yes it bounces and it can reach really far in optimal situations. If you look at my screenshots in bossing, you can see the things paladin can do. That being said 2h acb has far more range than 1h acb but as shown by Erara, you can basically acb 4 arms with 1 hander in the hero spot. Cheers, Haplopelma
Hey, thanks first of all for answering and helping! So it bounces with any element you choose? so how come the hand that you're hitting falls first? is there dmg reduction for each bounce like I/L has? Also i know you wrote about each type of weapon but i'm still not sure if its worth going 2h or 1h with a shield these days, in terms of money and dmg, cuz i'm pretty sure i have to choose on 3rd job if i'm putting points into shield mastery or not, or do i max it anyway and can choose anytime i want?
Shield mastery is useless, don't put points into it. It only doubles the Defence of the shield itself and maple shields barely have Def at all