Does it take potions into account you haven't used yet? Like, maybe you have enough base HP to get to the threshold at 175 assuming you use the MaxHP potions you got from the quest. But if you don't use them, can you still do this quest indefinitely, or does the game have those in mind? Edit: No, it doesn't seem like it does.
My marksman's HP is going to be ~9480 at 175 right now I figured out, but I am sitting on around 500 hp in potions I haven't used yet, so I pretty much confirmed it hence the edit. So yeah it's a good thing to add since it's a work-around the infinitely repeatable limit . Do it as many times as you like and then use the potions when you're satisfied with the amount you got.
Added the bit about repeatibility while not using the potions. Also, I heard a report of the green mushrooms part taking notably long now. Anyone else noticing this? I stopped doing the quests myself a year ago since reaching 17.5k hp on my BM.
I want to shout out this platform. I was able to bstep and kill these 3 Rock Mfers for my entire task. They spawn nice and clumped. However, and I could be wrong, but if you let them wander too far out to the right side before killing them, the game will spawn them elsewhere, to fix this, kill golems elsewhere until they spawn back here on this platform and spawn camp them. Really nice and chill, just 1 bstep every 8 seconds, but honestly was so easy and fast. Pet auto loots and you can just chill.
hello, i've reached level 120 on my chief bandit. why does the lightbulb for the quest not appear? i went to reuel directly. no quest triggered also anyone knows?
Is this right? I currently have 500hp worth of potions sitting in my inventory and it seems the quest just became one per day, mind you I've done around 30 quests in the past 48 hours without levelling up or anything. I think it counts your base HP as well as the potions sitting in your inventory.
I'm not sure tbh. I was ~20 hp from the limit and had potions worth 1000 HP and could do it daily still, until one day I suddenly couldn't.
It's possible it might have been changed recently, would be great if other people could test it out (I do not have a character below the limit to test on)
I was a couple dozen HP away too and it's turned into a daily quest ever since. This was on my shad, lvl 160 and hadn't levelled up since last week.
Well the GM said in shoutbox that it counts the potions in your inventory, when I asked on day 1 of release of unlimited Hp quest for lower hp.
Tried it myself, can confirm whatever mechanics are in place count the unused potions in your inventory and will change the quest from spammable to daily
Does anyone know if the drop rate has been reduced? Feels like it takes a longer time to collect the etc compared to beforeā¦
Thank you so much for the guide! I find i can just squeeze 2 quests in around an hour. I'm NL and got way too far into the game before finding out about having to HP wash. I don't care much to play bishop and sell leech, so this is a pretty good alternative. Get's me exploring places I never go to also! I'm just under 9K HP now (not sure what base is atm) at lvl 155, so hopefully a few more hours of grinding this to get to 10k! Thanks again! We've added a whole bunch of brand new daily HP quests to the list!