I think we were supposed to discuss Xenon on this thread. https://royals.ms/forum/threads/xenon.214369/ Probably need to make another thread with a poll though to get clearer answers. I could make that thread, but perhaps as this topic was Bishop's idea, he could kindly make us a poll?
Hell no, I'm not him. Why would I be that freak? I dont know what you're talking about. Thank you. Good day people. Wish you alot of health and success with your life.
I'd continue with the shad, making a new MM/Sair will we kinda troublesome as you'd need to level and buy leech all over again, and also have to go with base int and HP washing. Continue with the shad and see how you like it first, you haven't started bossing yet so you don't really have an accurate impression about it yet
I think you should stick to bishops, you already had like 5+ of them on this server so you should be experienced by now