Trojans: Weak magic defense (130) Robo's(Starting robots): Strong magic defense (175) Resists Ice/Fire, neutral to Lightning/Poison/Holy Rombot: Strong magice defense (180) No resists.
CPQ1 Top tiers: These classes can easily transfer from an epic low level weapon/pumpkin spear into their maple or equivalent (red skis, lionheat sword, red whip, etc.) * Funded fighter is king. Rage if attack pot runs out of time. Japanese map is ridiculous if funded. Even more so with Diao Chan sword + godlike shield. Had a buddy selling cpq leech hitting 2.4k+cp consistently while solo. Sword page would apply here as well but would need an energizer. * page is second. Fighter without the rage, so may need energizer to be as efficient. Is a beast with Japanese map but black/duck tube is great as well. When not fully built up, performs below brawlers and spearmen. * brawler and Spearman are next. Performance is up to the player's skill and a bit of luck. Fishing Rod on spearman is really good with its speed and range. Mid tier: * gunslinger: Invisible shot go brrrr. * ice lightning. Lightning does great damage and is highly mobile with teleport. * bandit. Great damage but single target. * assasin. Only placed here when in room 5-6. Unfortunately that requires at least a 3v3. Room layout is amazing for them. High damage output and haste to move quickly. * Cleric. Heal is very effective on master chronos. Unfortunately that means lower cp than rombots. However, the opposition can summon them more quickly than rombots. * fire poison. High single target damage, but attacks slowly. Low tiers * hunter. Better in room 5-6. Just gets swarmed. Not fun. Bomb arrow stuns can be great. * crossbowman. Would be top tier if iron arrow could be used from close up. Alas, it's not. No knockback means everything is in your face 24/7. Decent in room 1-2 and 5-6. To be an xbowman in cpq1 and 2 is pain.