Happend the same to me, i believed like Dong said should be a wifi problem https://i.TemuTemuTemuTemuTemuTemu/px73gvD/Captura-de-Pantalla-2023-12-13-a-la-s-08-52-14.png
i find it hard to believe it's a specific wifi problem that happens to all of us since the same patch..
IGNs Fuppy/MidoriBoshi/Joiboi Channels vary but im mostly on ch5. Unfortunately dont have accurate server time but it literally happens 2-3 minutes into the leech, i can reproduce it later today and give you exact time if that would help.
Just reproduced. channel 5, IGNs: Fuppy, MidoriBoshi, Joiboi Servertime 23:59:20~ approx Fuppy & MidoriBoshi dced edit: Joiboi dced like 10s after the rest
@Zancks I got the same issue after this patch and my situation is just like @Puff2153 I duo client and one will disconnect first (no matter which channel I go), then the other did too, and I have alrdy tried wz/img but still not working, Also I've tried switching my internet/wifi/hotspot but the issue keeps coming back to me btw I noticed that after I logged in for 2-3mins it will automatically happened no matter how many clients I opened(even when I only opened 1 account) Last but not least there's another thread in the forum talking about this issue too https://royals.ms/forum/threads/client-closes-dc-randomly.226157/ so I believed that many ppl got stuck too
Happening to me as well. Simply just login to another client and then try to interact with Taxi for example. Has some trouble loading then disconnects with same error message as above
Happens to me when I'm not even multi client, dc every 0-5mins. No way I can boss or anything. Same thing since Halloween event
I can only echo this. We are aware some people still have d/c issues. We do need these information to look into specific cases.
Channel 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9.....20 Servertime, since turkey event 0:00-23:59 No error codes, just dc. Usually after 15-30 seconds whenever I have logged in any char on a second client, After that also my single client starts dropping every 0-5 minutes. Since previous event, each patch allowed me to play on single client fine until I logged a char on a second client. Then game becomes unplayable on single client as well, dropping every few minutes. Even after reclient or restart computer. Reinstalles several times. I dont use wifi. I can give you my list of IGN's but it really doesnt seem to matter. I have like 3 use and 2 etc slots left on every main-char. Pls I need my mules f4.
Happens to me in any channel, on all my characters Barrage, Unitz, Mullet, Kanife etc. No specific server time. Just DCs me back to the home screen, dosnt shut down the clien
Anyone try to change to compability of mapleroyals.exe ? i changed to Windows XP and got dc after exactly 1 minute. Hope this actually help since even if is dc, it's a big clue to how fix this multi client random dc (At last is not 10 to 20 seconds after log on muiltiples clients lol)