You're using Rich Text Editor instead of BB Code Editor, which I recommend using ideas. Rich Text Editor tends to create meaningless additions to large threads, especially guides where you're utilizing a bunch of different codes and additions.
I would like to point out that the Corsair's battleship does not tank damage for them. It acts as a separate entity, not a shield.
Copy and replace your OP with this. This should get rid of the double spoilers: Code: [B][FONT=Trebuchet MS][SIZE=7][COLOR=#ff0000]WARNING![/COLOR][COLOR=rgb(255, 0, 128)]:[/COLOR][/SIZE][SIZE=5][COLOR=rgb(255, 0, 128)] Everything in this guide is based upon [/COLOR][/SIZE][SIZE=7][COLOR=#ff0000]AVERAGES![/COLOR][/SIZE] [SIZE=5][COLOR=rgb(255, 0, 128)]If you want to be safe, feel free to go above and beyond the listed minimums. [/COLOR] [COLOR=#000000]You can find a more detailed guide [URL='']here[/URL][/COLOR][/SIZE]. [COLOR=#ff0080][SIZE=5] [/SIZE][/COLOR] [SIZE=6][COLOR=#0000ff]Who Should HP Wash?[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] The only classes that [COLOR=#ff0000][B]NEED[/B][/COLOR] to HP Wash are: [LIST] [*]Assassins [*]Bowmen and XBowmen [*]Spearmen [/LIST] It is recommended that you also wash Fighters, Pages, and Brawlers, but you don't [B][COLOR=#ff0000]NEED[/COLOR][/B] to in order to play MapleRoyals. [SIZE=6][COLOR=#0000ff][B]Why Should You HP Wash?[/B] [/COLOR][/SIZE] If you don't HP Wash, you could end up not being able to take on certain bosses late in the game, which would be unfortunate. As a new player, you don't have the money to do anything crazy. You just want to do the bare minimum in order to make sure that you don't screw up, and those formulas and guides are just so confusing! So, I've gone ahead and done all the math for you! [SIZE=6][COLOR=#0000ff][B]What Will This Guide Do For You?[/B][/COLOR][/SIZE] This guide will let you know exactly what you need to do, to make sure that you are able to fight Horntail at level 155. That is the, generally accepted, bare minimum requirement in order to [COLOR=#ff0080]"play"[/COLOR] MapleRoyals, properly. And contrary to popular belief, you really don't need to do much! [SIZE=6][COLOR=#0000ff][B]How to HP Wash:[/B][/COLOR][/SIZE] The first step to HP Washing is adding INT to your character early on in the game (preferably around Level 30-50). This INT will give you extra MaxMP upon every level up. You can add to your INT either by adding it into your AP, or by wearing equips with INT bonuses. The amount of INT you need to have/wear can be referenced in the class specific tables found at the bottom of this guide. [SIZE=5][COLOR=#ff0000] [B] Note: The 4 INT you have at the beginning of the game counts towards HP Washing as well![/B][/COLOR][/SIZE] You will then convert this extra MaxMP into extra MaxHP using AP Resets. (In layman's terms: You get some extra mana from all that intelligence you have. Now use AP Resets to rip out all that extra mana you don't need, and throw it into your health, because you need lots of health to fight Horntail.) You can wait until pretty late in the game to actually start using AP Resets to add to your HP. It's wearing the INT equips or adding into INT that you need to do early on in the game. The only class that needs to worry about when they use their AP Resets is thieves, and you can wait until after level 140. [SIZE=6][COLOR=#0000ff][B]There are two methods of HP Washing, and each class uses a certain method.[/B][/COLOR][/SIZE] [SIZE=6][COLOR=#006633][B]First Method:[/B][/COLOR][/SIZE] [B][COLOR=rgb(255, 0, 128)] [SIZE=5] This is for Thieves. [/SIZE][/COLOR][/B] [LIST=1] [*]You Level Up! [*]Put one of your level up APs into HP. [*]Use one AP Reset to pull out some MP. [*]The AP Reset will allow you to use that AP you pulled out of MP on a damage stat, so add that extra AP into your damage stat. [/LIST] [SIZE=6][COLOR=#006600][B]Second Method:[/B][/COLOR][/SIZE] [B] [COLOR=#ff0080] [SIZE=5]This is for Warriors, Bowmen, and Pirates.[/SIZE][/COLOR][/B] [B] [COLOR=#ff0000]You don't need to level up for this method.[/COLOR][/B] [LIST=1] [*]You just use an AP Reset to pull out some MP. [*]Then you use that extra AP to add to HP. [/LIST] [COLOR=#ff0000][B]NOTE: The difference in these two methods is that in the first method, you are adding to your HP straight from a level up, and in the second method, you are adding to your HP from an AP Reset. The code for each method is slightly different per class, so it's best to wash using the method suggested for your class.[/B][/COLOR] [SIZE=7][COLOR=#0000ff][B]Choose Your Class:[/B][/COLOR][/SIZE] How you wash your HP is dependent upon your class. If you'd like to wash your specific class properly, make sure to read further down in the class sections. [SPOILER="ASSASSIN"] [SIZE=7][COLOR=#006600][B]Assassin:[/B][/COLOR][/SIZE] The table below lists the amount of INT you need to have at every level up based upon when you start equipping or adding that INT. For example, if you are level 50, and you'd like to know how much INT you need to have in order to take on Horntail at level 155, refer to the table down below. [SIZE=6][COLOR=#0000ff][B]How To Use The Table:[/B][/COLOR][/SIZE] The table lists that if you are between the levels of 1 and 68, you only need to have 20 INT. But if you were to start adding INT at level 69, you would need 30 INT. The earlier you start wearing INT, the better. [SIZE=5][COLOR=#ff0000][B]Washing a Thief will take 50 AP Resets.[/B][/COLOR][/SIZE] Since Thieves use the first method of HP Washing, they need to make sure they start using AP Resets at least by [COLOR=#ff0080]Level 145[/COLOR]. It takes a minimum of 10 levels to use 50 AP Resets, since you get 5 AP per level, but starting earlier is highly recommended. [table] [tr] [th]Level[/th] [th]Required INT[/th] [/tr] [tr] [td]1+[/td] [td]20 INT[/td] [/tr] [tr] [td]69+[/td] [td]30 INT[/td] [/tr] [tr] [td]98+[/td] [td]40 INT[/td] [/tr] [tr] [td]112+[/td] [td]50 INT[/td] [/tr] [tr] [td]121+[/td] [td]60 INT[/td] [/tr] [tr] [td]127+[/td] [td]70 INT[/td] [/tr] [tr] [td]131+[/td] [td]80 INT[/td] [/tr] [tr] [td]134+[/td] [td]90 INT[/td] [/tr] [tr] [td]136[/td] [td]100 INT[/td] [/tr] [/table] [/SPOILER] [SPOILER="BOWMAN"] [SIZE=7][COLOR=#006600][B]Bowman:[/B][/COLOR][/SIZE] The table below lists the amount of INT you need to have at every level up based upon when you start equipping or adding that INT. For example, if you are level 50, and you'd like to know how much INT you need to have in order to take on Horntail at level 155, refer to the table down below. [SIZE=6][COLOR=#0000ff][B]How To Use The Table:[/B] [/COLOR][/SIZE] The table lists that if you are between the levels of 3 and 53, you only need to have 30 INT. But if you were to start adding INT at level 54, you would need 40 INT. The earlier you start wearing INT, the better. [SIZE=5][COLOR=#ff0000][B]Washing a Bowman will take 62 AP Resets.[/B][/COLOR][/SIZE] Since Bowmen can use the second method of HP Washing, they don't have to worry about using AP Resets until level 155, but they can do it earlier if they'd like. [table] [tr] [th]Level[/th] [th]Required INT[/th] [/tr] [tr] [td]1+[/td] [td]20 INT[/td] [/tr] [tr] [td]3+[/td] [td]30 INT[/td] [/tr] [tr] [td]54+[/td] [td]40 INT[/td] [/tr] [tr] [td]79+[/td] [td]50 INT[/td] [/tr] [tr] [td]94+[/td] [td]60 INT[/td] [/tr] [tr] [td]105+[/td] [td]70 INT[/td] [/tr] [tr] [td]112+[/td] [td]80 INT[/td] [/tr] [tr] [td]117+[/td] [td]90 INT[/td] [/tr] [tr] [td]122[/td] [td]100 INT[/td] [/tr] [/table] [/SPOILER] [SPOILER="SPEARMAN"] [SIZE=7][COLOR=#006600][B]Spearman:[/B][/COLOR][/SIZE] [SIZE=5][COLOR=#ff0080][B]Spearmen use a skill called Berzerk, which requires you to be under 40% HP at all times (in order to keep up your DPS). So they need to wash their HP to 15625HP, in order to have 25k HP with Hyper Body.[/B][/COLOR][/SIZE] The table below lists the amount of INT you need to have at every level up based upon when you start equipping or adding that INT. For example, if you are level 50, and you'd like to know how much INT you need to have in order to take on Horntail at level 155, refer to the table down below. [B][COLOR=rgb(0, 0, 255)][SIZE=6]How To Use The Table: [/SIZE][/COLOR][/B] The table lists that if you are between the levels of 11 and 82, you only need to have 20 INT. But if you were to start adding INT at level 83, you would need 30 INT. The earlier you start wearing INT, the better. [SIZE=5][COLOR=#ff0000][B]Washing a Spearman will take 110 AP Resets.[/B][/COLOR][/SIZE] Since Spearmen use the second method of HP Washing, they don't have to worry about using AP Resets until level 155, but they can do it earlier if they'd like. [table] [tr] [th]Level[/th] [th]Required INT[/th] [/tr] [tr] [td]1+[/td] [td]10 INT[/td] [/tr] [tr] [td]11+[/td] [td]20 INT[/td] [/tr] [tr] [td]83+[/td] [td]30 INT[/td] [/tr] [tr] [td]107+[/td] [td]40 INT[/td] [/tr] [tr] [td]119+[/td] [td]50 INT[/td] [/tr] [tr] [td]127+[/td] [td]60 INT[/td] [/tr] [tr] [td]131+[/td] [td]70 INT[/td] [/tr] [tr] [td]135+[/td] [td]80 INT[/td] [/tr] [tr] [td]137+[/td] [td]90 INT[/td] [/tr] [tr] [td]139[/td] [td]100 INT[/td] [/tr] [/table] [/SPOILER] [SPOILER="BANDIT"] [SIZE=6][COLOR=#006600][B]Bandit:[/B][/COLOR][/SIZE] You don't need to wash a Bandit! Meso Guard protects you! Huzzah! [/SPOILER] [SPOILER="PIRATE"] [SIZE=6][COLOR=#006600][B]Pirate:[/B][/COLOR][/SIZE] You don't need to wash a pirate! Gunslingers will have a ship that tanks for them! In fact, it even helps to have lower HP! (for complicated reasons that I won't go into). Brawlers have enough HP at this point without washing. [/SPOILER] [SPOILER="FIGHTER/PAGE"] [SIZE=6][COLOR=#006600][B]Fighter/Page:[/B][/COLOR][/SIZE] You don't need to wash Fighters or Pages! They have tons of natural HP, and they don't have to keep their HP low like crazy Spearmen! [/SPOILER] [SPOILER="MAGE"] [SIZE=6][COLOR=#006600][B]Mage:[/B][/COLOR][/SIZE] You don't need to wash a Mage! Magic Guard protects them and they have tons of MP because they read books and stuff! [/SPOILER] [SIZE=6][COLOR=#0000ff][B]Conclusion: [/B][/COLOR][/SIZE] And that concludes this guide. It is a simple guide, designed to instruct new players on how to quickly satisfy these needs without interrupting their game play. I will, within the next few days, put together a more extensive, less friendly, guide for older players who would like to make use of tables such as these. To anyone who is skeptical of these numbers, feel free to check out my formulas: [SPOILER="FORMULAS"] [[({TargetHP - TargetLevelNaturalHP} * {MP/HP ratio}) - [TargetLevelNaturalWashableMP]] / (TargetLevel - CurrentLevel)] * 10 = INTrequired (round up to the nearest 10) Thief: [[({TargetHP - [{(Target#JobAdv-1)*325 + TargetLevel*22} + 115]} * 0.55) - [(125 x (Target#JobAdv-2)) + TargetLevel + 27]] / (TargetLeVel - CurrentLevel)] * 10 = INTrequired (round up to the nearest 10) Archer: [[({TargetHP - [{(Target#JobAdv-1)*325 + TargetLevel*22} + 115]} * 0.67) - [(125 x (Target#JobAdv-2)) + TargetLevel + 27]] / (TargetLeVel - CurrentLevel)] * 10 = INTrequired (round up to the nearest 10) Gunslinger: [[({TargetHP - [{(Target#JobAdv-1)*325 + TargetLevel*25} + 25]} * 0.8) - [(125 x (Target#JobAdv-2)) + 2.5*TargetLevel - 101]] / (TargetLeVel - CurrentLevel)] * 10 = INTrequired (round up to the nearest 10) Brawler: [[({TargetHP - [{(Target#JobAdv-1)*325 + TargetLevel*55} - 875]} * 0.4) - [(125 x (Target#JobAdv-2)) + 2.5*TargetLevel - 101]] / (TargetLeVel - CurrentLevel)] * 10 = INTrequired (round up to the nearest 10) Fighter: [[({TargetHP - [{(Target#JobAdv-1)*325 + TargetLevel*66} - 380]} * 0.08) - [TargetLevel - 6]] / (TargetLeVel - CurrentLevel)] * 10 = INTrequired (round up to the nearest 10) Spearman/Page: [[({TargetHP - [{TargetLevel*66} - 380]} * 0.08) - [(125 x (Target#JobAdv-2)) + TargetLevel + 19]] / (TargetLeVel - CurrentLevel)] * 10 = INTrequired (round up to the nearest 10) Magician: NEED JOB ADVANCEMENT BONUS Beginner: [[({TargetHP - [{TargetLevel*14} + 36]} * 0.8) - [4*TargetLevel - 98]] / (TargetLeVel - CurrentLevel)] * 10 = INTrequired (round up to the nearest 10) [/SPOILER] I will be explaining these formulas in greater detail in my next guide, that will be titled something like "How To Reach Certain HP Washing Goals" Please feel free to question my methods and scrutinize this guide :D I welcome all feedback! ALL FEEDBACK! Make me cry on my hands and knees, please![/FONT][/QUOTE] I cleaned up all the extra font codes you had. That seemed to do the trick, but if you want an easier time to code this yourself, consider not having so many size and color changes to your words.
I don't get it... So how do i calculate? I want 12k hp by 175. But i would like also not to selfleech myself to 175 and train efficiently. How much int i need then? When to stop and hp wash? When to reset base int?
A few reflections: No classes NEED to wash. Near end-game any class would be suited to take down horntail. Its a matter of Spoiler: Quote AFAIK, every class benefits more from using AP from level ups, directly into HP. None of your formulas say otherwise. The uses of these two methods for WASHING OUT are: When simple-washing, your first method would be more likable, as the gain of hp per Ap reset would be larger. This however limits the use of washes to 5 per level. In any case where you are, in fact washing greater numbers (Such as double-washing (i.e MP-washing), i would recommend the second method. As the amount of out-washes, would require to be much greater than 5 per level. Also: Note that the two methods you summarized, are methods of washing-out, not the process itself. The most common methods of washing is; Simple-washing and Double-washing, and the most uncommon one is Blood-washing. Spoiler: Quote_2 Choose Your Class: How you wash your HP is dependent upon your class. If you'd like to wash your specific class properly, make sure to read further down in the class sections. Spoiler: ASSASSIN Assassin: The table below lists the amount of INT you need to have at every level up based upon when you start equipping or adding that INT. For example, if you are level 50, and you'd like to know how much INT you need to have in order to take on Horntail at level 155, refer to the table down below. Spoiler: ASSASSIN How To Use The Table: The table lists that if you are between the levels of 1 and 68, you only need to have 20 INT. But if you were to start adding INT at level 69, you would need 30 INT. The earlier you start wearing INT, the better. Washing a Thief will take 50 AP Resets. Since Thieves use the first method of HP Washing, they need to make sure they start using AP Resets at least by Level 145. It takes a minimum of 10 levels to use 50 AP Resets, since you get 5 AP per level, but starting earlier is highly recommended. Level Required INT 1+ 20 INT 69+ 30 INT 98+ 40 INT 112+ 50 INT 121+ 60 INT 127+ 70 INT 131+ 80 INT 134+ 90 INT 136 100 INT Spoiler: BOWMAN Bowman: The table below lists the amount of INT you need to have at every level up based upon when you start equipping or adding that INT. For example, if you are level 50, and you'd like to know how much INT you need to have in order to take on Horntail at level 155, refer to the table down below. How To Use The Table: The table lists that if you are between the levels of 3 and 53, you only need to have 30 INT. But if you were to start adding INT at level 54, you would need 40 INT. The earlier you start wearing INT, the better. Washing a Bowman will take 62 AP Resets. Since Bowmen can use the second method of HP Washing, they don't have to worry about using AP Resets until level 155, but they can do it earlier if they'd like. Level Required INT 1+ 20 INT 3+ 30 INT 54+ 40 INT 79+ 50 INT 94+ 60 INT 105+ 70 INT 112+ 80 INT 117+ 90 INT 122 100 INT Spoiler: SPEARMAN Spearman: Spearmen use a skill called Berzerk, which requires you to be under 40% HP at all times (in order to keep up your DPS). So they need to wash their HP to 15625HP, in order to have 25k HP with Hyper Body. The table below lists the amount of INT you need to have at every level up based upon when you start equipping or adding that INT. For example, if you are level 50, and you'd like to know how much INT you need to have in order to take on Horntail at level 155, refer to the table down below. Spoiler: SPEARMAN How To Use The Table: The table lists that if you are between the levels of 11 and 82, you only need to have 20 INT. But if you were to start adding INT at level 83, you would need 30 INT. The earlier you start wearing INT, the better. Washing a Spearman will take 110 AP Resets. Since Spearmen use the second method of HP Washing, they don't have to worry about using AP Resets until level 155, but they can do it earlier if they'd like. Level Required INT 1+ 10 INT 11+ 20 INT 83+ 30 INT 107+ 40 INT 119+ 50 INT 127+ 60 INT 131+ 70 INT 135+ 80 INT 137+ 90 INT 139 100 INT Spoiler: BANDIT Bandit: You don't need to wash a Bandit! Meso Guard protects you! Huzzah! Spoiler: PIRATE Pirate: You don't need to wash a pirate! Gunslingers will have a ship that tanks for them! In fact, it even helps to have lower HP! (for complicated reasons that I won't go into). Brawlers have enough HP at this point without washing. Spoiler: FIGHTER/PAGE Fighter/Page: You don't need to wash Fighters or Pages! They have tons of natural HP, and they don't have to keep their HP low like crazy Spearmen! Spoiler: MAGE Mage: You don't need to wash a Mage! Magic Guard protects them and they have tons of MP because they read books and stuff! [/QUOTE] Would it not be beneficiary to maximize the amount of INT early, since the leveling process seem to be faster, and be able to clear it out by an earlier level than 155? I would surely recommend focusing more on the damage-output later, rather than sooner. Other than that: Neat summary, works perfectly for those who struggles to get the concept, and wants an easy guide. Not sure you're explaining the concept clear enough though. This is NOT the only, or more correct than any other way to wash.
Idk, it's random. I just started cleaning out the font and it worked fine. You had it repeated over 20 times so that's bound to mess up your other coding. Since you were going to stick to one font for the entire thread, there's no need for the font code to be repeated over and over. Just have one in the beginning and an end code in the end of the guide; Everything else should be deleted. Although it may work now, I highly recommend looking over all the coding carefully and organize the thread in a way that makes sense to you.
I think the warning is redundant. Playing it 'safe' is a waste of money. Just assume the average. I've recorded over 500 washes and other small trials and it's has always been average.
Right... I'm saying the battleship does not do that whatsoever. You can't ever take more damage than your health regardless of whether you're on your battleship or not, and the way it's worded in the guide seems to imply that you can. It also makes washing a corsair slightly important up to a certain point.
I've never done Horntail, but as far as I can tell, yes. I would personally never try to HT without 5.6k minimum on a Corsair. Even in a scenario where your battleship allowed you to take more damage than your health, ideally you'd be dismounting and remounting to minimize damage done to the ship, which would cause you to take damage just as any other class would.
You always take the same hits as everyone else. If you take a 6k hit, both you and the battleship receive 6k damage and not just the battleship. Just because the battleship has a health pool doesn't mean it replaces your own health pool when you're using the skill.