I can come if it starts after Quebecs run. Hopefully people won't be going to bed so early on a friday night c:
5th of December 7PM GMT 10th of December 7PM GMT IGN: MrBronkz Lvl: 159 Hero Need: MW20 Obtained: None
I'll do my best to get there on Friday. 8:30-9 should work for me, I assume. I'll let you know Friday or tomorrow.
I'll be at "work" at that time, but if there aren't any sick people looking for ambulances, then I'll be on. So what I'm saying is I'd like to come for the exp... There's a (pretty small) chance that I'll have to peace during the run so don't rely on me, but if you want a backup yolo SE, pick me! I don't D/C anymore! IGN: Barbell Level: will be 159, possibly higher by friday. Class: Bowmaster Obtained: HTP, Class mastery. Need egg and MW, but as I'm not asking to be main party, I wouldn't mind not being up for drops. This will be the case for me until... probably may. So if you want to make friday runs a regular thing, I'm in.
guess who can finally make it to a #Jomina run?? sign me up for December 5th if you have any space left IGN: Romina Level: 176 Job: Hero Obtained HTP, Egg, Class Mastery, MW20? Just in need of MW20 (P.S. Joah, you wrote Monday 5th of December instead of Friday)
@DemBewbs omg i thought it would be monday... as in the same day as the pervious run. i'm going for quebac's run. it will clash cause HT only can do 1 per day.
USE item* Dragon elixirs you get 5 of them for one time of doing the pre-quest, basically one manon's cry.
This Friday. IGN: PapiEddz Level: 174 Job: Hero Obtained HTP, Egg, Class Mastery, MW20? Just in need of MW20. & i Like help!
Most runs I've been on (not specific to Bruuh's runs) average an hour and a half to 2 hours, depending on d/cs and attackers.
it usually depends on how the server is holding up but, like Sila said, they usually can last anywhere from 1 and 1/2 hours to 2 hours