if gloves is available, i'd appreciate anything it would help!! started in august, anything would help! 你好,我知道我不是最新的玩家,但如果那雙手套還有的話,我真的很想要!我也很感激任何可以幫助我的東西!我是從八月初開始的(FORUM账号比较早建),任何幫助都很感謝。 ign: s0sa
Hey mate, if possible I'd love to have the throwing stars, or anything for that matter but understand if someone else is prioritized. IGN MonkeeyD Started late August! Have a good one!
If anything is available, i would love to put it to use c: IGN: Sm3xy Im not necessarily new. but started July this year
Hello! Fairly new player here, started this year! Not asking anything in specifically, but any donations would be appreciated to fund my mage! Much love! IGN: TooFire4U
你好,我的shad创号1个多月,我在2018年前后退坑,最近回r服3个多月,某种意义上算是新玩家(?)。如果能得到144 kanzir就好了,谢谢。我目前用的是127 kreda(3 slot)和7/30 khanjar。但是暂时没钱砸满,可以的话可以和144 kanzir交换,这样你也可以卖掉127/3 (14~15b)来给更多玩家meso。 如果你看我的记录的话,会看到我帮助别的玩家的记录,而这一切我都是不求回报地分享给所有玩家的: 如何赚meso(2018):MageStory and Making Meso (含中文版) 给新玩家送装备(2018):Giving 1.2b gloves (BM/THEF) to new players. 砸卷和估算市场价值教程(2018):Techniques of Scrolling Cost Calculation and Market Price Estimation 最新的两个砸卷教程: Scrolling Guide (SCRL 101) 30%, 70%, 60%, WS, CSS Chaosing Value and Pricing of ATT Capes and Shoes (SCRL 217) 新人祭祀赚钱贴: Priest Meso Making & 52-65 Alternative. 祭祀赚钱贴(含中文版) 我和台湾玩家也有不错的关系,退坑前和sunny1989玩得很近,forum互相关注;最近在申请进入kekw。 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 你好,我的shad創號1個多月,我在2018年前後退坑,最近回r服3個多月,某種意義上算是新玩家(?)。如果能得到144 kanzir就好了,謝謝。我目前用的是127 kreda(3 slot)和7/30 khanjar。但暫時沒錢砸滿,可以的話可以和144 kanzir交換,這樣你也可以賣掉127/3(14~15b)來給更多玩家meso。 如果你看我的記錄的話,會看到我幫助別的玩家的記錄,而這一切我都是不求回報地分享給所有玩家的: 如何賺meso(2018)MageStory and Making Meso (含中文版) 送給新玩家裝備(2018):Giving 1.2b gloves (BM/THEF) to new players. 砸捲與估價市場價值教學(2018):Techniques of Scrolling Cost Calculation and Market Price Estimation 最新的兩個砸卷教學: Scrolling Guide (SCRL 101) 30%, 70%, 60%, WS, CSS Chaosing Value and Pricing of ATT Capes and Shoes (SCRL 217) 新人祭祀賺錢貼: Priest Meso Making & 52-65 Alternative. 祭祀赚钱贴(含中文版) 我和台灣玩家也有不錯的關係,退坑前和sunny1989玩得很近,forum互相關注;最近在申請進入kekw。
I already got the items from the poster, thanks so much. Everything will be better in your real life.
i see the thread is closed, but can I get something to scroll my kreda too XD guess thats it, cuz OP is not replying to me on forum or in game XD anyways all the best with your life outside the game
Thank you very much, hence i didn't ask for anything specific and still got something. Will help me get stronger <3 Transaction was a WS, 20 Appos, 48 Stoppers.
Also received the item from poster and a bunch of miscellaneous which helps greatly for my pally. Thanks a lot for funding me. And congrats to everyone who reserved an item! (大哥哥,我还要更多赞助的啦)
Hello, I'm currently online, (IGN: xRoys) If it is still possible to get the shield I will appreciate it a lot! =)