Crimsonwood keep is so underrated, always reminded me of something out of Guilty Gear. VERY SOLID VERY METAL
As a heavy pre-BB(BigBang update) player, I present... My favorite MS(Maplesotry) tracks: 1. Lith Harbor's Theme - Above the Treetops One of the top 10 most popular MS songs to this day. Almost every oldschool Maplestory player has heard this song. This song just has everything. Nostalgia, adventure, build up, and sustain. Absolutely love it. Number 1 for me by far.2. Ellinia Slime Tree/Forest Dungeon Theme - Missing You One of the top 10 most popular MS songs to this day. Very relaxing and nostalgic song.3. (Old school) Login theme - Start the Adventure/Welcome to Maplestory/Title One of the top 10 most popular MS songs to this day. Very relaxing and nostalgic song.4. A sound track from LPQ - Fantasia The grandiose sense of wonder from this song makes me fall in love.5. Aqua Dungeon - Deep Sea A fun song and very relaxing. Quite different from the rest of Aquarium's songs.6. L forest and Mushroom Kingdom theme - Blue Sky The main sound of this song makes it stand out. The melody is creative and fun.7. Temple of Time (vocal version) - TimeTemple One of the top 10 most popular MS songs to this day. Very relaxing and nostalgic song. I dislike every other version without the vocals as I feel that they become boring and overstay their welcome. It only gets worse while completing the infamous ToT prequests. However, the vocals adds a new element that makes this song truly glorious.8. Showa town Yakuza Hideout - Battlefield Very similar style to "Battle Without Honor or Humanity" by Tomoyasu Hotei featured in the movie, Kill Bill. Love these two songs. Great action. Great guitar solos. Awesome riffs.9. A soundtrack from CWKPQ - Inside Crimsonwood Keep Party Quest While I enjoy all of Crimsonwood Keep's music, Grandmaster's Gauntlet and Crimsonwood Keep Interior especially. This song is rock solid from start to finish and the perfect transition between the aforementioned songs. The introduction is a RUSH. The song immediately establishes a sense of urgency. Of danger. As if you and your friends have just breached the inner gates of a castle and are about to meet the defenders. Then it mellows out without overstaying it's welcome. Then it starts all over again! This song sucks me in and pushes me forwards.10. Happyville - White Christmas Many people, including myself, love this popular Christmas song. Personally, I tend to like songs without vocals and this version/cover of the song is GODLIKE. Honorable Mentions: *Maple Island Tutorial - First Step Master A bit weird, but the type of weird that I like. A short and sweet theme. Also reminds me a tiny bit of Faris' theme from FLYFF.* Perion Guild PQ - Waterway Maze I was surprised at how much I liked this theme. Very mysterious and slow-paced theme.* Door to the future - Time Gate A relaxing song. To me, the songs above are great all the way through. They hold their own and dont sound incomplete. They dont become ridiculously boring or weird either. Some have strong build up with a melody that has an epic payoff. Many of these songs evoke strong emotions personally. >Here are some other songs I liked. There are many good songs in Maplestory and there's no fun in listing and remembering every single one. There are also great songs after big bang as well such as the songs from the timeless river. < Also really liked tracks: * Ludibrium Clocktower/Ludibrium Depths - Wherever you are It's good. The piano sounds nice. And it takes a bit of the Orbis Tower theme to make a very good transition/ending.* Neo Tokyo - Skies over Akihabara One of many great themes from THE iconic theme dungeon including Midnight Harbor, Bombed City Center, and Tera Forest.* Oribis PQ - Tower of Goddess Nice relaxing theme that sounds great.* Eereve - Queen's Garden Nice relaxing theme that sounds great.* Leafre - Dragon Load * Leafre - Dragon Nest * Ellinia - Moonlight Shadows * Elin Forest Theme A nice slow and relaxing theme. Like rain. Wished there was an official version with gentle thunder in the background.* Cash Shop Theme * Omega Sector - For the Glory * Perion Excavation site * Perion Castle Ruins * Crimsonwood Keep Interior Very Castlevania. Reminds me heavily of Symphony of the Night. Great guitar solo and killer riffs. Only thing I dislike about the song is the weak/tame transition/interlude leading up to the solo.* Coke Town - Coke Town SONGS I HATE: 1. Golden Temple Dungeon Theme Some ameteurs payed an intern to demo this "song" to the devs. The dev was on too much drugs at the time so it complemented his acid trip. I cant even call this a song.2. Zakum's Boss theme Which lazy dev thought it was a good idea to give the first major boss a slow, dull, and painfully boring theme?3. Amoria theme I HATE IT. It was okay the first time. But more than once is just too much. The sound is way too cheesy.4. (Oldschool) Florina Beach Dull and boring. Feels incomplete.
So interesting, I hate Amoria as well with a passion but I think the Zakum theme is pretty good. It really captures what was for me an epic boss that I could never even think to fight in oldschool maple. But now having heard it so much on a private server, with much more opportunity to fight it, it does get pretty stale. Some of my favorites (and I think underrated) are: El Nath: Warm Regard - I think this has just such an adventure like sound, its honestly one of my favorites. Ludibrium: Wherever You Are - I actually dont like most ludi music but this one just hit the mark for me. Aqua Road: Shining Sea - I think that most aqua songs are awesome because they really feel underwater to me, and they are happy, and I think it also comes together from a sense where aqua was so unique when released and the grind was so slow, that I would actually go here for lvls 20-30 because it made grinding more enjoyable for me. Sleepywood: Ancient Move - So mysterious and dark. I really wish maple did more with the depts and dungeons of victoria island, rather than just have this little balrog sitting there. I especially feel like that when you get to the tauros maps, it really seems like something huge should be sealed down there but its just a balrog jr. Ludibrium: Bizarre Tales - The same as the sleepy one, so mysterious. The part where its like a distorted part of the regular ludi theme is so good to me. Perion: Ancient Remains - This just brings back memories of GPQ and I love all group things in maple, plus its just a dope ass track. These for me really hit the nostalgia of a game that I used to love so much, and with so much exploring to do.
1. Lith Harbor. Without a doubt probably the most nostalgic feeling is hearing that BGM start playing, 14 years later and it gives me the same hair on end feeling when i arrive to Victoria island i really don't know what could really top it for me. 2. Ellinia inside the trees BGM. Another nostalgic feeling for me, starting 14 years ago i followed someone there and had the most fun of that time killing endless slimes all the way to lvl25 because well..i was fresh. 3. Deep inside the clock tower. This BGM is another nostalgic one, making my very first ever character as a White knight on EMS Kradia 14 years ago, grinding and becoming broke asf ingame over pot burn at dual ghost pirates during 2x exp events 85>92 it was torture but have to say i spent well over a month on those hard earned lvls, not once logging out of the game and going AFK or sleep with deep inside clock tower playing away. 4. Neo Tokyo. What can i say? every map in Neo tokyo is perfect and fits the scenes perfectly. but upon coming upto that big ol tree and that music first hits, yeah nothing in Maplestory gave me bigger chills than that moment when i got my hands on the content that first time round when it came to EMS Deme. 5. Happyville. Im sure as most may feel the same as you get older, christmas becomes this little thing that waters down, becomes nothing too special to you, perhaps you'll just treat yourself. Regardless i found this a very overwhelming bit of music when it first hit for me, Christmas for me was dry, drab and boring due to adulthood this little map and with the big christmas sock and such truly was what would make a christmas for me, i haven't experienced a christmas event on this server yet so i do hope this year i can atleast get some form of Happyville. This BGM is special, it celebrates that one season we all relate to. there's nothing quite like it reallly. As you'll notice all my fave BGM are mostly old content locations, the modern maple is just...i need not say. Nexon just doesn't hit it the same they used to, very unfortunate really.
This one is the best. While it doesn't exist in royals, this one is also a banger. Finally, anything from Temple of Time is also sick. Tbh 90% of this games BGM slaps, these are just a few of my favorites.
Missing You is a classic. Raindrop Flower is a banger. I have a soft spot for the vanilla Time Temple Theme, and its variations.