I don't like your example and you're just using hackers as a scapegoat to support your non-argument. There's no difference in terms of farming if it's 1 person farming 5 maps vs 5 people farming 5 maps. If I want to go to voodoos and all the channels are full, ok whatever. If the majority of those maps is 1 person, thats when it's annoying. In terms of bossing, it's simply not fair that someone can hold multiple maps. ~mapowner has so much power - imagine getting banned in GMS for killing BF because someone was there holding the map, essentially afk.
Need to add auto ban first then we can discuss about it. For now I believe it's just worth for hackers
Tbh, most of the staff are pretty neutral on this topic. I personally don’t see heartstopper farming as a problem at all. The part I am not proud of is the fact that a individual player may hold multiple boss maps at once. I have done it too and I quite enjoy it. But at the same time, I also feel bad that I have to ban a player every once a while because of them kill stealing a BF that was being hold by another player. In a extreme case, what if one day a player decide to hold all manon maps and “sell” manon? A fully implemented autoban won’t solve this problem
If you don't understand how hackers are inflating the economy you should look around at all the vacced mobs in just about every channel in the unpopular maps. If a hacker can mindlessly bot on 15 chars/clients and just vac up mobs, what do you think they're farming for and injecting into the economy? Can anyone else keep up with this 24/7 'farming' that these hackers do? They generate more mesos faster than most of the efficient farmers COMBINED. My argument is against IMMEDIATE change to these multi-mage methods in favor of prioritizing a finished autoban instead. People say that they want to close the gaps between the veteran players and the casual players but what about the gap between the casuals/veterans and the hackers?
i understand and agree with everyone on the hacker issue 111%, but this thread isn't about hackers, or autoban. it's not about "punishing" legit players either. the water is being muddied by bringing up hacking, autoban and punishing legit players. that's not the point of the discussion. its not about needing new avenues of income, either. the point is, in a server free of hacking, and that does allow MC, with a perfect anti-hacker system, what is a reasonable limit that a single player can "legitimately" within the rules, get away with, and what is actually excessive, and how everyone feels about those limits or freedoms or excesses, and everyone's input there. since i know MC isn't being reversed, I'll start. i dont think anyone ever needs more than three acc rolling at the same time, for anything. farming, bossing, leeching yourself or others. if you can't play this game or "make money" with less than three characters, idk, it's maybe hobby time or time to move on, but thats my personal input on this. hacking, autoban, other ways to make money, current prices, or freaking out over the concept of not being able to hold a bunch of maps isnt the point of the thread. granted, most bored higher level players seem to think because its allowed it should stay, and i get that, but in my experience, its very frustrating tying to find a hh, bf, or stopper map when camper alts are just there telling you to leave, or farmer clones are like smile ur on camera as soon as you cc in their map. *tim rogers voice* it's like buddy, this is a game. and no limit on mc is arguably a much worse slippery slope to have to defend/contend with, than some limit
aha! being hardworking and disciplined working towards a goal is a bad thing just because some very very small amount of players making noises. the previous thread already has a conclusion, and that is do nothing, let people figure out their playstyles. the game doesnt have to have ONE single way to play.
wdym? This is all about hacks, autobans, and punishing legit players. What else is it? Matt directly said that next implementation will restrict one map PER COMPUTER, and what will it effect the most is multiclient farming. Market will adjust itself IF the environment is hacker and cheater free, but with all the rule breakers around, only the legitimate players will suffer because cheaters don't give a fuck about mapowner restriction anyway. I do agree with the fact that MC is a big part of the problem in current Royals system. MC abuse is a problem to be fixed. What I am saying is that issues with hackers must be solved BEFORE implementing any changes in MC.
Why did you choose 3? What an incredibly dangerous take, you do not understand other people's playstyle and I can only hope staff will not listen to this kind of comments. Between leveling those chars, gearing them, having the ability to control all of them efficiently and making multi-client farming a daily routine, the amount of effort put into this is something most players are not willing to go through. Some of us enjoy being more efficient with our time, invest in mules/mages and have the mechanical ability to farm this way - and we should be rewarded. Let people play the game the way they enjoy, even if you are @DickDann and you enjoy playing 15 mages with your feet. I also want to touch on a few points regarding stopper farm, because I think it was blown way out of proportion. 1. Stopper maps are rarely full atm, just go ahead and try 2. Psycho jacks are great, I valued that map over Voodoo because my bloodwashed mules could 1-hit them and because of screws 3. Alternatives for summon farm do exist - stoppers are not the only viable option, some maps give higher meso/hour
The point of the thread is not about hackers or the economy, it’s about players hoarding maps. Forget about farming for a second and also think about players saving bossing channels.
to anyone quoting me, the thread still isn't about hacking, still isnt about punishing "hard working" players (ppl who were allowed to do what they want), still isnt about alt money making, still isnt about current prices. it is bout the contention and feeling and limitations of mc farming and map monopolies and if anyone feels my 3 max mc (suggestion and opinion, btw) was "dangerous", it's definitely time for a break
You can quote me too, that's ok, and thanks for suggesting me a break (twice now!) I do see your opinion as somewhat "dangerous" because it doesn't seem very educated and you clearly don't fully understand that aspect of the game. More casual players suggesting to limit other hardworking players are the reason we get threads like this in the first place.
Multi-mage/Multi-client/Multichannel farming is fine. Honestly, revert the nerfs done to it, please. Making it more annoying or less efficient to do it is just annoying. Now people will just do it for longer hours instead of stopping. I'm a firm believer and always have been of letting legit players find an efficient way of making Mesos. Hurting them has been only negative to the community. The only thing I wish was protected from Multi-client is Bossing and PQ'ing. It's too difficult/impossible to properly balance classes and adjust Boss/PQ rewards with multi-client possible. Can't get rid of multi-client completely, it helps too much with server population issues. A middle ground can be found.
it's my insignificant input. the game doesn't need to be or really shouldn't be played that way. having no limit, is more dangerous than some-- that's all im saying. its a conversation, just bc I think 3 is more than enough, that doesn't mean its about to happen regardless the thread is still a focus group solely in mc ch holding and farming, not another pointless autoban appeal chorus
I think nerfing multi map ownership would be healthy for the royals community as a whole, albeit I can see why some people (especially the ones who have already invested many hours into being able to hold multiple map ownerships) would be discouraged by this, and that's a big band-aid to rip off. But the practice of hogging maps does affect the casual player negatively when it is overdone, and while the ability to do so is available, it also promotes an unhealthy and toxic playstyle for the "dedicated" player.
If the issue of map ownership isn’t one of multiclienting farming at places like Heartstoppers, but one of holding map ownership for area bosses - why not specify that as the main talking point? If the main issue is an individual holding multiple boss maps- is it technically possible to limit map ownership on area boss maps? (https://royals.ms/forum/threads/all-bosses-in-mapleroyals.380/) - Is this technically feasible from a development standpoint? - What are staff’s and other players’ opinions on this? I don’t know how this would affect dedicated NX boss farmers, but it doesn’t seem like this has been a huge issue since Lyka days with dropping CS. @SuchFineEyes and other NX farmers thoughts?
I just feel holding 10 maps as 1 players shouldn't be a thing. When there's people actively looking for a single map but they cannot because of mapowner securing these ''legitimate'' players as I see many call them, it feels unbalanced. My suggestion would be limit map owner to 3-5 maps. Allow players who have less time during the day to enjoy mindless afk farming or those who simply want to finish prequests to be able to find bosses, instead of being forced to buy etc/boss leech. The game seems more in favor of people who have more free time on their hands and play in a more ''professional''(not sure how to best describe it) manner. I personally play to relax, blow off steam, mindlessly grind my serotonine. I don't want to be forced into a tense state of having to fight for features that should be free for all. Reminds me off Pianus lol
Just want to point out that this is most things in life. Generally, if you spend more time on something (work, hobby, etc.), you’ll be better at it and get more out of it (money, enjoyment, etc.) Edit: For those who play, using League of Legends as an example, if a newer/casual player doesn't understand how the jungle/ganks or auto-attack canceling works - is the solution to nerf/delete the jungle or remove auto-attack canceling in the name of "balance"? I know it's not a 1:1 comparison by any means, but my point stands.
I think more enjoyment depends on the person and situation. I personally don't get more enjoyment out of it. It's actually drained me, because I did feel forced to spent more time and keep track of maps and bosses. And although I understand your point, I do not see this as an argument against the restriction. In real life it's an unhealthy fight as well. This is a video game and a smaller porportion, there are alternatives and ways of balancing it.
The example used by Matt that propelled this post was Heartstopper farming hence why farming is the main topic of this discussion. However, it is true that mini boss farming is also related and I do agree to a certain extent in that regard. This is also a very fair point but at the same time, in regards to holding mini boss maps, how hard is it to make a lv30 mage and hold maps with it. It really isn’t. In regards multi mage farming in heartstoppers, it would not be the case as these characters do take alot of time to bring up, making sense as to why they would ideally net more income. Limiting ONLY mini boss map ownership is a solution but as @Kethoe previously stated, is it feasible?