In Discussion Class/Skill [Feedback Request] Skill Changes and Balancing

Discussion in 'Feedback' started by nut, Jun 4, 2022.

  1. Layk

    Layk Well-Known Member

    Jul 19, 2022
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    The main issue is that at the endgame content (NT, HT, BGA and more) warriors just have no place. Why bring a hero to a boss run when he doesnt deal srs dmg ? Same for pallys and dks.
    You can say all you want about warriors being good at LHC and RG but who wants to only be able to cwk, zak, and lhc till 200 and after?
    Been hearing this "make rage stack with other attack pots" but it also wont solve the problem, ppl will just bring hero mule just like a cr.

    Buff combo % for heroes or brandish % attack,or just something to make them hit harder and be more dominant
    For pallys, either uncap (which kinda ruins the nostalgic aspect but o well) or make Blast slightly faster.
    The shad hype got out of hand where 50% of this server are shads, making perf kanzirs go to 15b lol
    There isn't 1 content ingame where shads dont shine, and there's nothing wrong about that, but there's just no place for other classes it feels like.
    kori133, jamallen, Shorkie and 2 others like this.
  2. ImVeryJelly

    ImVeryJelly Donator

    Jun 20, 2016
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    Can final attack's slash blast damage division thingy be fixed to not be divided?
    Sylafia likes this.
  3. Baconfry

    Baconfry Well-Known Member

    Oct 11, 2015
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    The least problematic temporary solution for Rage is to make it work like Energy Charge's attack buff, where it doesn't override other attack buffs but it doesn't stack with them either. So it wouldn't override people's apples, but it also wouldn't benefit them unless they just forgot to use any buff potion at all.

    Also 12->20 w.att buff would be nice. free version of warrior elixir is cringe but free version of cider is pretty ok.
    Shorkie, Suyosa and TakeItEasy like this.
  4. anglerfish1

    anglerfish1 Well-Known Member

    Oct 21, 2021
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    Responding to a suggestion a few pages back, but this just became super relevant for me personally and I have my own experiences to add.

    I now have a 175 Hero that uses 1h Flame Sword + shield. I wanted to try out this build because I'm sick of needing SI on my MM all the time. But omg the accuracy problems from having low dex :X

    Even after scrolling my helm and a few other gears for accuracy, it's nowhere near enough. I need to use baskets for the entirety of RG (I miss on even the roses). I would miss on VL even WITH baskets. I would miss on Royal Guard even with MAPLE POPS. My char just feels kinda broken and it's such an uphill battle to fix her without trading a ton of str for tiny amounts of acc and basically killing the viability of this build :'(

    One thing you may be overlooking if you've only ever played male warriors: female top/bottom gives NO base accuracy. We get +mp instead :confused: (and they're harder to find and get price gouged like crazy, but that's a separate issue). I think combined that could add up to as much as 17acc that we are missing out on. That sets us back a lot, and it's SO UNFAIR >:(

    There's so few options for gaining accuracy right now. There really should be more to make this a bit easier. Just make them higher lvl so goby leechers aren't too OP ^_^'
    Last edited: Nov 21, 2024
    JimTW, chaosangel, Shorkie and 3 others like this.
  5. jamallen

    jamallen Member

    Jun 1, 2024
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    exchange bucc's 3rd and 4th transformation.Super Saiyan Blue is better than Super Saiyan 2.
    Last edited: Dec 27, 2024
  6. Shorkie

    Shorkie Donator

    Oct 1, 2024
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    Hero’s rage and enrage really needs to be buffed or stackable. Hero is a standalone character with no party buff, and the bossing ability isn’t the greatest too, it’s rejected from most endgame bosses be it auf or vl. It’s a class that is left in the dark, even a 20% range boost on brandish is going to be super helpful like what’s mentioned in the post.

    Another idea that I have in mind that isn’t broken is making panic or coma to not consume orbs, or make shout damage to be 200% instead of the mediocre 30%, at least it make it good at mobbing but not comparable to dragon roar or archmages.

    Last idea I have that isn’t broken is making combo attack a toggle instead of a buff, so hero won’t have to rebuild their orbs every 2 minutes, this is a very minor buff given advance combo attack already refill orbs much faster.
    jamallen likes this.
  7. xDarkomantis

    xDarkomantis Well-Known Member

    May 29, 2019
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    Adding new suggestion:

    [-] General - Monster Magnet:

    • Allow the skill to Start Charging while jumping (and possibly charge it up on rope)
    • Reduce charge up by 25~33%
    Why?: Wanted it to follow same QoL as Piercing Arrow. I've noticed that Magnet can feel clunky when you're trying to move through mobs fast due to not be able to start the charge while jumping. Also, the charge can feel somewhat long so I'm suggesting lowering the charge up so its possible to reach the max charge sooner. Cooldown between magnets remains unchanged.
    Javier, nomade and anglerfish1 like this.
  8. JuliusOmega

    JuliusOmega Donator

    Aug 14, 2014
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    since 2030 ! 0/
  9. Quarantea

    Quarantea Member

    Apr 18, 2020
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    I'm no pro just putting in my 2cents but I think one of the biggest problems in balancing mages (with the exception of multi client mage farming I guess :confused:) is the fact that mages are the ONLY class that can just pump pure main-stat and get away with it. None of the endgame wands require luk and the endgame equips require LUK require very little.

    There is almost no difference between a mage farming/leeching money mule and an actual mage main when it comes to an endgame goal. Increasing the Damage% or just adding an extra line to their ST skills for them to join bosses and making seal work on bosses will just make them mules for bosses like bishops as it doesn't fix the core issues with mages

    I'm not sure how feasible it is but I think a way to actually have mages be included in bosses is to add luk to their damage formula for Paralyze/Chain Lightning/Angel Ray/Big Bang while also allowing them to scale with weapon speed of staff/wand.
    For example maybe something like:

    (Magic²/1000 + Magic * Mastery * 0.9)/30 + INT/200) * Basic Attack * Amp * Elemental Wand Bonus

    (Magic²/1000 + Magic * Mastery * 0.9)/30 + INT/200) * Basic Attack * Amp * Elemental Wand Bonus * LUK/(50-100ish?)

    Not sure what formula/values would be most balanced I'm just giving a random example but I think with a formula change mage mules/mains who want to just farm can ignore adding LUK to maximize Meteor/Genesis/Blizzard damage and Mages that want to boss can Maximize on LUK gear/ adding more base LUK to hit harder at bosses. Mage mains who want the best of both worlds can even theory craft what equips can be min-maxed to balance out base INT vs LUK so that they can boss while not losing too much Farming potential while also not losing too much mana from adding too much LUK.

    I think a change like this could also encourage people who actually want to main the class to sink more Mesos into their mage character (Elemental Staves and Staff scrolls can actually be used and not just NPC/trash items) so they can actually do other content other than leeching/farming(Which I think can also lessen inflation in economy as the less time mages farm the less Mesos in economy and the lower prices get? I'm no economist).

    Again I'm no expert the formula might be awful and this suggestion might be just as awful (sorry for any bad grammar/formatting)
    Last edited: Dec 28, 2024
  10. Sylafia

    Sylafia Donator

    Jan 2, 2022
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    Warriors exist, and at high levels of funding pretty much every class besides shad has all their AP in mainstat with very little gear scrolled for offstat. Endgame mage mains also do care about luk for elestaff, but it's just high enough luk needed that it pretty much requires auf to wear, and there's no reason to invest that much in a mage.

    The fundamental problem of mages is that they get utility far too front loaded. Once you hit 1300 tma, maybe 1450 for IL/FP for RG (which I'd guess is somewhere around 10-15b investment), additional TMA doesn't really do anything. Sure, you can farm harder mobs but those harder mobs aren't worth farming. Sure, you can clear bosses slightly faster but your damage is so trash anyways that increasing it doesn't help much. Even RG doesn't get much faster, and there's warriors clearing all 20 bees before most mages could even get to bonus, so why not just play that instead if you want to RG?

    There's no content for post-1300 tma mages, and that's the real reason no one invests in them.

    As for how to fix it, it's tricky. I'm not sure if this is possible, and it definitely doesn't feel old-school, but something that could potentially be done is for example make Holy Shield a 30s duration, with +1s for every 100 tma the bishop has. You'd want to scale multiple skills like this, meaning bishop would also need actually useful support skills besides hsh (and hs which probably shouldn't be scaled), but it'd be a nice buff/incentive to invest without just giving more damage.
  11. Quarantea

    Quarantea Member

    Apr 18, 2020
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    While I agree with everything you said, my main point honestly is that whatever buff mages get in regards to ST or utility should benefit mains who have invested heavily into the character not for people with leech/farming mules not entirely sure how that can happen though
    Sylafia likes this.
  12. Baconfry

    Baconfry Well-Known Member

    Oct 11, 2015
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    buffing angel ray, paralyze, and chain lightning will not benefit leech/farming mules. making seal work on bosses will not happen period.

    Mages in bosses suffer from two major problems. 1: they deal shit damage and 2: many bosses can dispel MG and kill unwashed mages instantly

    fixing issue #1 still leaves issue #2, which may actually not be a problem because mage mains are washed and farming mules aren't
  13. umenoki

    umenoki Active Member

    Oct 22, 2023
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    This is a server that recreates the old environment, and it is not my desire to deviate too far from it.
    If a newer, more balanced environment is better for you, why not go to an emulated server that recreates a more advanced era?
    I don't think it is necessary for mages to be able to do damage on bosses on this server, because that was true in the era that this server is emulating.
    If you want a state where mages can do damage, I think it is better to play on a server that recreates the environment after the formula was changed.
    Alorabeans likes this.
  14. raywuu12

    raywuu12 Active Member

    Jun 7, 2020
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    Just make Arch Mage hit harder with Chain Lightning and Paralyze at the cost of losing Blizzard and Meteor Shower

    Split 4th job Mages into two distinct paths:

    1. Wide-Area Attack Mage
    2. Bossing/DPS/Battle Mage

    Players should only be able to choose one path

    1. Wide-Area Attack Mage
    : Keep them as they are now — good at leeching and farming but sucks at bossing
    2. DPS Mage: In exchange for losing Blizzard and Meteor Shower, increase the level cap for Chain Lightning and Paralyze by 30, making it Level 60 (MAX). Make these skills can scale well enough to deal serious damage to bosses
    TN Laxus and procrastinya like this.
  15. procrastinya

    procrastinya Well-Known Member

    Dec 12, 2023
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    I like this advise but I think the following skills are a part of Battle Mage:
    [Big Bang] [Ice Demon] [Fire Demon]
    And add some difference to make these 3 skill different from [Chain Lightning] and [Paralyze]:
    1)Add cd to these 3 skills and make it to Lv60
    2)Increase the benefit of [wand/staff] from [5%fire/ice, 10%poison/lightening] to [0%fire/ice, 20%poison/lightening]
  16. Cooler

    Cooler Donator

    Nov 16, 2018
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    focusing just on archers:

    i want to stress that, these suggestions will be more indirect, conditional, or scaling buffs that will add up significantly over time, rather than brute force buffs or changes to w.att formulas. i really hope the reader considers them on the whole, and how they will add up over time, and scale with the class as your character levels, and in combination with existing and all the other suggestions being floated here. i think archers just need a few passive/indirect buffs to boost them up significantly and i hope this feedback is beneficial for the creative commons to consider and expand on, and if anything, help others think outside the box for other new great suggestions.

    Sharp Eyes:
    before i split into BM/MM suggestions, i have a small suggestion for SE, but not the shared party buff (which is +15% crit rate, +40% crit dmg), which should stay the same, but rather, independent passive stats for BM/MM when buffed with SE

    so perhaps:
    BM: +20% critrate, +40% critdmg
    MM: +15% critrate, +45% critdmg, or perhaps vice-versa, worth debating
    (party: +15/+40 vanilla)

    NON-critical hits:
    i think another untapped area to tune archers up, is their non-critical hits. these hits really hold the class back. here are a few simple suggestions:

    perhaps worked into bow expert/mms, both skills could also raise the damage of non-critical lines slightly, which will be an upward dpm boost over time.

    -ignores w.def of non-critical hits by up to 30% at max on mobs that are *equal to your characters level, or lower*. this last part is important because it scales with your character level, so it's not an immediate passive buff.

    -another mechanic that scales to 200, is to base the non-crit boost by your accuracy stat

    30% is an example number, but this implementation is still a great way to scale non-critical hits and give both classes a great overall dpm without adding extra lines, crazy att buffs, etc etc

    ill make a lot of wild or out of box seeming suggestions in this, but i think the non-crit buff consideration is still one of the simplest ways to approach both archer classes.


    having hamstring slightly shorten mob/boss teleport distance when afflicted by a short amount will also make it quite valuable, since blind seems to edge hamstring out in some cases.

    i also think that mobs blinded/slowed, should have either a critical, or non-critical damage buff from the archer. such as:

    mobs blinded/slowed take +10% more damage from non-critical archer attacks. or mobs blinded/slowed take +5% more critdmg, or blinded/slowed mobs crit rate is raised by +5%. or, a w.def % bypass angle is also possible

    again the numbers can be played with, but the idea is that the impaired mob/boss is more susceptible, therefore higher overall dmg can be applied. i'm more in favor of the non-critical damage suggestion.

    i also float this because these skills come later to both archers, and these buffs come in later-game bossing, therefore scales somewhat better, and again, is another indirect buff for the whole of the class.

    in the 10 levels it takes to max these skills, you aren't raising any damage outside of AP dex or equipment upgrades. this gives some growth and overall dpm boosts.


    i really think letting BM's summon both eagles together would be fine, and i think the higher levels of phoenix should buff their 3rd job eagle stats as well. phoenix should also deal burn damage to regular mobs, and bosses weak to fire (for a much shorter duration), because BM's badly need more mob help, and this would be a good dpm boost over time (especially if previous suggestions are considered)

    i think the eagle buff via phoenix should specifically have eagle:
    -deal more damage to fire resistant enemies (so BM aren't disinclined to use phoenix as much exceot to gather mobs)
    -stun 2-3 mobs depending on level of phoenix
    -as well as a greater base att
    -att rate
    -two line att
    - doesn't consume summoning rock, but you must have one in your inventory, and increase MP requirement to cast
    -attempts to target the farthest mob? helps BM gather mobs along w/ phoenix?

    speaking with others, phoenix boosting eagle just for a a 2-3 mob stun is infinitely better than max phoenix

    concentrate should give bm a 10% shifter effect during its duration, or a large amount of avoid. it should give a small w.att boost each time you receive a MISS during concentrate, up to +10 w.att at max, or increases hurricane by 1% each miss, up to 10. however, adding a balanced CD to concentrate should be considered for this buff. the duration of concentrate should be lowered, however.
    in the att pot required meta, current concentrate is just used for a small free boost in att outside of actual bossing, i think it should be scrapped and reworked. This suggestion makes concentrate worth using and attempting, gives bms some avoid and damage, with a cd trade off. just better overall.

    this skill gives lively tension between both dealing more damage briefly, and at the same time being a good skill to use during a dangerous moment or phase in bossing

    i think if you consider all these small, modest tweaks, the class gets quite a respectable boost over time. both BM/MM have bad w.att scaling. while their high-end crit damage is great, and the mastery buff in BE/MMS is incredible, i still think a non-crit buff worked in somewhere is a very efficient buff for both classes over time. they don't need to be super high tier attackers, as they are primarily a ranged support class, but they start to fall behind significantly in the 150s when most other classes are beginning to seriously ramp up dpm.


    obviously the big MM debate is snipe, and the dmg cap. i have a very simple, stable suggestions for this conundrum that doesn't threaten the identity or utility of the class and skill, funded or not. outside of that snipe topic, MM are really well rounded at the moment thanks the my blind buff suggestion being accepted, and pierce being more user friendly now. but lets get into it.

    before i talk about damage cap alternatives, we need to talk about funding. a marksman can eventually forgo casting snipe altogether (except during cancels) if funded and potted up/buffed nicely, especially with SI and fumbling with placing a snipe into rotation which can happen. you can be more comfortable spamming strafe than worrying about using snipe asap. this of course dovetails into the cap topic, but before we get there, i think since seeing how snipe can in some instances come into obsolescence, we should build in some new specs, the why of which ill try to explain.

    i think snipe could deal more damage during weapon cancels specifically (#s to be determined). so lets say at the moment, everything is vanilla. you cast snipe on an unguarded boss, 199k. you cast snipe on a w.cancel boss, it bypasses, and does 199k still. with the complete transformation and ubiquity of and from total crash, this is less of a feat in a big party w/ crash for the marksman. i think vanilla snipe should do 199k to the boss, but it should also rise in damage *during the cancel specifically* depending on your level and the bosses level. this scales snipe upwards and keeps its exact same utility, while rewarding the higher leveled player.

    so for an example of this suggestion:
    lvl 135 MM casts snipe on zakum (lvl 140) unguarded, deals 199k
    lvl 135 MM casts snipe on zak w/ w.cancel, deals 199k
    lvl 140 (or higher, in this example) MM casts snipe on zak unguarded, 199k
    lvl 140 or higher MM casts snipe on zak *during w.cancel only* 200-250k

    so an extra (as example) up to 50k added to snipe, *but only during cancels* if you are the same level as a boss, or higher. scaling the snipe damage based on your level to raise higher during cancel is also a consideration, scaling perhaps up to 225k. this formula could work as:

    if same lvl as boss, +10k to snipe during cancel
    if higher lvl than boss, snipe damage increases by X per level, up to X.

    this still gives MM a moment to shine in bosses like they had, which has been a bit muddied out since both iterations of crash (previously dispelling crash, and now mostly bypassing cr). this helps w/ damage plateauing. it's also very on brand for MM. finding a critical sweet spot that deals massive damage behind the the armor of the boss

    now to breaking cap outside of cancel, which is what a lot of MM are interested in, i think that, simply put, if your range is high enough, then your snipes should start to deal over 200k. i think up to 250-75k is high enough. personally i'm unsure that snipe would need to go over 300k, so that's as high as i'm willing to vouch it's cap if your range allows.
    so basically its just a formula that says
    *snipe deals 199k if range is below x, snipe deals 199k + additional damage (capped at X) if range is above X*

    those numbers are not for me to determine, but i think both of those suggestions are the simplest, and best of both worlds for funded, unfunded, or those who don't care, and is the best direction to take the skill without ruining its intended utility and identity. this method scales well 120-200, funded or not.

    the problem with this is attack potions. i think the formula should be considered with just your clean range, and MW20+. the formula should start breaking around the clean 6.5k-7k range.

    also, as a visual cue, snipe should not show up as 1 damage if you have the CR buff. it should just show as 199k. as well as during cancel

    FINALLY, the last thing i'd like to see for snipe as a general improvement, and micro speed buff, is that it feels very slow. not really the graphic itself, which is kind of slow, but the actual a to b impact between casting and landing. it feels like it should be faster. it is a bit of a kinetic delay imo. slightly speeding its impact would certainly speed up dpm a little over time bc of the delay. speaking on delay, i have some input about strafe

    a few things about strafe. the normal speed w/ booster (or SI) is fine. however, there is a slight delay after casting where you can't move when it feels like you should be able to. i'm not suggesting this as a cryptic way to speed up strafes. like i said, the speed of chaining strafe is fine, but im talking about the frozen character time could still be lowered separate from the firing times. since MM is clunkier than BM as far as attacking, this gives them a crucial repositioning advantage that will absolutely help their dpm to very attentive players. playing sair at high levels has given me a tight insight on control and this slight delay after casting strafe and being able to move is crucial. if this isn't looked at, i understand, but this would be an amazing buff despite how small of a suggestion and window it is.

    additionally, and I've said this many times before, i'm against strafe simply being brute forced up to five lines. it does nothing to the class, and it makes them too strong, even if the strafe damage is lowered, bc the critical chance is raised, and makes snipe obsolete sooner. suggestions like these are why we have such power creep issues in the server. the finer, smaller details are where healthier, progressive balance can take place before heavy handed ones like moar lines.

    i would rather, after putting points into MMS, strafe go down to *3* lines, that average the same damage as 4. the reason being is that the graphical time to cast a 3 strafe arrow vs a 4 is ever so slightly faster over time, and this is a simpler, gentler improvement, and a buff all the same, and also highlights the identity of the class, needing less ammo to deal just as deadly attacks.

    earlier i pushed for BM to get two summons, phoenix and eagle buffed, and able to be summoned together.

    for MM, i just want frostprey to get a physical attack when it encounters ice-immune monsters. doesn't freeze, doesn't stun, just a single-target, non-elemental slash attack similar to eagle. the elemental aspect of frostprey (and phoenix) is very frustrating.

    Reducing/removing the delay when summoning would be nice but I understand if this isn't considered

    and for the love of god, make summons cancellable already! they are a liability. and at higher levels take even longer to return. simply a highly requested QoL.

    a few very small delay, and even smaller strafe speed tweaks, along with the suggested non-crit buff, gives MM all they need in terms of balance (which i think BM needs balancing more). imo this snipe suggestion is the best way forward if cap must break. atm MM are tuned quite well, just lack a bit of oomph. i don't want them or BM to jump up in dpm tiers, just do slightly better.

    both BM and MM have a rough go as far as w.att scaling up. the billions for one more att barely registers on our range. and due to the wild range of numbers we do bc of crit, which are mostly sub six digits, makes these classes hard to extract returns on investment. these small tweaks to both classes them give better low-end number buffs over time (except snipe), and some extra identity an utility, and the player less of a want for such extreme min/maxing and funding for negligible roi.
    i hope these are seriously considered, there is a lot of potential here, and they aren't big, heavy handed changes that most ask for, which always end up needing rebalancing down the road.
    Last edited: Jan 21, 2025
  17. raywuu12

    raywuu12 Active Member

    Jun 7, 2020
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    I know that snipe was designed to match the theme of the Marksman class, but the skill's cast animation is just way too long. It makes the gameplay feel super clunky—like there's this weird delay before it actually fires.

    Honestly, for a 4th job skill, snipe feels way too "basic." The animation is plain, not flashy, and the overall feel makes it seem laggy and unresponsive.

    Another issue is about weapon attack speed
    The two most common endgame weapons, Neschere and Dragon Shiner Cross, both have an attack speed of NORMAL (6).

    • With Crossbow Booster, the speed becomes (4). At this speed, the Snipe + Strafe cycle are:
      Snipe + Strafe × 7

    • With Crossbow Booster + SI, the speed goes up to (2), making the cycle:
      Snipe + Strafe × 8
    This puts weapons with FAST (5) speed, like Pyrope/Night Raven's Eye, in a really awkward spot.

    • With Crossbow Booster, the speed becomes (3), but the cycle ends up being:
      Snipe + Strafe × 7 + DELAY
    That DELAY happens because Snipe's cooldown isn’t done yet, so having FAST (5) attack speed doesn’t improve DPM at all right now.

    Additionally, well-funded players face the issue that when using att pot, once strafe can deal over 200k damage, snipe becomes obsolete. This is something that’s already known.

    So how about integrating snipe into strafe?

    Make snipe a passive/buff skill instead. When maxed, snipe would give Marksman a 3.125% chance for each attack to deal a lethal shot (200k damage).

    Under this change:
    • The current Snipe + Strafe × 7 cycle would become Strafe × 8, equaling 32 attacks.
    • With a 3.125% chance per attack, the expected value 32*3.125%=100% guarantees one successful snipe hit during what would’ve been the old cycle.
    • Since snipe is replaced by strafe in the cycle, you'd also get 3 extra 125% damage attacks. This would be a DPM buff for marksman. The chance to deal lethal shot might need some adjustment to balance this out.
    I know this might take away some of the marksman’s identity, but who cares...? We're still weaving strafe between every snipe anyway...
  18. Baconfry

    Baconfry Well-Known Member

    Oct 11, 2015
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    I care. Being able to manually cast Snipe is important for skill expression and showing off your 199k damage to noobs is one of the few joys that comes with this class.

    I'm not completely opposed to the idea of Marksmen being able to enjoy one-button gameplay, but the way I would do that is by reworking skill macros, so that if a skill in the macro is on cooldown it just skips right to the next skill instead of aborting entirely. So you can hold down Snipe > Strafe macro and it will handle everything (with the small drawback of spamming chat with "You may not use the skill yet", please fix this devs ty)

    (this would also buff the octopus > battleship dismounting macro, maybe that's a good thing)

    Another good alternative is one you alluded to yourself in the first sentence of your post. I don't think anyone would complain if we just made the snipe animation shorter.
    LichWiz, anglerfish1, Cooler and 3 others like this.
  19. Cooler

    Cooler Donator

    Nov 16, 2018
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    I have been singing this song for years :pengun:

    Would also LOVE for frostprey to have no cast delay. It sounds crazy but the amount of damage you lose just by casting it while bossing and standing still is never worth skill/effort except in a run without cr
    anglerfish1, raywuu12 and Sylafia like this.
  20. Cooler

    Cooler Donator

    Nov 16, 2018
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    here's my hero input--

    hero's don't need enrage. best to scrap the skill entirely. if it's decided that the class needs a damage boost, enrage or w.att is not the method. this server doesn't need more weapon attack, it's fully addicted and on att potions at all times, adding more will not help at all, and it is just a backdoor way for mules to boost w.att on top of pots, which is really what most people are secretly suggesting, and that needs to be noted. it's not what the hero class needs, it's what other attacker classes want.

    i have a handful of ideas that i really want people to consider and think about and play with creatively to see what other ways the hero class feels like a party member instead of just deleting HP from a boss.

    1) ARMOR CRASH: make armor crash exclusive to crusader/hero. priest/bs can no longer dispel mob armor buffs
    -lower the duration and range of AC, and make it cost 1-3 orbs, depending on level. this removes the mule/exploitability of armor crash from mules. also, make AC only apply if the crusader/hero is the same level as the monster. this makes it an active party skill instead of just a one button mule skill. this is healthier and better for teamwork, and better for the class identity and active team play. these are important factors to consider

    2) SHATTER: an alternative to enrage is a skill that crashes damage reflect. there's lots of ways to implement this as an ability. a spell, or it can use combo attacks to shatter the damage reflect, which is my suggestion. but a crash type skill that costs all orbs is another.

    3) STAGGER: if damage reflect crash/shatter isn't considered, which it really should, as it's an open niche that no class can do atm, then i think another fantastic idea for hero, is the ability to stop, or lower, the amount a boss HEALS. this has high potential to increase runs over time, and it also helps the entire party, which is heroic in a way. staunching/stopping boss heal will significantly increase a run time overall. i also recommend this be cast via combos. this and shatter gives combos practical boss utility. this is also an altogether niche angle which also indirectly boosts hero party run times.

    3) BLOCK: this is a different route for hero, but one that every single party member will love. it's essentially a 4th job warrior version of guardian, but for party members. has a chance to block an attack that another party member receives, or, instead of blocking damage, gives a random party member a stance effect from an incoming attack, at a certain proc rate. it could cost an orb each block, but this would be huge for any party member, especially ones that reposition often, or in maps like HT where falling often costs lots of time. also a very apropos hero skill. no this is not direct DPM, but it helps the team greatly on time. requires orbs to use, so it's not exploitable.

    4) DUEL: instead of enrage, just give the hero a short buff. ignore w.def, raise minimum damage to 100%, ignore damage reflect, for a short burst of time, and causes all mobs and boss to autotarget the hero during. costs all orbs. short effect, with a CD.

    5) COMBOS: allow combo damage to break cap/ignore damage reflect/ignore cancel (with a damage reduction)

    (also i personally believe that coma/panic *animations* were accidentally switched when implemented. the coma animation is an eye, whereas panic is the skill that was supposed to induce darkness. the current panic animation looks more akin to a stunning skill. i believe the animations of these skills should be switched to reflect what their skills do. i also believe panic should inflict darkness as it was originally intended in the skill description, and afflict bosses at 20% at max, but not stack with blind. this alone gives hero a fantastic edge in a melee party. remember the acronym: "MISS" (Mightier In contrast to Stance, Shifter)

    Last edited: Jan 25, 2025

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