In Discussion Class/Skill [Feedback Request] Skill Changes and Balancing

Discussion in 'Feedback' started by nut, Jun 4, 2022.

  1. Swag

    Swag Donator

    Jan 5, 2014
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    Volt | Ruse
    I like reading your comments, this seems really thought out and interesting. As a new low level Hero myself, I already see how many dead areas of the class there are. And I'm all for anything that discourages muling. I would vote in favor of continuing the conversation on these ideas, except for #4. I'm getting the client/programming limitations vibe with that one, but who knows. I'll have to remind myself to follow up on this once I'm at a higher level and can properly comment on the others with some more bossing experience under my belt.

    I'll add, in terms of what I've thought about as far as rage goes, keeping in mind the value/programming burden ratio that is ever so important these days, what if we simply go ahead and keep it the way it is, add the stacking effect, but make its effect (+ATT) dependent on how much added bonus attack is coming from other ATT buff sources? Just typing it into chatgpt to visualize the general idea:

    As attack from other bonus sources increases, Apples, stoppers, ciders, etc., the effect of Rage is reduced by some exponential factor. So, if the party is on an appo run, rage is hardly worth muling for (although it would no longer be detrimental to accidentally cast lol, and maybe adds a slight buff). A stopper run? Maybe worth, but nothing crazy. Gizer run? probably worth. etc.. My thinking is that it can at least keep the OG mechanic in the game to some useful degree..
    Cooler likes this.
  2. Cooler

    Cooler Donator

    Nov 16, 2018
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    Tyvm I appreciate you seeing the feedback as concepts rather than direct "do this" input.

    I think devs just need to completely move away from enrage/w.att, similar to my concentrate feedback for bowmasters. It's does nothing for the class or party in the att pot mandatory meta, and there's much more interesting and valuable ways to approach hero, which is where I'm coming from
    Swag and Sylafia like this.

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