In Discussion Class/Skill [Feedback Request] Skill Changes and Balancing

Discussion in 'Feedback' started by nut, Jun 4, 2022.

  1. raywuu12

    raywuu12 Active Member

    Jun 7, 2020
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    Either remove weapon cancel mechanism or give all warriors Total Crash

    Cuz total crash is the only solution to weapon cancel

    (only 1/10 class can deal with weapon cancel?)

    It makes the party composition always need 1 pally/CR mule

    Excluded the possibility of other classes joining the party, so

    1. If remove weapon cancel

    I don't have pally, so I don't know if Pally will become unwanted in party after removed

    If this would be possible

    Change total crash to a party buff, instead of being the only solution to weapon cancel


    Everyone in the party recieves Pally's currently used element charge buff but only has 50%/X% equivalent effect, duration 60/Y secs, cooldown 300/Z secs.

    Pally players definitely know the boss' parts elemental weakness

    This highlights the feature that pally is the class with the highest single target dps in warriors, at the same time have the ability to enhance the party's dps on a single target (cuz each boss part have diff elemental weakness?)

    Solution to avoid muling:

    Pally must keep attacking to keep the party buff

    If there are 3/X secs in non-attack status

    The team loses the buff effect


    Pally must keep attacking for a period of time to cast this buff skill

    (I don't know if either of these will be difficult to implement)

    2. Preserve weapon cancel this crap mechanism but give all warriors Total Crash

    As with what was said earlier, I don't have a Pally, so I don't know if Pally will become unwanted in party or not after this change

    to keep the balance

    make pally's total crash 80/X% success rate, other 60/Y% or so

    I don't like mule so come up with these ideas
    Sweetbean likes this.
  2. sharonxd

    sharonxd Well-Known Member

    Apr 4, 2020
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    Hi all,

    Would like to suggest below changes:

    • Dragons Breath (Also for Marksman):
      • Gives it a certain success rate to KB bosses (This skill is an upgrade from the 2nd job skill, Power Knockback. Shall make it work identically to KB bosses with similar success rate)
    • Concentrate:
      • Don't have much opinion on this. Maybe removing all att bonus while including more practical benefits as mentioned by others (e.g. temporary stance rate/some buffs similar to guardian or shifter) to allow a BM truly able to 'concentrate' on attacking.
    • Phoenix:
      • Allow it to stun the first mob it hits (Another skill upgrade, from the 3rd job skill, Silver Hawk. Its stunning ability should have been retained. Not to mention if Phoenix is buffed with higher damage, summoning Silver Hawk instead of Phoenix solely for stunning will result in unwanted lower damage output).
    • Critical Rate (Also for Marksman)
      • Increase by 5-10%. As another player from previous page mentioned, it'd make more sense for archer, the ultimate and only critical rate buffer itself to have the highest crit rate among all classes. Will be better to make the crit rate (after SE) to be at least 60% (currently only at 55%) for a class that heavily depend on critical damage to make good dps.
    • Reduce the influence of Darkness skill casted from bosses on players. Classes with ultra high accuracy (e.g. Archers, NL, & Corsairs) shall be able to ignore this curse at certain probability. A blinded Bowmaster or Night Lord should be able to reach its target at a decent hit rate, not nearly all misses.
    All I can think of for now.

    Thanks for consideration. [:)]

    Last edited: Oct 8, 2022
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  3. Green Mind

    Green Mind Donator

    Jan 11, 2022
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    F/P Element Composition: Brilliant idea for it to give a Poison weakness. FP is supposed to be the biggest damage dealers of the mages anyway so it's tragic how many bosses resist what should be their main attack. You can't really do much to make EC viable without radical buffs because it doesn't get a full boost from elemental wands (half of it gets only 1.1x with a favorable wand, while the other half gets 1.25x), so I'd love to see it have another function.

    Elquines: I think this can have the same base power as Ifrit. People don't really use it for the freezing ability. Ice is a horrible type for attacking bosses with anyway.

    Spell Booster: like Holy Symbol, this takes a year to cast when off a rope, but unlike Holy Symbol, it needs to be active all the time against a boss. Especially against dispel-heavy bosses like Papulatus before you finish pinning him right and getting on the platform, you can cast this only to get dispelled again immediately after. Meanwhile, equivalent skills for other classes like Claw Booster complete their animations in less than a second. I recommend removing the first half of the animation.

    No mention of Slow in the GM Blog? It just needs to work against bosses as it should: just try pinning Anego with CL/Paralyze now. You have to be pixel-perfect, and you quickly lose the pin anyway when Spell Booster wears off.

    Radical suggestion: replace Seal with Elemental Reset (maybe the code can be copied from the Blaze Wizard skill, which is pre-BB). Personally I prefer this to making it work on bosses.

    It would be nice if something were done with Big Bang (skill) but I have no idea what. It's particularly lame for arch mages since it doesn't get the element boost. Right now, its best use is attacking APQ boss body 3 when it refuses to fly down and you keep getting knocked off. Or hitting Ephenia after she completes her teleport. ^_^'
    Last edited: Aug 6, 2023
  4. Nightwolf

    Nightwolf Member

    Jan 30, 2018
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    As a shadower main my suggestions/feedback are based on my gameplay and what I think the class is, which is a stealthy hard hitting FAST class.

    My main feedbacks are around 4th job skills, and alterations to dark sight, Shield Mastery.

    The motivation. Is a class lacking in some area they shouldn't?
    I think the shadower class should be fast, we have the quickest attack speed in the game with dagger booster, but animation frames really do slow us down in 4th job skills. The shadower class is all about hiding in the shadows and then attacking the monster unseen quickly and with precision!

    What do you expect or hope the change will accomplish?
    Allow the class to be more usable, effective and make DPS more inline with other classes such as NightLords

    Where does this proposition place a class or classes in the big picture?
    A more wanted or playable class, most players seem to use Nightlords, Bowmasters or pirates for pure DPS, and i think the shadower if balanced could be just as good at DPS with the fun elements that they have. I am a big fan of the class and only main as a shadower so it would be great to be a wanted class again for parties and to be a main attacker for Zakum, HT, Krex so on and not just a haste mule. With my suggested changes would mean we are an effective DPS class with the benifit of haste and with taunt being an effective tool for the party, making us a desired party member once again

    Does this change have its place in Royals?
    I think so ofc, skills such as Shield mastery seem so out of place and simply do not fit the class, or DS being my number 1 cause of death as it cannot be cancelled very easily would be such a good quality of life improvement and would make the game and class more devise and playable.

    Without further waffle here are my suggestions:

    4th skills
    A slow attack, whose final attack is not really used. As others have pointed out the risk/reward with the final attack isn't that effective as simply casting BS. It would be great to allow this skill to cast more quickly. I still think the dark sight requirement is fitting for this but with the fixes to casting time and DS being less-problematic would greatly improve our DPS and use.

    The damage on this skill doesn't really matter as such, as long as it can still argo monsters. My main thought on this skill is the cast timing and bosses being unaffected. It would be amazing to have this skill work on ALL monsters regardless, but keep the increased rates on def, exp and drop rate. As the skill is so weak and takes quite a long time to cast it is useless as a skill, it feels as though the time spent casting doesn't gain you any more xp than just simply quickly killing mobs. With most end game monsters being bosses too, means the skill is almost useless. So if it could be cast quicker, weaker and work on all monsters that would be a great balance for us for soloing but also make us a great PARTY member to have, again increasing the effectiveness of the class

    Make this skill usable in certain maps, such as APQ, not only is it a good attacking skill, it aids so much in our movement, having this skill not work makes the class that much more boring as we simply cannot move around like we are used to.

    Ninja Ambush:
    I have never used this skill, simply for the fact that it doesn't work, in practice is sounds like a neat skill that would help us do more damage at a fixed position but i actually have no idea how or what the skill does. So would be great to have this functioning. AOE type skills are always great to have and to have an upgraded version of Band Of Thieves would be nice

    Other job skills

    Dark Sight:
    Allow the use of potions, buffs! and skills in general will make it easy to control/cancel. I have died soo many times because the boss has hit me and interrupted DS that i'm stuck in the skill and unable to heal or attack with a skill. If i could simply Boomerange Step out of it that! would be a game changer. I think the skill's frames are more than faster enough but in theory my character should still be able to drink a potion or use any other skill while in DS. This change would make the class exactly what is it! We could DS around then suddenly attack from the shadows! i could see my self completely changing my game play style to DS upto a group of monsters then attacking everything and what fun that would be!

    Shield Mastery:
    What a strange 'Skill' to have in the first place, i think the original idea by the developers was interesting but in practice does very little, as shields do not really provide much weapon defence, and on top of that Mesos Guard does a great job of reducing damage more than enough. If this skill is to be kept, i have two thoughts on what it could be altered to do. Firstly shields are used to evade an attack, so instead of increasing def why not % percentage increase avoidability? We are a nimble agile class and this would fit perfectly with the class style. Ninja's are meant to be hard to hit even when we are not hiding in the shadows we can dodge and move quickly, so why wouldnt we use our shield to block an attack.

    Secondly if it the skill could increase attack % percent on a shield instead of DEF that would really help out with our DPS, for instances a 20% increase W.ATK on a shield would be a typical Dragon Khanjar would give around 3-5 extra attack, a shield isn't just a defensive tool it is an offensive tool!

    I hope my thoughts/insight helps the table discussion! thanks for the team to give us maplers the opportunity to chip in. Cheers!
  5. matty3694

    matty3694 Well-Known Member

    Oct 27, 2020
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    being able to recharge balanced furies at any shop....
  6. raywuu12

    raywuu12 Active Member

    Jun 7, 2020
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    Make Power Guard not be canceled when using Monster Rider skill
    frozenrain likes this.
  7. snowday

    snowday Donator

    Oct 21, 2014
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    This is maybe overstepping, but its always bothered me that BM/MM can't jump attack. To me, they've always felt like immobile NL that get some flashy 3rd job skills that end up redundant or useless later.

    I think a lot could be considered with how shadowers still make use of BoT in end game. I think this server has done a wonderful job with shadowers, would love to see other classes get similar treatment to make a wider variety of their skills useful throughout the game.

    Also, I've read some analyses saying they're actually OK, but regardless, I have not seen a SINGLE Hero in a boss run since I rejoined, so that either speaks for itself or people are too into min/maxing
    Last edited: Oct 13, 2022
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  8. Herres

    Herres Donator

    May 9, 2020
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    So I heard that in the last patch Drks can now "afk play" just like Heroes because now pets can consume multiple pots so drks don't have to monitor their HP manually. Therefore it seems like the last edge that Heroes had agaisnt drks has been compromised. Therefore I think Heroes should finally get buffed as a compensation.
    Donn1e likes this.
  9. xDarkomantis

    xDarkomantis Well-Known Member

    May 29, 2019
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    My posts so far: #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 #7 #8

    Master comment here

    (I wrote this on other server but I'm bringing this over to here since it still seems good)

    :pirate:Pirates - Corsair:
    [-] Double Shot increased to 120% from 110%

    Why?: I think Double shot is slightly behind the curve vs single target compared to Archers/Assassins as they get better scaling with crit. Giving +10% should make Gunslingers feel better to use until 3rd job's Burst Fire (though will still be on the weaker side compared to other classes).

    [-] Dash reworked into a passive skill

    Why?: Dash has always been in an odd spot where it's known to be helpful... when you remember to use it. In the early parts of a Gunslingers journey, you use this frequently but ends up falling off hard in usage as mid game approaches and you're juggling a multitude of skills (wings+recoil). It ends up becoming an underwhelming skill.

    I propose changing it into a passive skill that provides +15 speed and +5 jump permanently at max rank. This change will:
    1. make it relevant at all times
    2. simplify Gunslingers gameplay via less button management (especially when Wings+Recoil shot comes into play)
    3. allows for smoother movement and feel when grinding


    [-] Allow Pirate Dash to persist for 20secs rather than completely disappearing if you stopped or changed direction

    Why?: Alternate idea to my Dash Passive rework.

    [-] Invisible Shot increased damage scaling from 170 -> 180 or 200% and mob count of 3 -> 4

    Why?: From my own experience playing on another server that experimented with increasing the damage scaling and mob count of Invisible Shot, the change made Gunslingers grinding fun. While I won't suggest the exact changes they did, I think toning up Invisible Shot as the highlight of their 2nd job along with Wings+Recoil Shot would be beneficial.

    [-] Grenade

    Why?: This skill has always been a terrible skill and never sees any use. I propose changing it to have a cooldown in return for it:
    1. receiving damage buffs
    2. hitting up to 8 mobs
    3. having a bigger explosion radius

    I also toyed with the idea of it leaving a poison mist on detonation. (Also, I don't know if players would prefer a linear throw rather than a charged up throw)

    [-] Recoil Shot cooldown reduced further/removed

    Why?: Removing the cooldown on this skill will help Gunslingers/Outlaws reposition better in grinding scenarios. This also has the effect of making the skill a better mobility option for Gunslingers than Wings+Recoil akin to Flash Jump. While I know people will be against this, I do think it'll allow Sair players to have more fun with the increased movement.

    [-] Allow Recoil Shot to be used on Battleship

    Why?: This suggestion sounds crazy but after growing up with One Piece and seeing the Sunny-Go, I think this would be a cool change for Sairs to have in their toolset (and be one step closer to being the Pirate King).

    [-] Burst Fire to be properly scaled up to be an improvement of Double Shot at lv1

    Why?: Currently, Burst Fire is a noob trap as it's actually a downgrade in single target DPS upon first getting it. The Corsair guide owner on ML, akashsky, recommends not leveling it until you have an extra 11 sp to use (~4 levels!) as only then will Burst Fire be stronger than Double Shot. I'd highly recommend giving it a proper scale up in damage to be an immediate upgrade to Double shot at lv1 rather needing 4 more levels to do so.

    [-] Flamethrower / Ice splitter to be buffed to 210% / 200% at max rank; increase scaling mob count from 2 ~ 6 -> 4 ~ 6

    Why?: I wanted to better emphasize Outlaw's 3rd job mobbing with this proposal. The initial mob count was always way to low and the damage scaling didn't seem that high. After playing on another server's experimented changes, I want to advocate for increased scaling at max level and better initial mob count at level 1.

    [-] Homing Beacon and Bull's eye are now separate skills; Bull's eye requirement from Homing Beacon lv30 -> lv1

    Why?: Due to the heavy SP requirement of Homing Beacon needed for 4th, Outlaw's skill build has always been in an awkward place. By proposing this change, I wanted to free up the Outlaw's SP build path and make it possible for players to max skills relevant to their grinding rather than specifically meeting a requirement at the expense of a multitude of skills.

    [-] Battleship has increased movement to 130% or 140% speed (can ask players if they want 110% jump too)

    Why?: One of the biggest detractions to playing Corsair has always been the Battleship and managing it. Not only do you have to be mindful of its HP and avoiding hits, you also have to demount/remount to reposition when getting KB'd in fights due to its default speed. I think by increasing the movement of the Battleship, it'll ease the burden of Battleship by a small degree so that players are only focused on avoiding attacks/ship HP rather than also repositioning too.
    Last edited: Apr 20, 2024
    Oziz, LimeOnyx and OneHashim like this.
  10. LimeOnyx

    LimeOnyx Donator

    Feb 20, 2019
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    I use Dash chronically (second nature at this point), and my sair's build has additional speed/jump to make activating Dash akin to a self-haste.

    I sympathize with button management, as with my current setup there exists no comfortable key to add torpedo on (gotta manually replace loot key with torpedo for Ephenia's fairy), though I don't think this change would be for the good. It's essentially a nerf to the mobility of sairs.

    A potentially positive change, but 130-140% is rather high. I think a sweet spot would be 100% to make it easy for current corsairs to adjust, who are used to a slow (80%) speed when moving around on their ship in bosses. As you mention KBs, I would love to see some kind of stance-esque property applied to the ship (in exchange for taking damage to the ship, you get a % chance to tank the hit and stay in place)
    xDarkomantis likes this.
  11. xDarkomantis

    xDarkomantis Well-Known Member

    May 29, 2019
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    My posts so far: #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 #7 #8

    Master comment here


    [-] Hero - Rage increased to 200 / 300 secs

    Why?: Feel as though the duration is a bit too short. Bring it up to 200 secs to match Booster or make it 5 min buff.

    [-] Hero - Shout Rework idea

    Why?: Give Heroes the abilities to lure mobs to them and make them a very good grinding class with other pt members (or solo)

    Shout into having:
    • A cooldown of 30~15 or 30-20 seconds based on skill level
    • Has same Attack Range as Dk's Roar in scaling
    • No longer stuns but buffs Mobs to have Speed Buff
    • Does more damage and scales from mob count of 6 to 15 / 12 / 10 at max level.
    [-] General - Reduce Improving MP Recovery, Shield Mastery, and Attack/Armor/Total Crash to 10 levels from 20 levels

    Why?: I feel these skills require way too much skill points for skills that you won't use until much later on and you're unable to max other skills that you're regularly using (or will benefit from immediately). Reducing to 10 levels will allow more satisfaction in skill point distribution and

    [-] Hero/Paladin - Shield Mastery gives Avoid or slight bonus HP while equipping a shield from only increasing Shield Defense stat

    Why?: I wanted to give this skill a relevant use rather than being obsolete forever. White Knights gain bigger bonus than Crusaders

    [-] Paladin - Total Crash - Make it same range as Holy Symbol or Sharp Eyes

    Why?: This was asked for after the Crash change and it was only slightly increased. Please increase it so Paladins don't have to huddle so close to pt members to buff them with this.

    [-] Paladin - Charged Blast - Slightly reduce scaling at max rank from 250% to 230/220%; No longer expires after initial use

    Why?: Wanted to make Charged Blast more relevant as a skill unlike now where you have to wait until 4th job to mainly use it since it can disappear. Decreased the scaling so that it doesn't completely dominate Power Strike but White Knights can "upgrade" from Slash Blast.

    [-] Paladin - Advanced Charged Blast - No longer expires after initial use

    Why?: To help make it more relevant, no longer expires after initial use. Initial ACB scaling would still be 260% while 3rd job Charged Blast has lower scaling.

    [-] Drk - Dragon Blood - Deals more tick damage to yourself but Attack damage bonus can stack; No longer able to kill you

    Why?: Wanted to grab this suggestion from what I saw from other server..

    I’d suggest making the change of having Dragon Blood do DoT damage until the player is equal or less than to Berzerk Threshold HP% so that players can ease into full Zerk and be somewhat as a lever for the average player. Can maybe lower the attack damage bonus or make it a Strength bonus (and lower the tick damage to 1%). Also, make sure it’s not able to kill the player (if it wasn’t already fixed).

    [-] Drk - Improve Zerk Scaling; More friendly to newbier Dragon Knights | Still somewhat relevant in bosses when player not as skilled as experienced players

    Why?: From what I read before, I think it was not possible to change the scaling but will still throw it out there. Improve Zerk scaling: Front load most of the Zerk scaling at 100% HP (i.e. 150%) and scale it to “full” at ~70% HP. Will still give slightly more damage scaling at lower health thresholds to retain old Zerk gameplay (and reward skilled Drk players if they want to go lower hp)

    [-] Hero - Enrage slowly gives Rage additional attack (i.e. +1 atk per 5 levels of Enrage)

    Why?: Makes Rage still a relevant skill to use later on but just slightly underperforms Cider.

    [-] Hero/Paladin - Guardian gives bonus stance at lv30

    Why?: To give more incentive for Warriors to go (and STAY as) 1H Hero/Pally.

    [-] General - Power Guard no longer disappears upon mounting

    Why?: QoL for Hero/Pally. Frustrating when the skill is removed when mounting and you're running into high touch damage mobs/boss

    [-] General - While on Mount, pressing Rush will demount you into Rush

    Why?: QoL for Warriors when grinding mobs. Helps to fix awkward situations where you're trying to Mount -> Demount -> Rush and you fail at Step 2.
    Last edited: Apr 20, 2024
    Icato likes this.
  12. xDarkomantis

    xDarkomantis Well-Known Member

    May 29, 2019
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    My posts so far: #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 #7 #8

    Master comment here


    [-] Bandit - Double stab buffed from 130% -> 165% (or 150%); Has 15% mastery akin to Magic claw

    Why?: It's well known that Double Stab is a subpar skill that Sindit remains the most efficient skill build to play (and being useful in LPQ). If you max this skill, then you're met with low varied damage output and burning pots getting up close on mobs due to its short range compared to Lucky 7 where you're attacking from a range (saving on pots) and have solid damage. While people might use the excuse of Nostalgia to keep Double Stab in its current state while being perfectly okay with 4th job QoL changes/Buffs & other changes, I think if it doesn't take much work on the Devs part then Double stab should be buffed to be useable (and not a struggle) when maxing it.

    If I remember correctly, (please tell me if I'm wrong...) Lucky 7 has a minimum damage output with its formula which allows it to be relevant compared to Double Stab which doesn't have it.

    [-] Shadower - Assassinate now requires you to hold movement key to use Dashing strike

    Why?: Other bigger server was able to change Nate to require holding movement key for the Dash part of Nate to work. Very satisfying and removed awkward situations where you Dashed because of pet pots or other instances.

    [-] Bandit - Implement v92 Steal version: increased attack range to match animation (rather than melee attack range), increased scaling to 130% (from 100%), and does an AoE attack (mob count 2 ~ 4)

    Why?: I think Steal is a bit lackluster and could use the better scaling. I want to see how Bandits would play out with this skill change as this was only seen very late into pre-bb.

    [-] Chief Bandit - Increase the vertical reach of Band of Thieves

    Why?: I could be wrong but I think it's not reaching high enough enough. Though this could be ignored since Shadowers are strong.

    [-] Shield Mastery gives Avoid or slight bonus HP while equipping a shield from only increasing Shield Defense stat; Reduced to 10 levels

    Why?: I wanted to give this skill a relevant use rather than being obsolete forever. Would probably lean to the HP stat and it giving slight bonus in HP at max rank (i.e. 125/150 hp)

    [-] Hermit - Meso UP duration increased to 3 mins from 2 mins

    Why?: Bring it up to standard 3min duration buffs.



    [-] Priest/Bishop - Holy Symbol duration increased to 3 mins from 2 mins

    Why?: I think for a lot of people, Holy Symbol's duration has always felt too short. Bringing it up to 3 mins will allow it to join the ranks of the standard 3 min duration of skills. An argument could be made that Holy Symbol is too strong/Priest muled too much so it's fair that it has 2 min duration. The only thing I can say is that in a perfect game, we wouldn't have Holy Symbol at all and could just play solo/party up with others as needed. However, because it's in the game and we're forced to use it in a lot of situations, I don't think we should be punished with its current duration of 2 mins and frequently rebuff it in comparison to other self/party skills.

    [-] Poison Element Immunity removed from most bosses; introduce Poison Element weakness to certain bosses

    Why?: Fixing Nexon's 2000s game design of making Poison mage but they can't actually do anything against bosses ~f18 Not speaking about Poison tick damage but Poison element so that Paralyze can utilized in more situations. This will allow niche F/P Archmages to participate in bosses akin to I/L Archmages (compared to now where you can't bring them anywhere).
    Last edited: Apr 20, 2024
    Green Mind likes this.
  13. xDarkomantis

    xDarkomantis Well-Known Member

    May 29, 2019
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    From my own experience grinding an Outlaw and Sair on another server, I never found Dash particularly useful once you got max Wings+Recoil Shot. Looking at others playing pre-Sair/Sair, they're mostly using Recoil shot or Wings+Recoil Shot for mobility unless they have a Mount and just opt for that instead because of not wanting to press any more buttons. If you're still using it, that's interesting for sure but my suggestion was to accommodate everyone and be a neutral/QoL buff.

    On the Ship speed, when I played Corsair on another server... I actually gave up on the class because the ship speed felt terrible to me. I know a few people told me they didn't like how slow the Ship speed was and was one of the reasons they didn't want to main it. Corsair will be one of the classes I'd avoid maining until it's the last class I haven't played to high level just due to Ship Speed + Ship HP management.
    Icato and LimeOnyx like this.
  14. LimeOnyx

    LimeOnyx Donator

    Feb 20, 2019
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    You don't use Dash on Royals? In this other server, were wings/recoil shot adjusted (buffed compared to how they are on Royals) to make Dash useless in comparison? Dash enhances the speed/distance you go using wings + recoil, making it useful in unison with these skills. I'm not against changes to Dash, but I'd hate for it to be passive and I'd prefer being a bit slower by default until I activate the skill. If anything, it would be nice to see it converted to a self-haste (applying only to you, giving it the stats of haste, and lasting for the duration of haste).
    dyee likes this.
  15. Donn1e

    Donn1e Donator

    Jan 12, 2020
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    That's already the case btw, skill description is wrong
    Icato and xDarkomantis like this.
  16. eVolve

    eVolve Donator

    Aug 30, 2021
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    My thoughts on Marksman
    - Increase 1st job 'Critical shot' crit rate from 40% to 50% affecting both MM and BM. This will provide a non game breaking dps/dpm boost that both classes have been requesting without affecting other classes. Plus non crit strafes are depressing.
    - Make 4th job 'Snipe' a % attack (if possible), keep the cooldown. Something around 2300% so it isn't too outrageous. We already hit over cap, put snipe back into the rotation for the godly endgame Marksman/s out there.
    - Have 4th job 'Blind' affect the whole boss, not just limbs. I refer specifically to Horntail and Zakum. Is this even possible without applying a blanket blind to the whole room affecting all spawns?
    - For the love of all that is holy, please DO NOT give us 5 arrow strafes.
    Last edited: Nov 2, 2022
    JuliusOmega and Javier like this.
  17. UrbanJuggernaut

    UrbanJuggernaut Donator

    Aug 22, 2013
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    Great write up, I'll try to address everything briefly

    Just yes. All of it. Grinding a Gunslinger/Outlaw is ass.

    I think this would be a lateral move that wouldn't really have any impact. Double tapping movement keys is ingrained in my DNA at this point and combined with passive speed/jump from endgame equips Corsairs have pseudo-haste. Making it a self buff would be fine but I don't think the resources spent would be worth it, especially over some of the other stuff here.

    I definitely like reducing the cooldown. It has always felt just a little too slow and increased mobility would make the class better and more enjoyable to play. I would be against removing it entirely simply for the fact of keeping it separate from Flash Jump and not negating Wings for the most part. In relation to the proposed Dash change, I don't want Corsairs to just be Night Lords with guns and I think Thieves should retain their top mobility/avoidability role. I like this overall.

    This is mostly not needed, as well as looking visually strange. With the current dismount speed, I can dismount>jump+Recoil Shot>mount and be ready to shoot again as I hit the ground. Recoil Shot has a decent amount of endlag before you can perform another action (separate from the skill cooldown itself) that mounting seems to bypass, so even if you could Recoil Shot from ship, the amount of time would be the same before you could fire again. It would save a couple button presses but the dismount gameplay is integral to Corsairs and it becomes second nature. That being said, this leads nicely into your next point, which is...

    ...this. While powerful, the ship already has many conditions in place;

    - Reduced speed/jump
    - Can't climb ropes
    - Skill restriction
    - Limited HP
    - 5 min cooldown

    I think the other balancing factors are more than enough to warrant talking about the speed/jump. Corsairs already multitask to the extreme managing their ship and the added clunky mobility is unnecessary. Fine positioning adjustments can be a big pain, especially in places like Horntail, and having to mix in dismounting for repositioning on top of dismounting for ship management costs a lot of DPS and just feels bad. Haste stats are probably too good, but some related suggestions off the top of my head;

    - Ship caps speed/jump at 100%

    - Ship base speed/jump same but affected by speed/jump stats from gear and Haste

    - Ship base speed/jump same but Dash can be used while mounted

    All of these seem reasonably easy to implement and would be a huge QoL boost to the tens of Corsairs still playing. This is my favorite suggestion.
    xDarkomantis likes this.
  18. snowday

    snowday Donator

    Oct 21, 2014
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    Sort of random, but would be nice if Ninja Ambush was buffed just enough to make it barely worth using... It does a silly low amount of damage and last very short.

    Obviously every class has a ton of useless skills, but I know the thieves the most, would be fun if a lot of these useless skills were at least barely worth using.
  19. HybridTheory

    HybridTheory Donator

    Sep 16, 2015
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    The following are some of the (but not limited to) changes I propose for the Warrior class. There can clearly be more changes but I feel these are likely in higher demand. This does not mean that I do not think other classes should get buffs. Also, I am disregarding BW/Axe for Hero/Pally simply because I do not know their calcs.

    Dark Knight: Hybrid (Polearm) Viability & Increase Max HP (through HB only)

    2nd Job Skill Levels: Reduce Iron Will to max lvl 10 (or equivalent changes) to allow for maxing of Polearm booster + mastery in addition to the other core skills.

    3rd Job Skill Levels: Reduce Elemental Resist to lvl 10 (or equivalent changes) to allow for maxing of Spear Crusher & Pole Arm Fury (and of course the other skills like power crash, roar, dblood)

    Max HP: Allow Hyper Body to increase a Dark Knight’s Max HP to 34k. This is arguably better than increasing Berserk % (it was already increased from 40% to 50% in new source) and instead of a free buff, this would make Drks “work” towards a base of 21.25k HP. This would also allow Drks who have washed to 30k to press HB. Purely increasing max HP would definitely be bad for the lvl 200 Drks with 30ks out there and, most likely, if you washed to 18.75 early enough, you will have the 21.25k hp by 200. Of course, this means Berserk now works at 17k hp and under. Drks already got a 5% dmg increase (2x to 2.1x berserk) and they are the best of the Warriors with SE scaling---a damage increase is not needed.

    Why Hybrid? Pole Arm Fury at sufficient mobs (4+) is better than spear crusher. Using Pole Fury for general grinding (LHC!) would be a different (and faster) experience. Of course, the downside is now needing two weapons.

    Paladin: Increase Blast Damage Cap and Increase Freeze Duration

    No numbers in mind. A blast damage cap (or even lack thereof?) won’t give game-changing dps changes and the freeze duration is now just too low. The long freeze was a nice application in Shao, for example.

    Hero: Improved Mobbing & ACA Buff

    Let Brandish hit 4 mobs (maybe disable this in LHC maps if it’s too OP). Aside from LHC and Zak arms (which wouldn’t consistently hit 4 anyway, maybe besides the bottom 2 arms on each side but I don’t think it will always hit all 4), changing Brandish to hitting 4 mobs won’t be game-breaking. In HT for example, you’d only hit 4 mobs while Leg is up and when Head A dips down.

    Increase Advanced Combo Attack Damage % by some presently unknown number (not base dmg for Brandish as we still want SE scaling). Hero is by far the weakest of the 3 warriors.

    Remove Enrage cooldown. Let Heroes be free from using Energizers!
    Kenny and jessyjinx like this.
  20. Aqwrd

    Aqwrd Well-Known Member

    Sep 11, 2021
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    I'm just gonna reiterate what I previously said, because I have a feeling Bowmasters are gonna get the short end of the stick.

    • The motivation. Is a class lacking in some area they shouldn't?
    Bowmasters and single target damage.
    • What do you expect or hope the change will accomplish?
    I expect it will allow Bowmasters to stand on their own two feet. To be able to join parties without having an NL present. God forbid we may even have TWO se's in the same party.
    • Where does this proposition place a class or classes in the big picture?
    It allows the most expensive class to wash, a class which needs an extra computer to dual client attack, a class that seldom joins a party without an nl, a class that is often referred to as "mule class", a class that is useless against dr, a class that provides a lackluster buff excluding nl's in comparison to si, a chance to be considered an attacking class.
    • Does this change have its place in Royals?
    Considering the server owner mains NL and BM isn't a popular main class, probably not.

    I'd also like to remind people they expedited an NL buff just to save the price of their precious MTK. A buff which was completely out of place, and had no right being shipped out with Von Leon whilst you have classes like Drk, Heroes and MM begging for a crumb of buffs.
    Last edited: Nov 12, 2022
    happypotato, eVolve and Frfrfrfr420 like this.

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