1. Name / IGN: 멜리사 2. Level / Job: Vad? 3. Country / Timezone: 4. Tell us about yourself: My favorite member from MAMAMOO is Solar. 5. Can you join discord?: нет.
@weiliang1995 may u find peace in this world of injustice. Merching is not bannable. See you soon brother.
1. Name / IGN: NotChu 2. Level / Job: 46 / Future SI slave (maybe I need 1 year++ cause I don't cheat!) 3. Country / Timezone: Malaysia GMT+8 4. Tell us about yourself: You'll know me yourself soon ^^ 5. Can you join discord?: Yes Shin encourages me to apply. I read the requirement and I feel Shin should have rejected me earlier cause of my noob level. I don't mind Shin reject me but I'll ask if Dumb accepts me.
1. Name / IGN: Curasa 2. Level / Job: 51 / Cleric 3. Country / Timezone: US / EST 4. Tell us about yourself: I’m a big fan of Shin oppa. 5. Can you join discord?: Of course!
1. Name / IGN : Michael/Torontonian2 2: Level / Job : 135/Hero 3: Country / Timezone : Canada / EST 4. Tell us about yourself : Korean, used to play MS when i was in elementary school heavily. Came back for the nostalgia with my brother about a week ago. Already level 135 and looking for a bossing guild. Active every day 8+ hours np. Hope you'll have me. Can you join discord? Yes! Thanks!
1. Name / IGN: MangoKushh 2. Level / Job: 135/NL 3. Country / Timezone: Canada/EST 4. Tell us about yourself: I am Groot. 5. Can you join discord?: I am Groot!
1: Name/IGN: Hamyyz 2: Level/ Job: 124 Marksman 3: Country/Timezone: USA/ ET 4: Tell us about yourself: Born in the Philippines, but I went to highschool in Abu Dhabi, and graduated this May 2020 from Rutgers University. I like to play video games, play guitar, and trade options like a wallstreetbets degenerate. I'm playing royals again because applying for jobs gets boring and man I wanna hit lvl 200. I like how friendly most people are in the royals community, and I'd love to be in a guild who reflects that. 5: Can you join discord?: I haven't used discord with people I haven't met in person before, but I'm willing to try it out
1. Name / IGN: Babooo 2. Level / Job: Nl/138 3. Country / Timezone: TW /GMT+8 4. Tell us about yourself: played mrs few years ago, love this game 5. Can you join discord?:yes
1. Purday 2. MM/145 3. EST 4. Played a few years ago, got back into it recently due to quarantine. 5. yes thanks!