Spoiler: Only morons will open Spoiler Spoiler Spoiler Spoiler Spoiler Spoiler Spoiler Spoiler no have you ever been fisted so hard that you couldn't sit on your fat ass for days? I demand only girls to answer this question
That's funny because you're referring to @Narcisstic. Have you ever went to get your haircut and after the stylist washed and dried your hair, you immediately regret your decision?
Yes, but never shortly after getting it. Have you ever ate something and acted like you liked it because your parent, grandparent, GF/BF, friend thought you really liked that particular food, but you actually think it tastes disgusting? (Not just a meal that you didn't like and just ate, I'm talking about "I made you noodles, because I know you really love noodles!" But you actually hate them)
Not that I can recall... I don't generally hate most foods though. Have you ever had to make a meal out of random foods that turned out well?
Nope, fortunately Have you ever went straight up to a person of interest, that you didn't know, and started a conversation?
I have... It was when I had just finished eating something with a fork and I wanted to taste the soup, but was too lazy to get a spoon. Have you ever jumped fences and waded into a pond chest deep to avoid getting caught by cops?
Not sure what you would define as streets but I've certainly did over 70 mph on roads that are build for it and I have exceeded the speed limit in all sorts of road situations yeah. Have you ever considered punching someone you know in the face really hard for no reason just to see how they would react?
Define spied lol I looked for longer than a glance at windows from my window but never actually seen anyone/ anything. I'm just a curious kid me. Have you ever fallen asleep somewhere odd just because you were so damn tired?