it was added last patch. we didnt have sleepy gach before. and on previous page i posted drops from my 130 gacha run... it has rly nice scrolls and items (racoon masks for example)
Not much info for the Kerning Gach so here is PART of my gach run for the first time. What you don't see because I dropped or because they stacked are Power Elixirs and Watermelons. First screenshot fucked up, somehow the chat bar went down as I tried to screenshot the items in the chat. Oh well, all those items in my inventory were gach'd though. They are all new from the machine. Scrolls gach'd were the two rows at the top. Scrolls are 70% Overall Dex, Overall Luk and Claw ATK. 60% are Claw ATK, Overall Dex. 10% are Dagger ATK. Part 2 Gach (last 8 tickets) Scrolls: 30% Overall LUK. 10% Overall DEX and Overall LUK. Equips gach'd are whatever wasn't there from the 1st screenshot I posted.
I will take the liberty of updating this list until Ty gets back (which should be in the next coming weeks) assuming you guys would like to see it updated. Please post according to the original format.
I was going to write a drop list as well as a small guide about it I'll go ahead and post my draft for my Gachapon then. I was planning on making one due to a request, but I'll just try and help you both update your existing list instead. I'll go ahead and make drafts for another guide I had in mind.
If you would like to make your own guide, you can. I just thought since this list was already far along it shouldn't be left "un-updated". @maggles has been pretty busy the past few months so I thought I'd update it for him in the meantime, especially now that I can update other player's posts.
My updates aren't going to be as comprehensive as maggles already has it. I'm not going to write anything worth less than 5m.
There sure are few chairs. Guess I know what I'm saving up for, then! This'll be useful once I have tickets.
Up-to-date as of the 12th of November -- update only includes the screenshots given in this thread, in the process of including Plenty's guide. **Added in Sleepywood Gachapon and updated Kerning Gach using the last set of screenshots given. This does not mean that the list is completed, just up-to-date with what has been given quite awhile ago. Continue to post screenshots so this list is more polished, etc. Unfortunately, unless there are screenshots accompanied by what you have posted, I cannot add them to the list, as the postee's format requests: Please post screen shot evidence of items that you receive from gachapon. This will help us gather a big list to help people out. Please follow the format requested by the original postee so I can continue to update on his behalf, thanks! "Format: 1) Screenshot 2) Scrolls/Elemental equips - (State the % of the scrolls/Number and on the wand/staff) Optional 1: Make a list of the items you found that aren't already on the list. Optional 2: Find the before big bang hidden street links to those items for me. [via:]" EDIT: In the process of Editing in Plenty's Droplist Guide i.e (up to PLENTY -- SHOWA) my placeholder
46 tickets at Showa 60%: Helm dex Earring int Glove for magic attack Shield weapon attack Cape luk/str were 10%s, the rest 100%s and dropped.
35 tickets at sleepywood! Not a bad run. Notable things: 60A% scrolls: OA int, dex, luk and Str 30%: Cape dex, earring int, overall dex 70%: Helm dex Equips: Glowing whip Ele wand 3 (lvl 70 ice, 87 matk ) Ele staff 5 (183 tma) 2 yellow raggedy capes Lvl 21 common shoes- Black strap shoes 6 dex 3 luk clean - Necomimi hat
My other posts are legit, its just I forgot to ss them. >.< Anyway heres the link for proof. NLC 500 gach -------------------- Equipment ------------ 1 Bow-tie(Green) (Lv30) 5 Branch Nose (Lv40) 7 Elemental Wand 1 (Lv103) 7 Elemental Wand 5 (Lv130) 2 Frozen Tuna (Lv20) 4 Horus's Eye (Lv70) 4 Light Purple Umbrella (Lv25) 3 Maroon Mop (Lv36) 3 Orange Ski (Lv33) 5 Purple Surfboard (Lv95) 4 Rat Mouth (Lv25) 2 Stonetooth Sword (Lv100) 6 Thermometer (Lv10) -------------------- Use ------------------ -------------------- B -------------------- 5 Bottomwear DEF 60% 5 Bottomwear DEX 60% 4 Bottomwear HP 60% -------------------- C -------------------- 3 Cape DEX 100% 5 Cape HP 100% 5 Cape INT 100% 4 Cape LUK 100% 4 Cape MDEF 60% 3 Cape MP 100% 5 Cape STR 100% 4 Cape WDEF 100% -------------------- E -------------------- 4 Earring DEF 100% 7 Earring DEX 10% 2 Earring HP 10% 4 Earring LUK 10% 3 Eye Accessory ACC 10% 8 Eye Accessory INT 10% -------------------- F -------------------- 8 Face Accessory AVD 10% 4 Face Accessory HP 10% -------------------- G -------------------- 4 Gloves HP 10% 4 Gloves DEX 100% 2 Gloves MATT 100% -------------------- H -------------------- 4 Helmet ACC 100% 4 Helmet DEF 60% 5 Helmet DEX 10% 4 Helmet HP 60% 7 Helmet INT 10% -------------------- O -------------------- 2 Overall DEF 60% 5 Overall DEX 10% 3 Overall INT 60% 4 Overall LUK 60% 7 Overall STR 60% -------------------- S -------------------- 6 Shield HP 10% 5 Shield LUK 10% 5 Shield MATT 10% 1 Shield STR 60% 4 Shield WATT 10% 2 Shoes DEX 60% 4 Shoes Jump 60% 1 Shoes Speed 60% -------------------- T -------------------- 4 Topwear DEF 10% 3 Topwear HP 60% 6 Topwear LUK 10% 4 Topwear STR 60% -------------------- B -------------------- 2 White Scroll =========================================== 4 Brand New Monster Galore 4 Eternal Bullet 4 Hwabi Throwing-Stars -------------------- Set Up --------------- 1 Green Chair 3 Grey Seal Cushion 6 The Yellow Relaxer -------------------- Etc ------------------ 5 Crystal Shard 5 LeFay Jewel 7 Pharoah's Wrappings 3 Stone Tiger Head 3 Tao of Harmony 6 Tao of Shadows 3 Tao of Sight 4 Typhon Crest =========================================== 6 Antellion Miter Forging Manual 6 Black Phoenix Shield Forging Manual 2 Crystal Ilbi Forging Manual 5 Crystal Leaf Earrings Forging Manual 3 Dark Shard Earrings Forging Manual 2 Facestompers Forging Manual 5 Glitter Gloves Forging Manual 2 Infinity Circlet Forging Manual 4 Neva Forging Manual 1 Sirius Cloak Forging Manual 5 Stormcaster Gloves Forging Manual 3 Tiger's Fang Forging Manual 4 Winkel Forging Manual 2 Zeta Cape Manual