This is my last ironman character I promise LOOL. Decided to go back to my main back in the day, and my favorite class. Made this char a few days ago and only voted on this acc with it, bought some nx to make it stand out and here we are. SHADOWER HYPE!
Well, this is mostly a curiosity, but I've just earned my 1st DIY bil (a few months worth of pure meso drop / npc)! Spoiler I may write something in the next few weeks. Truth is, due to a mix of bad luck and irl stuff going on, nothing flashy happened build and gear progression wise. I just keep slowly levelling and slowly making minimal gear upgrades. We will see!
Made a considerable amount of progress on my new Ironman, Anshin, a Brawler. Spoiler He is now almost lv 70! And made some smaller (although equally time consuming) progress on my Bowmaster! Spoiler She is now level 126!
Still going and god donut I've been gone from forums for long time >__> Bad Jr here ^^" I'll post a pic of claw + progress once I hit 110 gl hf everyone
Still grinding! Finishing up ToT quest-line, got SE30, Hurricane 20, and am now trying to drop Hurricane 30 from Pap. Solo life is really neat.
I'm coming back tomorrow to this challenge. I am going to be switching classes though, so you can kick my Bucc out of the guild. I'll will be making a Hero. I just wasn't feeling Bucc, so I'm gonna try Hero and stick with it. I'll post the name when I start in the morning (For me morning, at least. Stupid timezones).
Welp, like I said, I started over. I'm going for a Hero this time and I'm sticking with it. I didn't have enough NX for my full cosmetics... f3
So, today we had our first DIY-Zakum run; party was entirely made of hilariously unfunded Ironman challengers. Sadly we did not succeed due to people dying / d/cing during different phases of the battle (and our only survivor decided to call it early), but it was our first time, so mostly a test-drive to check our strength and assets. Despite not being speedrunners, we made it to the 3rd body without difficulties, and hopefully we have good chances to bring this home in the future! Even if this run was unsuccessful, I will post some screenshots for science purpose (or if you want to have a good laugh)! Spoiler: SCIENCE Rules were simple: 120+ chars, and in case of success only relevant Skill / Mastery books looting allowed. Party: Chieftess - level 129 Bowmaster IronNacht - level 143 Hero Samadhi - level 155 Paladin TonyStarks - level 121 Shadower Spoiler: guess who Well, in the end, we had a lot of fun!
Okais! Some time has passed and I've (finally) made some progress! So I got the 110 claw on and Killed a bigfoot! \o/ not sure if allowed to curse in pics but w/e
I'm currently inactive in game due to irl stuff going on. Hopefully, I'll be back by the end of the summer. I'll make sure that our contact section in the opening post always stays up-to-date. I'll try to make up for my hiatus by posting a little update for the guild: things are still going, and we had two fresh 3rd job advancements this weekend! Anshin (@Joong), from Brawler to Marauder! (Dude makes seriously awesome videos!) Foxz (@Dylanducki), from Assassin to Hermit! Yay Avenger! Spoiler Congrats guys!
Within the month I'll be returning to answer the call for the Iron Man challenge. Being on the lookout. I'll be back on my Hunter, Angsty.
Welp im back in this thread for the 10th time. What do yall think is the funnest ironman/DIY class? Classes I've already done - NL, BM, Mages, Sair Classes I'm thinking about - Paladin, Hero, DrK, XBow Leaning towards the warrior tree for DIY ...but not sure which would likely be the most fun, farmable, etc.
Real life's been robbing me of game time, glad to see fellow Ironmen going strong still! Miss you guys ;-;
The warrior tree is a smooth choice for a solo journey. Can't really answer for the Fun™ part (it also depends on how far you plan to go or how much you value the whole classic "minmaxing" stuff), but I can try to give a quick overview for the farmable part. Spoiler: "quick" Generally speaking: shield Watk scrolls are gach only. Endgame weapons such as Stonetooth, Ski Ski, and Crushed Skull are gach only. 30% 2h-Axe, 1h-Sword and 1h-BW are gach only. Hero: 30% 2h-Sword and 1h-Axe are farmable from Cloud Foxes in Mushroom shrine. Brandish 30 drops from Papulatus and Krexel. Brandish + Fast Sword combo is just good even if unfunded. ACA is from Zakum (being ACA-less is basically a DPS nerf). Plenty of DEX scrolls options available from mobs too, so meeting the 120 DEX req for the ST is not a hard goal (we already have/had 2 ST users within the Challenge). Paladin: if you go BW, the combo Skull + Shield is entirely gacha dependant. ACB, your main 4th job training skill, is from Zakum. Going without ACB means that you're stuck with Slash Blast, which can be a test of patience. Blast 30 drop from Papulatus and Lyka. 30% 2h-BW are farmable in Shrine/Showa, and 60% 2h-BW are farmable at OB4 and Skele, two really popular endgame training spots. Dark Knight: Zerk 20 and 30 are Zak/HT exclusive, but I think their 3rd job is the most efficient and diverse of the whole tree. Spear 30s are available from Wolf Spiders. Spear 60s have a somewhat derpy drop table. As for xbowmen: Crossbow 30s are farmable from 2 mobs (Himes and Red Slimes, while Bow 30% are gacha only). Snipe is Zak/Horntail dependant. As a final note: I've always considered the Challenge itself as a silly but fun experiment, mostly a test of patience. As Maplestory offers a quite rigid/fixed character progression, there's this (understandable) fear of "missing out". I've seen people making class choices based on how good that class would ideally be on late 4th job, severely underestimating their solo journey before that point (getting to 120 without PQs, HS parties or Leech remains for many people a fair challenge even under 4X exp - and some jobs have it worse). Good luck!
Well, after a brief break, since I couldn't stand my internet's connection for a while, I returned to the challenge. I continued my Fighter, since it wasn't too long of a break. This is some of the progress I made in the three days I'm back Spoiler: Progress I made Well, on the first day I was back, I didn't do too much. This thing challenged me: And let's just put it at this: this is a good image of all my screenshots. Seeing this thing, getting pissed off by it since it hurts, it heals it self and I can't really hit it very well and then taking it down. Like this: Take that you bastard! This was all that day one offered, since I got disconnected and said: "I'll try again tomorrow" Day two: I took down the bastard 2 more times. It deserved it! This next pic is because I realized I was going to use my Maple Soul Singer instead of my favorite weapon in the entire game (the Zard) when I leveled up one more level. On with more killing of that bastard! And then the final (and quickest) run, with my Maple Shield and my Maple Soul Singer (which was this morning): That showed the bastard! When I get back online later today, I'm probably going to be moving on to Forest of Golem, since I can now hit them reliably, because of the Maple Soul Singer. I don't have many Dex equips yet, but the only reason I would want them is accuracy. I'll be going after the Maple Soul Rohen next. I will stick with 2-handed swords most likely and I know I'm going to have to buy a lot of Gachapon tickets for the Dragon Claymore. Yes, I'm not going for the Stonetooth Sword, since I think it's an ugly weapon. Maybe I'll take the Stonetooth if there is an interesting Cash Shop weapon I can cover it up with.