No comment on that. If you truly believe that the drops are sexist call McFly, hop in a time machine back to GMS v.62 and argue to Nexon, not to MapleRoyals staff, who didn't write the drops for each monster with the exception of certain changes.
If you want Purple Osfa Pants (F) go to: Spirit Vikings, Rexton, Red Wyvern or Royal Guards for 3minutes and you'll probably get some.
I guess I need to explain again. In GMS, there is no godly item. So the one u can get with 3 min will be only 1-3 stats different. But in royals, the clean one will have a 10 stats different. Also, to get a godly one u will need more than 10 hour farm in leech map. For famale one not from leech map, that maybe more than 300 hour +. So I would say there is sexism.
If you guys have female thieves/warrior you would know how hard it is to find a good one. It's easy to say "go farm it, it drops from ludi monsters", but have you ever actually hunted it for yourself? I have... and I can 100% with confidence tell you that ludi maps suck dicccagvadjad. No one would ever grind there for more than 30 minutes, if they aren't doing the papulatus pre-quest.
I agree, I feel oppressed by forcing to choose between two social constructs that does not represent who I am as human and don't have the freedom of choice to select my sexual orientation (Im also vegan btw)
The drops are based off of GMS... it's not sexist. As I said, back in the day people would actually remake characters just to get better loot. I had an account on EMS for males and one for females. Got my hermit to 109, took months and then I noticed all the top lvl hermits and drops were for females, so I had to remake one. This server has the Singapore maps and leafre instead of Ludi as the grind spot. So the easiest drops to get are for males. Make a male then. Or simply, git gud. Also I identify as a Mil Mi-24 Hind-D Russian Gunship. My pronouns are woosh and whop whop whop
Any notion that's drops being biased towards one of the two genders available being a result of sexism is absurd and plain wrong. Now we've got that out the way, I do find it somewhat horrible that it is so much harder to find female theif bottoms and especially godly ones due to the current drop tables. To limit players based on the gender of their character is a really dumb thing to me. Drop tables are based off GMS but they are by no means faithful. I know there are imbalances with all corresponding equips but the gap between the availability of thief bottoms is huge.
What you're complaining about is supply and demand, driven by the market and, ultimately, by players. It's no more sexist than there being eight women's clothing stores for every men's clothing store in the mall is sexist.
For high-end equipment, let's say last one specific class supposed to wear, it should just drop from the same monster with the same probability. The problem is, that it would be different than on websites, which shows loot from BBB. Another option is to balance probability based on map. Maps are terribly imbalanced, that's why any item which drops from MP3 or GS is way easier to get. "How many X monsters can X level character kill in X time?". Respond to this question should give an idea what chances should be for those items. MP3 0.5% chance can drastically beat 3% or so in other maps. Not to mention how ridiculous it is to make "female" and "male" only equipment. It's first time when I see something like that in MMO, lol. But I knoow that there's a lot of warriors fighting for "our bodies are different so it should be different" thing [lmao], so I won't even bother go into details with that.
Most of my characters are female because I like girls I don't want to stare at a dude for hours at a time. :^) Now I got that out of my chest. You can look at this issue in two ways or a cup half full vs half empty: Half empty: this game sucks female equipment are too expensive and hard to find. Half full: they are harder to obtain, so I can buy and sell with higher profit margin on female vs. male equipment.