Spoiler: Cheeeeeeeese The first Valentine's Day, I asked a florist to deliver a rose to you at 3 PM GMT+1. But welp, they came way too early and you got my present to you at like 2 AM my time and of course I slept through your whole flustered reaction I was looking so forward to hahaha! I was going to surprise you this third Valentine's Day together by doing the same thing (and writing my delivery instructions in Dutch now!). Especially after we joked for me not to send you flowers. So it was going to be a great surprise I thought. \o/ Until a few days ago when you were looking online at rose bouquet prices and you remarked how expensive they were. Then I completely messed up and said, "Yeah, I was shopping..." And the long silence after that and how you started cracking up laughing looking at my face as I realized what I had just revealed. But oh man, the present you sent me this year is the best Valentine's Day meme. Spoiler: It's pink kappa We tell each other it all the time, but you know, we're really, really lucky to have each other. Isn't it odd to you too how many people say the honeymoon period fades? We're in our third year together and I still feel so excited looking forward to seeing you in our daily video call and that soulfully happy feeling just being with you is hard to describe. Those things haven't faded and we've spent a couple years together now. It's such a wonderful thing, having a partner who is on the same page with you on everything, who shares your vision for the future, who just genuinely, truly loves you. That's so exceedingly rare, and I'm lucky we found each other. How wonderful it is that we have identical senses of humor and we can laugh together on just the most random of things like the Valentine's Day gift catalogue that came with this present. That word collage that spammed the name "Elijiah" and we cracked up over how it was like Royals' shoutbox if people would be spamming "OMG GM ELI PLZ HALP." The random Geico auto insurance insert in the babies' section and how we laughed that they start advertising young. The better together wall plaque with a double seat bicycle and how I'd sit in the back since I can't ride a bicycle for crap so you'll have to pedal. And I couldn't reach the pedals anyway since you're 50 cm taller than me. How very lucky I feel each day that I was fortunate enough to have met such a wonderful, kind, gentle, cheesy, teasing, and loving person. I hope everyone else finds the happiness with someone that we have together.
I thought PhD students are supposed to teach undergrads (and be damn proficient especially for introductory modules)...how come is it that we're teaching the PhD student instead...? Somebody's review gonna get hurt a real bad...
Came to realise in work that degree is useless. You prolly gonna have more certificate than me but your working attitude is utter joke. Dont come boasting what master you have. Fresh grad complaining that they dont have a job and thats why. I rather employ someone who has no master no degree but good working attitude. Fresh grad really annoys me so much.
My students make me feel old... They all play Minecraft and Roblox.. at least I can get them to do more work when I talk to them about Minecraft.
I'm getting real tired of people demanding free leech when I'm at ulu2. Either pay for my pots or fuck off. Kthxbye
Finally get to use the Ignore function of forum - after 1 year of playing MapleRoyals Cause a person was hating on GMs for no apparent reasons #HatersGonnaHate
Procrastination is a blessing and a curse. I just want to be able to do things when I plan to do them.
I just need to get this off my chest, it's been bugging me ever since I was little... If you really think about it, how do the male & female bathrobes stay on our character's bodies without falling off..? There's nothing holding them together design wise, so why are they securely on our character's bodies? What's holding them in place? How do sins not lose their towels while flash jumping across the Cosmos? How come the towels don't disintegrate when a mage uses teleport? How come a mage doesn't disintegrate when THEY teleport...? -cries in existential-
Mulung dojo belts will eventually hold ur loose overalls together. But for now, our characters are buying tight fitting bespoke robes. Game logik
Know there’s someone out there who’s depressed, has recently thought of killing himself, and puts on a face for society but knows he’s too weird and scared to be accepted. Know that if I can do it, so can you. And if in those moments where you’re scared of what might come to be, know I struggle with you. I’m driven by what people doubted I could. Think of Mozart, doing something that he should. You’ll likely never meet me, but in the chance you do, call me by my nickname it sounds just like Renew.
Some random level 50 approached me in the fm and asked me to use 3 cs on his 4 att pgc... It's now a 2 att. One failed, one worked but did nothing, and the last one worked but went -2. Oopsie. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ (Fr tho I feel bad x.x)
Uh, no product placement but recommendation. My wife uses this one. Hella expensive, but heck its worth every cent, considering you will use it for 5 years & more. https://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/aw/d/B0...Curl+GL829&dpPl=1&dpID=51CgfCGC+wL&ref=plSrch
I'm amazed you still put in so much time and effort in this game. I don't think you've taken a break in the whole three years since being an admin here. Geez. Should've linked them the DPS calculator we went over and fixed together so they can do the calcs and fact check themselves. Also, please stop staying up until 11 AM; your sleep schedule is getting ridiculous.