Just left an almost 2 yr toxic relationship. There is pain from loneliness but there is no pain from leaving an asshole. Gave him one last chance and he blew it this weekend.
Need more self confidence to believe in myself. As i believe im on the right path. Getting out of my uncomfy zone that i been struggling for wks.
I made the effort to do a 40min HIIT every day for the past 30 days with the goal to shed some weight. Unfortunately, I didn't lose any weight but I've been getting better sleep, my stamina is improving and I've only missed one day of exercise. Something is better than nothing. All the way before my interview!
Can you guys stop getting banned, or being "too busy"? I hate having to look for new friends every month -.- Spoiler: PS: Im a student fulltime too, but you can't even get an hour in the weekends to play at least? Come on
There’s a pretty big elephant in the room, my dude. People are talking, and everyone’s giving up slowly bc nothing is being done about it. Thats kinda why the majority of us quit..
We had a show-off today in school. We were learning coding and had to make a text adventure kind of game as an assignment and bring our work to school today. I then had to playtest classmate's games and they had to playtest my game. Someone in my class is either a complete idiot, or a troll. Someone (I don't know who), left feedback for me and several other classmates. I got the feedback "I didnt know how to respond to the questions"..... you had to write "Yes", "No", or on some questions, write your own answers, and if you wrote nothing, the game still proceeded, but the NPC gave a difference response, like "You don't want to answer that question?", and I gave a brief tutorial before it started as well... but you didn't know what to do? If that aint dumb already, whoever wrote that had the same assignment as me, meaning he/she had to make a similiar game -.- I then read the feedback my mates got. One of them made a random game, like an RNG. Feedback: "It felt random" And "It said I had to respond with numbers, but I used letters instead and I got "invalid input" error and had to restart" I know from experience that you always need to make sure your work is idiot-proof, because someone will always find a way to mess up your game, application or whatever you're creating, but this has to be a troll xD. You gave me a few laughs, but at the end of the day, it was also a waste of time to show off our games only to get troll (hopefully) feedback, so thanks but not really thanks
I listened to a recording of my voice today and am unhappy with the way I sound. I sound so much cooler in my head. f
My cat is very odd when it comes to cuddles, or bedtime. For the 5 years I’ve had her she wouldn’t sleep next to me. She’d either be on my bed while I was sitting on my chair, or in the chair whenever I was sleeping. Before I feel asleep last night, I had a furry lump cuddle up next to my feet!
confession: i occasionally post here to farm likes even though i hate all of you and haven't even touched this game in years
when i see a girl say "happiness is key" or "happiness is all that matters" this pops up into my mind
When people dont even have the basic respect for other people and still think that they are very right.. Gg