I’m so sorry to say this but I kinda feel proud of myself that I did not touch Chair Gachapon this year.
https://i.TemuTemuTemuTemuTemuTemu/x3mcQZ3/mm.png saw this ad today and made me think about how nexon will spend millions of dollars on times square billboards without a second thought but will get their panties up in a bunch over some random people playing an outdated version of their game lol
You are always here and its hard to accept you are not here anymore, but thats the reality, and i need to be familiar with it.
Why can’t the original creator just let passionate people deliver the oldschool experience? (Especially since they won’t do it themselves?) It’s the most wholesome fresh breath in this world dominated by copyrights and money
i wish players would be more willing to stand upon the merits of their own beliefs and arguments rather than claiming to convey a message on behalf of a particular community or "the community"--whoever that may be. especially when they are making borderline apocalyptic claims as if the server is dying. if that's what all your friends are saying, then where ya friends at and why ain't they sayin' nothin' here? Spoiler: in the words of shea couleé who is saying that nina??
Specific classes aren’t supposed to be mules. It’s people like you who turned them into mules and created this meta in the first place. An active bs would solve a lot of these issues in bossing but people would rather mule one instead.
I'm crying for you because you don't know what we are crying for. We don't need you to speak for us because we aren't looking for a change. "All" is an apparent exaggeration. The more you tend to act like a savior, the more you exactly act like a kid. Be rude and say "I had no intention", but continue to be rude. That's why I never trusted such words. If you wish all skills stay what they originally were, this is not a place for you.
Real Nostalgic is being a level 10 grinding away in a slime's tree while hiding in a corner to heal up due to 1x rates & no pq at all
The changes made on Shad is deadly and i personally think that it is not necessary. If they think shad getting advantage from MG why don't just buff others class instead? Starting from Pala's TC to Thief's Avoid and now Shad and BM changes. Non of this help in the boss run, it just make those run become longer. For me, It Just like removing the best features in your products and force your customers to accept it. Doesn't really make sense.