Personally i always believe that time and effort is the most priceless value compared to money, each individuals may think otherwise. I could always simply earn back the money i have lost eventually, however there’s no way i could earn back the time and effort that i have spent on. Taking my time and effort to listen to your despicable act is utterly nonsense, abusing my kindness and treating me like a fool. The fact that you knew what you have done and telling me stuff that would gain sympathy from me, i honestly don’t understand what are you trying to achieve over here. I would appreciate more if you could admit to your wrongdoings and clear up all the mess you have made than hiding away and pretending to be a saint to cover up. Despite that, correcting your mistake doesn’t make it less wrong than before.
just in case anyone takes this seriously, "dont hate the player, hate the game" is a nice maxim to excuse sociopathic behaviours. Dont be a sociopath Clarification :Addressing the general use of that maxim
Calling people you’ve never met online “sociopaths” for playing a game a way you disagree with - is sociopathic behavior
Bf spoils me too much that when I gift him something he gifts something back despite he already gifted me something I wanted !! I'm so lucky to be his gf Thank you so much for buying me two lolita pieces and helping me on Royals even it's my responsibility to gain mesos and I'm just a lazy butt
Covid 19 in NYC is starting to scare me & I'm non vax for the next 4 days. were up to 100k cases a day i believe.. Happy holidays!
Me on christmas eve: Merry christmas Every American friend: It's not christmas yet Me today: Happy new year Every American friend: It's not new year yet Just say "thanks, you too" or something you fricking Manos looking asses. You can wish someone a happy new year or christmas a few hours beforehand. Not all of us celebrate things the same day, or live in the same time zone Spoiler: Big spoiler right here fellas Happy new year
A lot has happened since the start of 2021. Some good and some bad. I hope this next year we can return to a precovid time period. I hope everyone spend some quality time with their friends and family! Happy New Years Everyone!
Discord denied my appeal despite me doing nothing wrong, twice. Pretty sure their support system is run by bots because I haven't gotten a single human reply and there is no place to even contact a real person. I would exercise caution when using this if you don't want to risk your server being taken down, account being banned, or others in your server to be caught as well because once action has been taken, you can expect a 99% chance it will not be undone even if not guilty (according to days of Googling). They can kiss my a** and I'm never getting Nitro to support them. Lol.