Just got rejected by someone I waited for over a year, fuckk. We were like best buds too.. Asked last year, got rejected. I waited till now before asking again, turned out she got a boyfriend a few months ago. Sigh....................... if I get rejected by the companies I applied to, too.. hell I wouldn't know what to do anymore, god damn... I'm always one step too late.......
I want to Maplestory bigbang , my calculus teacher ........... I loved her huge personality... no wonder i passed with a 60...
Rejected by someone I chased after for over a year. Rejected by the companies I really wanted to join. Fuck. I'm really close to just fuck all and just die. I'm so fucking worn out and hurt... I don't have anyone to lean on as well..
1) Money sucks and I hate it. I also hate banks. 2) Invisible disabilities...will forever be invisible I guess. Even to people who should know, trust and believe in you and help you out. Lying to your coworkers about me just further proves that I'm a burden for being disabled. It just further proves the point that people dont believe autism exists past 18. That we're to be hidden away and ashamed of, not allowed to just tell someone the truth. No, I'm not working. No I'm not in college. Why? Because my disability prevents me from doing those things without accommodations, and without money and a crap ton of anxiety I can't get those accommodations. You dont need to lie to your coworkers. If they ask, tell them the goddamn truth. There is nothing to be ashamed of "They are disabled and stay at home". Don't lie and say I'm in college when i'm not. Just why?? Why can't you understand why it hurts so much to be told that? And why do your friends have to stick their nose in my business without me? I'm not worthless. I'm not useless or bringing you down or anything. I'm not using you. I'm trying with every bit that I can to take care of things. Why cant you just understand what a disability is in full?
That feeling when I finally resolved to move on from her and was actually feeling great, she adds me back and gives me false hope.. And actually said she's breaking up with her guy for me and said all sort of sweet stuff and made me smile from the bottom of my heart for the first time in so long, says brb 5min, deletes me and block me.. Jesus never met such a manipulative person before.. Still having anxiety, depression and in denial over everything that has happened recently and in the past year we've been talking...
I'm tired of you deciding what I should do with my life. I'm tired of being controlled by someone else that is steering me towards a path that I shouldn't be going towards. Please, I kindly ask of you to let me decide what I believe is right for me.
It sucks that multiple friends of mine have to deal soon with hurricane Matthew very soon, many of them now preparing to execute to safe spaces. I hope that each and every of you stay safe and keep the valuable stuff with you. Nature fucking sucks when it comes to this so much, and it always saddens when I hear things like this happening, even though they don't happen in The Netherlands... Its like getting punished for something you can't prevent at all... why...?
Spoiler Spoiler Spoiler Spoiler Spoiler Spoiler Spoiler Spoiler Spoiler Spoiler Spoiler Spoiler Spoiler Spoiler sometimes when im alone i pretend im a carrot