( joining that train) I love our daily voice chats. Who would have thought that we could stay for up to 49 hours in VC. (chuckles) Still amazes me. You are amazing.
We hung out for the first time in months and the day felt short because I was having fun. When we were all saying goodbye to each other I only thought about when I would ever see you guys again....
Tried to make it simpler, Over think ruined everything. Tired of being "indie" while make myself "worsens"
It's hard for me to let friendships like ours just vanish. I'm happy to just see that you're doing well though, and I hope you won't forget about me. Idk why I care so much. Sorry!
Lately, I've started to feel envious of people who have great relationships with their mothers. Especially women around my age. It seems that's the time in life when your mother really becomes your friend, someone you can shop and go out with, even drink with, but still get love and advice from when needed. I know not everyone has such a wonderful relationship with their mother. I know that even if my mother were alive, we wouldn't have that kind of relationship; she was just too sick, and resented my existence. But I can't help feeling wistful. I'm so lucky to have all the people who accept and love me. Thanks for being you, and letting me be me. i wouldn't mind having a relationship with my father, for that matter i'm ok i got this
Having to register sucks. Now people can see where I live and where I work. I'm afraid for my own safety
When he got banned, I said it was worth investigating you and YOU confronted me on the shoutbox. Ever since I kept my mouth shut. After that (or before, I don’t even remember) when I Smegaed you would whisper me to harass, saying I will never be like you. You even went a step further and started to post my forums threads lmao. Until today I haven’t touched a single chaos just so you know. I’m in no way related to your ban nor I have reported you or talked to any staff member about it. Call it witchcraft! I just knew it was gonna happen. It is pretty hilarious how you say I instigated this investigation towards you when I’m no related to it whatsoever. My 2 cents
If you don’t like the game then PLEASE freaking leaveeeeeeeeee, stop coming back... ughhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.
failed 16 x 10% white scrolls in a row, all purchased in 500~530m range ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ dem inflation n fail fate T.T
i love the feeling of looking up and seeing you study......... while i play my games hahahahahhahahaha
We should all take some time everyday to be thankful of what and who we have instead of focusing on what we're missing.
it's gonna be in spanish bc i'm having trouble with being both sad and fluent at the same time disculpa por sentir resentimiento. quisiera no sentir esto todos los días, metida en mi cama viendo lo que sea que me haga sentir un poco menos viva. disculpa por hablar mal de ti con sofía o con un foro en internet al que acabo de llegar. disculpa por no ser la hija que querías. disculpa por pensar en mí y en estas cosas estúpidas que pasan por mi cabeza. me gustaría ser tal vez menos que lo que soy, para poder satisfacerte, o más de lo que he llegado a ser, para satisfacer a alguien más. entre más pasan los años, más me doy cuenta. qué crianza de mierda me has dado. qué poca atención me has puesto para no suponer lo que estoy sintiendo, para no ver mis dibujos, o la falta de los mismos, y pensar que tal vez puede que probablemente no esté todo muy bien. qué crianza tan de mierda para hacerme ansiosa, deprimida, un poco rara y muy estúpida, todo al mismo tiempo, mamá. qué crianza de mierda me das cuando me pides que te cuente todo pero no me pones atención cuando lo hago. cuando te preguntas si en verdad me quiero ir de la casa. cuando me dices que te has dado cuenta de que sólo quiero dormir. mamá, no sólo quiero dormir. no quiero estar. no quiero estar más en un lugar donde podría estar muerta y si no fuera por 22 años que llevo viva, no me extrañarían. no sabrían lo que me mató. mamá, ponme atención. soy tu hija y todos los días me quiero morir. y dibujo, y dibujo sin querer, y trabajo y respondo preguntándome por qué estoy aquí. y no tengo amigos, porque me enseñaste a ser prevenida, y no hablo mucho, porque me enseñaste a ser cuidadosa, y sumisa, y femenina, y chiquita. y no te tengo a ti.