Notice GM Blog: September 2020

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Joong, Sep 11, 2020.

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  1. Rhynhardt

    Rhynhardt Well-Known Member

    Jul 18, 2019
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    I understand your point but I don't agree with it. Even in a competitive setting the viking spawns are not only irregular but really ineffective. I feel as though forcing the first 6 spawns to be top row, in a competitive environment, irrelevant because you will be both meeting the maximum spawn anyway. Which I think for CPQ2 is like 10 total iirc? The map is just really bad, even for trade wins it takes significantly more effort than CPQ1 just because the spawn can be on 3 platforms that is a pain to navigate, let alone with every monster being able to snipe you from 75% of the entirety of the map, horizontally
  2. nosebleed

    nosebleed Well-Known Member

    Jan 10, 2018
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    I'm not the dude you quoted but I can explain what he means by "market drops" (I agree, poor wording, but I have no problem understanding what he was implying) for you:

    Currently what do players spend their NX on?

    Currently how do players have to gain the mass majority of their HP?

    Should an alternative way to gain (noticeable amounts of) HP appear-which yes, we do not know how much HP will be attainable through this method yet and it is entirely speculative-the demand/use of APR will decline as it will no longer be the sole method of gaining significant quantities of HP, especially among new(er) players who would rather allocate time toward attaining their HP and their NX toward funding their character's gear (via mozoz from Gachapon). Previously players would either have to purchase APR with their NX to attain their HP, or they would have to sell items attained via Gachapon, only to ultimately end up using those funds to purchase APR from another player down the line who used his NX to purchase them.

    Where will the NX that was being spent on APR prior go?
    Only one place to go, and that's on Gachapon.

    What does more Gachapon use result in?
    A greater amount of items attained via Gachapon in the economy.

    What does a greater amount of items attained via Gachapon in the economy result in?
    A decreased value on the items attained via Gachapon.

    Now, your opinion can be that good things becoming lower valued and easier to afford for new/poor players is a positive thing (which you are entitled to have), but that tends to be largely the opinion of casuals, which (no offense) doesn't really matter and should have zero influence on any changes because they contribute dick all to the game/server in the long term. The people who keep this server alive while playing daily, donating, min maxing, etc. are looking for a greater challenge and obstacles to tackle, not ease of access and a spoon to feed them. Players who actually put in effort need something to strive for, something to be the best at, something to kill or reach first, something to attain that players who don't put in the same effort cannot also attain. There should be a gap between players-especially new and old, competitive and casual-the mass majority should not be able to access end game gear, and it should be incredibly difficult to participate in end game content. People should not be able to join the server and tackle the strongest bosses within a short time frame - it should require a significant amount time and effort invested before you can participate.

    HP quests suck for gaining large quantities of HP, and the HP increase from job advancements are insufficient in reducing the desire to wash further. As mentioned above, this is all stated under the impression that the new method actually provides an alternative to using APR to gain large quantities of HP. If it ends up being comparable to some poverty 500 HP gain for hours of tedious slave labor farming, of course the economic impact will once again be negligible just like the dumb HP quest bullshit was (tbh this is what I would hope for, something negligible that doesn't actually change anything and people still need to use APR to get the majority of their HP). If somebody can actually wash to a substantial HP total without the use of APR, what I outlined above is going to be the inevitable result.

    This discussion should obviously be revisited once we know how much HP is going to be attainable without APR as that'll be the most economically influential aspect of this whole change.
    Pure, KenE and GermanKiddo like this.
  3. BuddyTheFrog

    BuddyTheFrog Well-Known Member

    Jan 27, 2018
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    This is legit! Thanks for putting this together!

    also I didn’t see a mention for when BMs are getting PS,SS,&SP.... please advise
  4. TBK

    TBK Donator

    Jun 24, 2019
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    I'm now excited like an eight-year-old ୧☉□☉୨ !!!!

    Big thanks to all the staff members with your hardworks!

    Looking forward to more details in the near future ! ٩(ˊᗜˋ*)و
    nyannko777, Gert and onekeystory like this.
  5. Relmy

    Relmy Donator

    Aug 1, 2018
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    Guys (and everyone worried about apr prices):

    Remember that these aditions are going to be in the same hands of twisted mind ppl(love you royals developers, this is sarcasm) that made alternative zak jq, and thinked "hey, high tier players want a challenge? lets give them a 20 slots helm with a 5% success rate scroll"
    Theyre going to put new methods arguably hard..and, i know, if something characterizes royals player base do i say it...lets just say that they like a really confortable playstyle.
    Proves? not only the fact that i know a lot of ppl complaining about royals is a really easy game, but if something turns out to become difficult for any reason the word i heard a fcking million times is "annoying"..the best prove is CORSAIR

    Corsair is a job wich the main role it fullfil its to be a single target dmg dealer...wich is arguably THE MOST IMPORTANT ROLE IN THIS GAME..not only that, theoretically is the HIGHER SINGLE DPS DEALER IN GAME..and on top of that theres something that i havent see many ppl mention when they talk about sairs, compared with NLs they not just can deal more dmg, theyre also more versatile(gaviota? hellu)and another important thing is thay they see benefit for both dmg increase buffs (SE/SI) but not like drks that can be stronger if SI or weaker if dont....theyre stronger both with or withouth(geyforlife thread showed SI is 5.6-7% dmg buff for sairs and theyre about 10-11% stronger than NLs in optimal situations), and WAIT! THERES MORE! if for some reason, you lose SE or SI in your pt..theyre still quite strong!, oposite than NLs who become pretty much deadweights in boss runs when something happens to the SE provider...and guess what..SAIRS are not only waaaay less popular than NLs...theyre an overall unpopular job, just bcs as far as i know, they have arguably the most complicated or "annoying" gamestyle in this game(this is why i say even if drks deal twice as dmg of heros, they wouldnt become obsolete, heros are more confortable to play, but thats another story)

    Why do i say all this? simple, bcs unless they trow us hp gain methods by the face(wich like i stated i hardly think so) i can totally see most ppl not caring at all of new methods..and use the all time washing didnt happen yet and im alrdy hearing "naaah i wont do that quest/medal, is too much, ill just buy a few aprs"..i can bet on that RN!..i know my community, and i love you all....( that sound like a drunk man isnt it?..i might be a bit drnk)
    Last edited: Sep 13, 2020
    Jesseh likes this.
  6. Relmy

    Relmy Donator

    Aug 1, 2018
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    Muy buena pregunta..yo mismo cuando hablo del wash con mis amigos repito mucho que hacer wash hasta 25k no es un total desperdicio "por un hipotetico futuro pb update aunque de momento no es necesario pasar de 18 ni tan siquiera" lo he dicho muchas veces y me retracto, sin embargo hay 2 cosas sobre eso que hoy se.

    1.-Este juego tiene un lema que es "no es obligatorio hacer wash" no nerfean el daño del pb cuando lo saquen, ese slogan se va al trasto(que por cierto el pb fue lo que popularizo el wash en los viejos tiempos..antes de eso solo algunos nls y heros hacian un poquito de wash)
    2.-Ya redujeron el daño de auf haven justo por eso, ademas de que, debido a la existencia de la mecanica del zerk de los drks, estan casi obligados a limitar el daño de los bosses importantes a menos de 14999 daño(esta la excepcion de anego y bga, pero esos no son bosses principales y para colmo tienen mecanicas que igual permiten hacer zerk con cierto conocimiento)
    3.- lo que hace mediocre al HB como buff, es que justo el boss importante que mas hp requiere(HT) dispelea, lo que hace al hb poco confiable..con los pb que invocaron la ultima vez en kerning di cuenta que para PB el HB si es confiable, asi que depender un poco de un drk o una hb mule en es para nada como necesitar HB para ir a HT....asi que no, aun con un PB...seguria siendo innecesario llegar a 30k
    quien te enseño eso es una persona sabia...y de nada ;)
    Jesseh likes this.
  7. GermanKiddo

    GermanKiddo Donator

    Aug 26, 2014
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    Thanks man!

    "There should be a gap between players-especially new and old, competitive and casual-the mass majority should not be able to access end game gear, and it should be incredibly difficult to participate in end game content. People should not be able to join the server and tackle the strongest bosses within a short time frame - it should require a significant amount time and effort invested before you can participate."

    Lets wait someone who tells us now that this is being selfish ^-^
    Kung likes this.
  8. Coryn

    Coryn Donator

    Nov 12, 2014
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    I am one of the people who did a fair amount of hp washing myself and for the sake of the future of this server and the possibility of not having to go through the same stuff again if/when I want to make a new ranged class I don't think I should be compensated in any way.

    In the end this isn't a pvp game, there is no downside for anyone here if it would be easier to get enough hp to wash. I get that it might be sour to know you could've saved mesos by waiting but just think about the possibilities of making new classes without having to go through it all over again.
    MaiAh, Relmy and Spart like this.
  9. Kung

    Kung Well-Known Member

    Jan 20, 2018
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    I just wanted to mention in a less heated manner, that reading about your plans - and seeing that you staff guys care about the server and actually wanna make changes that might be useful, I really appreciate this. It actually made me really happy. Thank you, guys!
    Becca, MaiAh, Sen and 1 other person like this.
  10. Snake

    Snake Donator

    Mar 14, 2014
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    While I respect the transparency and effort that the staff are making to address issues players are raising today, I personally disagree with this opinion.

    The longevity of the server, which has now been around longer than the original Pre-BB Maplestory, is largely thanks to the difficulty and competitiveness. Players who enjoy the challenge of investing months / years into funding and washing characters, mules, farming end game equipment, and min-maxing aspects of the game are the ones who sustain the server. I disagree with catering to a casual player base, as the reality is that these players will likely never have a long lasting presence in the game even if we remove this HP washing barrier.

    I'll quote a comment from an alternate thread posted by @sparky95 , where he (she?) raises great points are made about the necessary evil of HP washing.

    I'm sure that this is in works, but a proper autoban system should be the top priority over any new events / changes to HP washing as this would rectify an overwhelming majority of the issues that plague the game and economy today, benefiting the entire playerbase.
    GermanKiddo, liomio and DayHime like this.
  11. MaiAh

    MaiAh Well-Known Member

    Sep 11, 2017
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    this is so good to hear after i took vaction break and litle rage"quit" hiatus again ~f4
    almost all the things i and many other wanted to see and that was looking like a wild dream or even crazy to ask :

    New Ways to Gain HP

    is great to add more-new HP gain alternatives (HP quests,HP medals increase, other items HP increase ...) to reach boss minimums non-touch hits without notorious bug methods of APR HP washing and leeching with bunch of INT ...)
    don't know why this was not addressed before , how many did quit after they got nice untradeables and got told to remake their chars just because they didnt full time leech with INT
    Party Quests
    hope they become great again and stop or put on side the leechstory aspect ,would also like to see limits on extreme multiclient "mules abuse" at bossing/farming/PQ's
    New Events
    continuously running events or with small breaks is good instead of many events at once with huge "dead" periods inbetween
    Rewarding Collectors
    hope to see this with other things aswell not just medals in future
    New Cosmetics
    would like to also see more forum costume design contests like the chairs

    overall looking forward for this changes , return of true nostalgic MMORPG maple experience and more GM blogs
    thank you royals team for your work
    Last edited: Sep 14, 2020
    Kung likes this.
  12. Evan

    Evan Donator

    May 29, 2015
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    Rest assured, washing won't be going away nor will anyone who washed feel like they wasted their NX or time.
    Kai, Snake, Dave Deviluke and 5 others like this.
  13. xDarkomantis

    xDarkomantis Well-Known Member

    May 29, 2019
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    Is the Staff planning to increase Guild count for next patch? ~f4
    Kai likes this.
  14. Amaranthen

    Amaranthen Donator

    Nov 25, 2016
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    ~ Tenacity ~
    I surmise that the new hp system is a new series of quests which require players to collect certain rare ETC or USEABLE items to get a certain maximum hp gain. I think this would strike a proper balance between benefiting new players and minimally impacting those who had HP washed. In fact, I think both classes of players would benefit.

    Alternatively, buffing popular equipment (Zakum Helmet/Scarlion/Targa Helm/MoN/HTP) by adding HP rolls (or buffing HP rolls) stat would benefit everyone across the board.

    The other option is to reduce the amount of magic/range damage some bosses do to lower the HP requirement to boss. For example, cap the maximum range/magic damage at 10k.

    In my view, HP washing is becoming a too essential part of Royals where certain classes (Archer/Sair/NL/SHAD) would be at a severe disadvantage with respect to accessing end-game content without having done it to a sufficient extent. Hyperbody is not readily available in every party (Even for mid-late level bosses such as zakum).

    Any ranged class under 12k hp would struggle with Shao, Toad, Auf Haven, and Yakuza Boss. As a result, a lot of players resort to leeching or making archmages/bishops/hs mules to leech classes that require heavy washing to access end game content. Those who want to collect boss monster cards for medals are almost forced to wash to be eligible to boss and collect them.

    I fear that an over-reliance on APRs also creates an incentive to RWT to fund the huge investment necessary to wash to a certain hp.

    If the new PQ is Pink Bean, I worry how hard everyone would have to wash to tank its magic attack.
    TBK and MaiAh like this.
  15. TropicDk

    TropicDk Member

    Aug 17, 2020
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    I like the idea of re-balancing some of the older pq's. For me maple used to be all about enjoying the party quests but unfortunately some of the newer pq's like carnivalPQ and piratePQ are just a grind fest with zero intelligence needed to complete them. I recently joined mapleroyals and like the community. I would love to provide more feedback on Party quests, is this the right place to do it? Or is there another area in the forums to do so? I understand mapleroyals tries to keep maple as close to the real thing as possible which I like. Although some re-balancing is quite obviously needed to interest people to not just follow one "leveling up guide" for max efficiency.

    Also improving drops or rewards from LPQ and OPQ would be helpful. Making the end pq boss stronger also would be great.

    • Capping cpq exp also or limiting the amount of cpq's you can do per day would be helpful. Say to 3 or 4 entries per day similar to amoriaPQ for cpq. This would avoid the grind of many levels at one location especially for cpq.

    • Another way to increase participation in LPQ or OPQ is to change the levels you can do the PQ at, this would not only make the game more diversified at lower levels but it would also include more game content as well. This staggered PQ access could be applied to PPQ and all future Pq's so that each PQ get's a time to shine in the game.
    Say you could do CPQ at level 31-40
    LPQ 35-60
    CPQ2 51-60
    OPQ 51-80
    PPQ 81-100
    LMPQ? Not sure what level it's I haven't even seen the notification pop up that's an available party quest.

    Something like this would limit participation in only one PQ. I know this doesn't list all PQ's but you could change entry level requirements for most Pq's to make it so that every PQ has an equal access. This would also prevent a grind fest at lower levels. Buffing monsters accordingly would also make the game more interesting and challenging. We buff the exp in the server why not buff the difficulty also?

    • Making the Party Quests harder would be beneficial as it's too easy to complete them. Monster damage could be increased as well as hp, bosses also. I don't like the fact that some PQ's have no level limit as people just come in and kill all the mobs and make it a complete walk in the park. Harder mobs, bosses, better rewards and drops combined with limited exp gain would be better.
    • I don't think you should be able to gain one level from a solitary 10 minute PQ, exp needs to be capped so that when you start at say the lower level of the pq admission that it should take you at least 3 completed PQ's to gain one level. Not the one level per PQ which is the normality today.
    In short to reduce the grind fest, 1 - availability of access to fast leveling methods must be reduced this can be achieved by reducing cpq availability, daily admissions and exp gain. 2 - Make Party Quests more challenging and rewarding to drive interest in them. It should be more like doing a boss fight like zakum at lower levels. Possibly not that hard but definitely make it less of a walk through. 3 - cap exp gain from PQ's as these levels fly by too quickly. 4- add PQ's for levels 90-100, 100-110 and 110-120 as there is not much content here unless you grind or pay for leech which makes the game boring.

    For ludiPQ it could be an idea to reduce the amount of times you need to do the PQ to receive the glasses or put in some better dark scrolls in the bonus stage to encourage new players to make some mesos. Same goes for other pq's better unique items and better scroll drops for lower level players to sell or farm.

    • I would say that the only reason people do cpq is because of the fast exp gain. It could be an idea to reduce the amount of exp that the monsters give as it's far too efficient for fast leveling. Some guilds even sell cpq services because it has become such a grind per say for those lower levels. Another issue is the easy accessibility of cpq from most continents, it could be an idea to relocate spiegelman to LudiPQ area entrance map. For Cpq2 you could recolate spiegelman to OrbisPQ entrance map. This would encourage players to do other Pq's also.

    • On AmoriaPQ the 4 entries a day seems a bit much to me. Many people have multiple accounts to grind amoriaPQ. If you're a casual player wasting 40mins-1hour a day doing amoriaPQ is a bit much. It takes away from other gameplay. Some solutions could be that you can only do AmoriaPQ once per day and increase the drop rate of apples say x4. Or that you can only enter AmoriaPQ once per day per IP address to avoid people just farming with multiple accounts.

    • One thing that really bugs me about the server is all the leeching people do and have to spam smegas about all day long. In my opinion leeching should be capped somehow. The amount of people that make a priest to just get free levels or leech accounts is astounding. This fact of the matter is that leeching wrecks the game play. How would you fix it? I'm not sure entirely but I feel it doesn't add much to the game but only makes it more of a walk through.

    These are just some thoughts of mine that I thought I'd share. Happy Mapling =].
    Last edited: Sep 17, 2020
  16. Sevendollars

    Sevendollars Well-Known Member

    Dec 25, 2016
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    Level 30+ Quest Specialist
    STR +5
    DEX +5
    INT +5
    LUK +5
    Jump +10
    Avoidability +10

    Level 0+ Legendary Collector
    Watk +3
    Matk +3
    HP +500
    MP +500

    buff da Quest Specialist :3
    Shanmango, xDarkomantis and TropicDk like this.
  17. Sinner92

    Sinner92 Well-Known Member

    Apr 23, 2019
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    From tha Streetz
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    Yes, amazing development! I think HP washing has a place in this server, but the process should be done later in the game than ''pressuring'' players to skip early and mid-game because they need to add INT to wash or tell them to restart because they will never have enough hp because they didn't play the game a certain way.

    I hope this change will be welcoming to new players or players who cannot play long hours on end to sell leech, since I saw a lot of posts in r/mapleservers on Reddit on new influx of players looking for nostalgic servers with limited to no washing required. I hope to see more streamers doing HP increasing quests and challenges than watching them selling or getting leech on Twitch.

    Are any plans in the future on Guild Party Quest getting adjusted too and more ways to get chairs from non-event periods?

    Thank you GMs and staffs for your hard work! Can't wait to see the fruits of your labour!
    xDarkomantis, ilyssia and Kung like this.
  18. Averna

    Averna Donator

    May 5, 2020
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    I really think more ways to gain hp will be helpful for newcomers. Too many times have people i know quit just because of not ”starting a bishop” and finding out their current attacker is worthless. ~f18
    Bator likes this.
  19. Buffy

    Buffy Donator

    Jul 16, 2015
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    First off, the fact that guys have decided to create this sort of thread is absolutely amazing, the transparency would do nothing but good to the server (especially because it’s a private server without any money seekers behind it who run the show)
    I think the hp washing subject is more than welcomed to the server but it’s more of a how you do it rather then if.
    a move like that is switching the meta maybe ever since the server has launched in the first place and will have drastic economic consequences
    APR might become worthless
    CS / WS price drops as hell / more money invested into gear rather than washing >> players overall become stronger >> not proper endgame content for it

    also, mapleroyals is as far as I know it a game from level 135-200, if you’re switching the gear
    (and I think you should) have a proper engine for it
    Basically more incentives to 10-135 (bosses, PQs, etc)
    Last edited: Sep 22, 2020
  20. Buffy

    Buffy Donator

    Jul 16, 2015
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